God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.

~Psalm 46:1



Pastor’s Thoughts:

I have often heard Lutherans referred to as the “frozen chosen.” The thinking behind this seems to be that while we love the Lord and are grateful for all he has done for us, we are reluctant to show our faith in any overly demonstrative ways.

For example, in most Lutheran congregations, you will not see many (if any) raised hands during worship. When we are asked to clap along with a piece of music, we do well to raise our hands off of our laps a few inches to do so. You will not hear many (if any) “Amens” called out in the middle of the sermon or at the end of a wonderful piece of music. You may hear an appreciative and collective “Hmmmm” at the end of a musical offering or even some soft applause, however. This seems to be as demonstrative as we get!

Not that this is “bad,” you understand. We Lutherans tend to be products of our ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and this plays out in our congregations—in many ways.

Here at Grace, we may not be very vocal or physical in our praise during worship, but there are still many signs of how affected we are by what we do when we gather together to hear God’s Word and share the Meal. I have a unique view of the worship space, and I know this to be true.

I have seen some of you who are like me—you just cannot keep from moving (just a little bit, mind you!) as we sing. I have seen your wrinkled brows as you listen to a difficult piece of scripture. I have seen tears as you have been moved by what God has to say. I have seen the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit in your eyes when I say to you “The Lord be with you” and “The peace of the Lord be with you always.” I feel that presence when I see you look back at me and say so heartily, “And also with you!” I have seen smiles and heard laughter … and just a few weeks ago, as I looked out during the Words of Institution, I made eye contact with one of you, and I saw you smile at the words of Jesus. What a lovely response to such a wonderful promise!

There is no right or wrong way to respond in worship to what God has done for us. If you feel like moving during the music, move! If you feel like calling out “Amen,” go ahead! If you want to stretch out your hands as we pray, do so! Whatever you do, just come to worship … we miss you and your responses to God’s love when you are not here.

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


The Readings for Sunday October 27, 2024

Jeremiah 31:31-34

Psalm 46

Romans 3:19-28

John 8:31-36



Please join us – Sunday Fellowship Time

In Fellowship Hall

October 27 – Gretchen Hiatt and Nancy Lockard

November 3 – Deb Damschroder and Linda Currie


November 6 Prayer Services at

12 noon and 7 p.m. in the Chapel

Grace Lutheran Church will be holding prayer services on November 6, the day after election day when our country’s leadership and course for the next four years will be determined. People are anxious about the outcome of the election and how it will affect them, their loved ones, and the country that they love. The prayer service will provide the opportunity for prayers to provide   comfort, peace, and hope to those attending.  It doesn’t matter if your favored political candidate wins or loses, everyone is invited to attend to pray to The One who can ease our worries and give us hope.



We are asking for small notebooks, coloring books, pads of paper and small books to be contributed in October for the boxes we will be packing for Operation Christmas Child. Please place your donations in the collection box in the Grace Giving Room. Thanks to all of you for giving to the ministry serving children all over the world.

We look forward to your joining us for the Packing Party here at Grace Lutheran on Sunday, November 24.

Operation Christmas Child Ministry Team


Grace Prayer List

We are taking a break from publishing the Grace Prayer List.

This is a decision made by the Prayer Team and supported by Pastor Brenda.

Prayer requests may still be submitted in all ways as previously done.

The Grace Prayer Team will continue to pray over all requests during our prayer time.

And, as always, the Prayer Team encourages you to also be in prayer for the person or situation you are requesting prayer for.

If you have ANY questions please reach out to a member of the Prayer Team.

If you have a Prayer Request, you can do any of the following:

1) Fill out a Prayer Request Form and place it in the offering plate or put it in the Prayer Request box by the chapel.

2) Email your request to Graceprayer3@gmail.com

3) Contact a member of the Grace Prayer Team: Nancy Lockard, Ron Hiatt, Ann Fleck, Connie Thomas or Steve Rife. And, you may always speak with Pastor Brenda.  All prayer requests are always held in confidence.

Thank you for your understanding.


Nancy Lockard

Grace Prayer Team



by Vicar Dave

Look for the helpers. That was an expression of one of my childhood heroes. Most of you probably remember Mr. Rodgers from Mr. Rodgers’ neighborhood. What you may not be aware of was that he was an ordained minister! It seems to me that his faith certainly informed his work with his children’s show.

When things go wrong, it’s hard to know who to turn to. Some people will run away from trouble, while others run towards it, looking to help those in need. For some people, like first responders, it’s part of their job to work in dangerous situations.  Remember the stories about the firefighters who went into the World Trade Center on 911? To be able to put oneself in harm’s way like that has to be more of a passion, however. Not everyone can do it. I would even say that it’s a calling for those people.

It doesn’t take extreme bravery to be a helper. It can be as simple as saying a few kind words to someone who is hurting or taking time to visit with a sick person at a nursing home or even their own home. It can also be just serving others at a food bank. But we can all be helpers in the ways that the Holy Spirit has empowered and called us.

Jesus is our ultimate helper. He’s always there for us when things are not going well. He doesn’t always fix things, but He helps us through them. And to help us through death and sin, Jesus put himself in the harm’s way more than any of us could, especially given that He could have gotten Himself out of it at any time. But for our sake, He suffered a horrible and humiliating death because that was what was needed to save us. Thanks be to God!


On this Reformation Sunday, October 27, 2024, as we commemorate the Reformation and the teaching of Martin Luther’s concept “by scripture alone” (sola scriptura), the Christian Life Formation Ministry Team presents age appropriate Bibles to third graders Oliver Horner and Lucas Lockard as a gift from Grace Lutheran Church.

Lutheran Congregation.



Attention all Bakers!

Ruth Circle will again be hosting a Bake Sale and Craft Fair on Election Day, November 5, 2024 during Election times. We are in need of baked goods for that day and expect a very large turnout. All proceeds go toward purchasing “Christ in Our Home” magazines, donations to Leading Families Home and Lutheran Social Service as well as contributing to various needs around the church and Youth    programs. Baked goods can be brought in to church on Sunday November 3 and Monday November 4 and dropped off in Brenner Hall kitchen marked for “Bake Sale”. We will also accept items brought the day of the sale. As always, we cannot say “Thank you” enough for all of your help in the past.

Blessings to all,

Ruch Circle


Christmas Gifts for Lucas County Children’s Services:

We will once again be collecting gifts for the children served by Lucas County Children’s Services this Christmas. Please see the list of suggested items in this newsletter. (There will also be copies in the back of the nave.)

We will collect items through Sunday, 24 November, so that they can be picked up and distributed the week of 1 December. Items can be placed in the back of the nave.

Thank you!


The beauty of fall.



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24