whoever welcomes me

                                    welcomes not me but the one who sent me

                                                                              ~Mark 9:37b


Pastor was on vacation this week.

Check back next week for Pastor’s Thoughts!


Grace Member’s Stewardship Response 

The Lord’s Challenge          $4,231 (Congregation’s approved Weekly Offerings Budget)

Our Response                 $3,777 (Average weekly offerings year to Date)

Through August, Grace’s weekly offerings are $454 less than what is needed to support Grace’s Ministry and Mission. Year to date we have a shortfall of $18,828 in giving in comparison to our anticipated plan for member support of ministry and mission.

At the end of last year Grace erased a sizable deficit through the overwhelming support of our members.  While our current financial situation is actually worse than last year it can be rectified if each of us simply contributes the same total amount you contributed last year! 

As we move into the last 1/3 of 2024, PLEASE respond to the call of God’s Grace with generosity and faith.  

David Charvat Treasurer  


The Readings for Sunday September 22, 2024

Jeremiah 11:18-20

Psalm 54

James 3:13—4:3, 7-8a

Mark 9:30-37


Please join us – Sunday Fellowship Time

In Fellowship Hall

September 22 – Beth, Barb and David Charvat

September 29 – Mary Schneider and Carol Corbiere



by Vicar Dave

We are taught from an early age to distrust the stranger, and with good reason. Fear of the unknown is a habit we’ve learned across the generations. It’s something that we’ve developed to keep us safe. My kids were taught the phrase “stranger danger” when they were in school. We often tell our children not to talk to strangers. But the Bible tells us something different about how we’re to treat the stranger.

When three travelers approached Abram’s encampment, he invited them to stay with him, rest a while, and even have a meal. The Samaritan who encountered an injured Jew on the road, didn’t know who he was, but he took care of him and made sure his needs were met. There were twelve people who encountered a stranger who invited them to walk with Him and learn from Him. They trusted the stranger and went on to be the Apostles.

Irish poet William Butler Yeats  is known for saying that “There are no strangers here, only friends you haven’t met yet”. What a world we’d live in if we all took that to heart. I know we live in a world where we have to be careful, but can’t we treat those we don’t know as friends rather than assuming that they’re planning on hurting us?

The other day, a man came into our church on Sunday whom I hadn’t seen before. He looked a little confused, like maybe he was lost. I was so glad to see one of our congregants go right up to him and welcome him. I think he used the bathroom and then left, but he may have stayed for the service as well.

We don’t have to bring people we don’t know into our homes. In today’s world, that isn’t safe or practical. But when it’s safe to do so, we should treat the people we encounter with respect and kindness. Who knows, we may be making a new friend.


Our youth were out helping again.

Clearing space for someone who runs a dog rescue.

Thank you!


Grace—A Welcome Place?

Bob Haaf

      September 15, Fellowship Hall between services. Friends sitting with friends, enjoying fellowship. There are only two people sitting at one table—Kevin and  Pastor Olsen (visiting pastor in the absence of Pastor Brenda). Perhaps Pastor   Olsen chose that table so that its one occupant would not sit alone.

But why did no one sit with them?



Who loves to solve mysteries and soak in bubble baths?    Sherlock Foams.

Mike: What do you do for a living?

Harve: I get fired every day.

Mike: And how can you earn a living by getting fired every day?

Harve: I’m the star of the circus. I am the guy they

Call the Human Cannonball.

Brit and his family were about to take off on an airplane. You need to buckle your seatbelt now, his dad said. But I’m Superman, Brit complained. I don’t need to wear a

Seatbelt. If you really were Superman, you wouldn’t need an airplane either.

Did you hear about Vincent van Gogh’s cousin who started the stagecoach

Line? No. What was his name? Wells Far Gogh.

Did you hear about Vincent van Gogh’s other cousin who was a famous lady magician? No. What was her name?  Where Didshe Gogh.

What kind of shoes do frogs wear? Open-toad slippers.

What’s the best way to clear frogs from your car windows?  With the defrogger.

And remember: Fully Rely On God




This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24