In peace, I will lie down and sleep;
for you alone, O Lord, make me rest secure.

~Psalm 4:8



As I write this, it is the eve of the total solar eclipse. The last time there was an eclipse of this magnitude I was in elementary school. I remember making devices in school to be able to safely watch the event, but I don’t remember all the conversation about the eclipse being a sign of the apocalypse. Perhaps that was a function of my age, but I think there is more to it.

This time, that way of looking at things is rampant. Many folks see current events as a sure sign of the End Times. The power of the internet makes it so easy for this line of thought to be repeated and discussed. Add earthquakes and lightning strikes and political strife to the equation, and it adds up to a considerable amount of anxiety for some.

An eclipse is a natural phenomenon caused by the alignment of celestial bodies. Eclipses have been observed and understood by scientists for centuries, and they occur regularly.  I don’t believe this one is a direct sign from God with political, cultural, or social meaning. We have known about this eclipse for quite some time.  If we take the proper precautions, everything will be fine. By the time you read this, the fervor will have died down

… and the End Time likely has yet to come.

But such big events shake us in some foundational way.  Perhaps it is that we come close to the amazing power of the universe God has created. Perhaps we realize we are not in control of everything. Perhaps we sense both the finite and infinite in a different way.

Perhaps all of that is good. Perhaps this event is a time to think about what dark shadows lie over our hearts and minds and pray about how they might be removed. Perhaps we might consider how we can offer the light of the Good News of Jesus to those who dwell in darkness.

Jesus tells us not to worry about when the End will come.  Instead, he calls us to be about the Gospel NOW, through our deeds and our words.

The rest will come in God’s time.

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


The Readings for Sunday April 14, 2024

Acts 3:12-19

Psalm 4

1 John 3:1-7

Luke 24:36b-48


Thank you to all who faithfully contribute items for this most worthwhile, world-wide ministry to children providing a gift box of toys, school supplies, health care items and the opportunity to know of Christ and his free gift of salvation for all who believe.

This month we are asking for contributions especially of wash cloths.

I would like to add a personal note that some of you have already heard. I attended an event to kickoff Operation Christmas Child for a certain year.  One of the speakers had lived in an orphanage where boxes from Operation Christmas Child were received and told how she was excited to have a toothbrush among the contents of her gift box. Previously the children in her orphanage passed a toothbrush from person to person for use. Your gifts to this ministry can have a great impact on the lives of children around the world.

Thank you again for your support to this ministry.

Grace Lutheran Church Operation Christmas Child Ministry



Please join us – Sunday Fellowship Time

In Fellowship Hall

April14th – Lynda Currie and Deb Damschroder


It is the most counterintuitive aspect of Christianity

that we are declared right with God, not once we

begin to get our act together, but once we collapse

Into honest acknowledgement that we never will.

~Dave Ortlund

Truth suffers, but never dies.     

~St. Teresa of Avila

Contributed by Connie


Adult Class—Death and Dying:

For our next Adult Class topic, we will discuss death and dying. Our society   teaches us not to avoid discussing this in-depth, but it is something that we should all confront and ponder in conjunction with our faith. Our faith gives us  a powerful perspective through which to view and discuss the reality of death.

We will begin our discussions and learning with an introductory session on Wednesday, 3 April (6:00 p.m.) and Sunday, 7 April (8:15 a.m.). Both class    options will use the same materials each week. The class is anticipated to run through 15/19 May.

We will discuss the concept of death (both from a physical perspective and a Christian perspective), the grieving process, how to plan our funerals (both at the church and the funeral home), and the importance of Advance Directives (Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare and Living Wills).



By Vicar Dave

I wonder sometimes about where this world is going. I read about the various wars going on and all the accompanying human suffering and I feel for all the innocent victims caught in the middle. In particular right now, I’m distressed about the Gaza war. I remember when Hamas attacked civilians at a concert and the outrage that sparked. Israel’s reaction to it was to try to destroy Hamas. People asked why Israel hasn’t tried to negotiate with them long ago, but I’ve also read that Hamas has, as a part of their charter, a statement seeking the destruction of Israel. How do you negotiate with someone whose stated goal is your destruction? So, I thought that maybe Israel doesn’t have much of a choice if it wants to protect its citizens. But then the causalities start coming in. More than 30,000 civilians dead! Many more starving    because humanitarian aid is not able to reach them. And after the recent strike on a convoy of aid workers, many of those who were willing to help have decided to end their operations in Gaza because they can’t guarantee the safety of their volunteers.

I talk about Gaza because that’s one of the wars we hear a lot about, but there are many more, and many more atrocities that we never hear about. With all of these things happening, it can be difficult to be optimistic about the future. But that’s the message we Christians are called to spread. The good news of our salvation through Christ’s death and resurrection. We live in anticipation Jesus bringing the fullness of God’s kingdom, and with it, the peace that only He can bring.

Jesus tells us that until He comes again, we are to love each other. In a world so full of violence, that can be a difficult thing to do. Sometimes that can mean putting our lives on the line, like those aid workers in Gaza, but it’s important that we do what we can. For those of us here, maybe that means pushing our government to seek peaceful resolutions to conflicts, or perhaps donating to agencies that promote peace and try to aid those caught in the conflict. Or perhaps all we are able to do is talk about Jesus and try to express His love to those around us.

Whatever we do, it’s important that we don’t give up hope. Hope for a day when all of us will live in the light of God’s love and the peace of His kingdom. We know that day will come. When things are at their darkest, let’s try to focus on that.

Dona nobis pacem.


If you are interested in reading at either the 9:30 or 11:30 service or you are interested in presenting the children’s sermon at the 9:30 service, please let Pastor Brenda or Mary Schneider know.  We are always looking for additional people to help with these ministries.


Join us Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m.


For coffee and conversation.

Just a time to get together and enjoy each other’s company.

10:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall

Coffee provided



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24