Praise the Lord, O my soul!
~Psalm 146:1
Pastor’s Thoughts:
By the time you read this, Election Day will be over.
Now begins the task of living together and finding ways forward with the choices our community and country have made.
Now is the time for us to remember who we are; we are the Church, the Body of Christ in the world. We are the children of God, called to love our God and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Some of our neighbors voted as we did. Some did not. But all of us are loved and redeemed by God. God’s desire for all is to live our lives reflecting the grace and love which have been so freely given to us.
For us, that means working toward justice. It means working to help that others have enough: enough food, adequate shelter, access to medical care and mental health services. It means respecting the dignity of others, even when we don’t agree with them.
God’s kingdom is among us right here and now. We are trusted with the work of this kingdom. May we go forward with courage, knowing we are not alone and need never be afraid.
In Christ,
Pastor Brenda
The Readings for Sunday November 10, 2024
1 Kings 17:8-16
Psalm 146
Hebrews 9:24-28
Mark 12:38-44
Please join us November 10 for
Sunday Fellowship Time between services
In Fellowship Hall
November 17 – Cindy Wood and Sherry Hammond
Looking for volunteers to assist in the 9:30 a.m. services
Grace’s 9:30 a.m. services allows members to assist in the service in various roles. These opportunities include worship assistant (the role taken on by Bob Haaf and David O’Brien at this time), ushers, reader of scripture and prayers, and presenter of the Children’s Moment. If you would wish to take on any of these opportunities on a rotating basis, please contact Pastor Brenda or Mary Schneider.
We are asking for small notebooks, coloring books, pads of paper and small books to be contributed in October for the boxes we will be packing for Operation Christmas Child. Please place your donations in the collection box in the Grace Giving Room. Thanks to all of you for giving to the ministry serving children all over the world.
We look forward to your joining us for the Packing Party here at Grace Lutheran on Sunday, November 24.
Grace Prayer List
We are taking a break from publishing the Grace Prayer List.
This is a decision made by the Prayer Team and supported by Pastor Brenda.
Prayer requests may still be submitted in all ways as previously done.
The Grace Prayer Team will continue to pray over all requests during our prayer time.
And, as always, the Prayer Team encourages you to also be in prayer for the person or situation you are requesting prayer for.
If you have ANY questions please reach out to a member of the Prayer Team.
If you have a Prayer Request, you can do any of the following:
1) Fill out a Prayer Request Form and place it in the offering plate or put it in the Prayer Request box by the chapel.
2) Email your request to Graceprayer3@gmail.com
3) Contact a member of the Grace Prayer Team: Nancy Lockard, Ron Hiatt, Ann Fleck, Connie Thomas or Steve Rife. And, you may always speak with Pastor Brenda. All prayer requests are always held in confidence.
Thank you for your understanding.
Nancy Lockard
Grace Prayer Team
Tolerate Others? No, Don’t Do That!
Bob Haaf
Suppose I were a pointy-headed pseudo-liberal retired professor as well as a Christian.* If I meet a hard-headed ultraconservative Republican, should I—as a Christian—tolerate the presence of such a person? If I meet a vicious racist bigot, should I—as a Christian—tolerate the presence of such a person? Tolerate those who are different from myself? Absolutely not!
For the Christian “To tolerate or not to tolerate?” is the wrong question The real question is “To tolerate or to love?” ** One definition of tolerate is “to put up with.” Should a Christian operate with a mind-set of putting up with others or a mind-set of loving them. Jesus said “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another (Matthew 13:34).” The author of Romans adds that genuine love is not just being nice to people (Romans 12:9-21). When we show love toward someone, we are moving them toward God’s goodness. To love someone is not simply to cater to specific likes and dislikes of that person. It is, rather, to act toward them in ways that help them experience more of God’s goodness. Oh, would that our governmental leaders might live that kind of love.
* I hope the two are not incompatible.
** Source—Israel Kamudzandu , Working Preacher, Luther Seminary.
November 3
was All Saints
Sunday when
we remembered those
who died since last
All Saints Sunday.
by Vicar Dave
Life can be overwhelming sometimes. The “to do” list keeps getting longer, people need more and more of our time, simple chores don’t seem to go right, and sometimes, just driving into work can be a chore. When things get like that, we have choices as to how we react. If the drive into work is hard, we can grouse at ourselves and say, “this is going to be a bad day”. Or, we can say “Wow, I made it through some heavy traffic without getting into an accident. I must be doing something right!”.
Sometimes our chores can seem insurmountable, and we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Again, we have choices. We can bury our head in our hands and just give in to the sense of defeat. Or we can find ways to manage the job, maybe breaking it up into smaller chunks or something else that can give us a feeling of accomplishment along the way.
The other thing we can always do is to turn our struggles over to Jesus and ask Him to walk with us and to help us get through them. Jesus will always be there for us, even in our darkest times and in the darkest places we can imagine. He will always send the Holy Spirit with His love to light our way as we journey through life.
Behind the scenes at Grace…..by Gretchen
- Halloween came and went, and we saw no bats, snakes or other creepy things but maybe a few spiders.
- Have you checked out how great the courtyard looks!! Thanks to Tony Lockard!!
- If you would like to use the big TV (alias Monster) we now have instructions with step by step pictures on how to use it.
- Do you make it a regular routine to check out the Community Boards? Information posted on the board is not only for the community outside Grace but also for things going on within Grace. You may also add things. At times there is a member of Grace who may need assistance, or you may be able to offer assistance with a project so is another reason to check as you may have that special talent!
- Lost and Found! If you have lost or misplaced an item there is a good chance it will end up in the box located in the coatroom across from the office. Check it out. On Sunday November 10th all of the lost and found items will be in Fellowship. What is not picked up will be donated.
- Don’t forget Personal Needs and the Blessing Box/Food Drop-off when shopping. The need is always there, and the items are so appreciated! There are containers for items in the Graceful Giving Room across from Room 3.
- Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of grace carrying out God’s Mission!
Healthy People! Healthy Parish!
There is still time!!!
Yep, still time to eat leftover Halloween candy before it spoils, grab some special deals on Halloween candy in the stores, rake leaves (ugh?), and wash windows (another ugh?) before the …………
Tuesday November 12 from 12-6! We still have some open appointment times that are just waiting to be filled up.
The Red Cross is offering a $10 gift card and entry into a drawing where 2 people will get a $7,000 gift card to those who donate from November 1-17 so that includes this drive.
You may sign up for an appointment on the Red Cross web site or call /email Gretchen Hiatt 419.944.5166, gretchensue1205@gmail.com
Don’t forget the “Birthday Cards” and “In Honor Of” cards located outside the church office. You can ask friends, family, neighbors, co-workers to donate for your birthday or in honor of you! They can bring the card the day of the donation and we will let you know that they gave for you!
We are hearing a lot about “kindness “ this year – it really is a big thing and something God would like us to be to all. November 13 is World Kindness Day! Just think if the whole entire world would celebrate being kind??? What would it look like?
“We do not remember days, we remember moments “(Cesare Pavese) Apply this to kindness???
How do we benefit from kindness!
The brain releases chemicals called oxytocin and dopamine.
They help:
– As they are released when we are happy, and we become happy when being kind
– Boost kindness and generosity.
– Reduce blood pressure and help prevent cardiovascular disease.
– They help to inhibit inflammation and can promote wound healing.
– Help reduce immune diseases caused by stress.
– Can help us “feel good state” or called “helper’s high” – just think how great this is.
– Kindness strengthens immune system
How can you be kind? Try to do something kind every day!
No act of kindness, however small is ever wasted (Aesop)
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless
( Marlene Dietrich)
Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love,
a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.
( Mother Teresa)
Diabetes -Round 2
Prediabetes happens when the body is having trouble metabolizing or using (sugar) glucose, so the blood sugar levels are high. The hormone insulin is released from the pancreas when blood sugars go up and insulin is the key to letting the blood sugar into the body’s cells for use as energy. If there is not enough insulin or the body cannot use it correctly the blood sugars stay elevated. If not treated it can lead to Type 2 diabetes and can increase the risk of heart disease, eye problems, and kidney disease.
Per the CDC (Center for Disease Control ) there are about 96 million or 1 in 3 people that have prediabetes. The American Diabetic Association says normal blood sugar ranges between 70-99mg. -blood sugars ranging from 100-125 can be considered prediabetes.
People can have prediabetes without knowing it for years. Many people don’t have any symptoms until they develop significant health problems and the first may be related to changes in vision called diabetic related retinopathy.
This is why regular eye exams and basic blood work are so important for everyone!
Some risk factors for developing prediabetes are:
- Genetics – family history of having Type 2 diabetes
- Overweight – a BMI of 25 or greater
- Being inactive and not doing any kind of exercise less than 3 X a week
- Over the age of 45
- Smoking
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Gestational diabetes – having diabetes when pregnant
- Chronic stress
- Lack of sleep
So, what can you do to prevent it?
- Make sure you have regular checkups with your medical provider and have lab work for checking blood sugars
- Lose weight – yep, its hard but set small goals
- Eat less processed, loaded carb and saturated fat foods – fresh fruit and veggies ,substitute baked vs fried foods. Your splurge this month was the scrumptious Youth Mac and Cheese Dinners!
- Stop Smoking – can lessen the effects of insulin
- If you are not sleeping well talk with your medical provider – is it stress or do you have a breathing problem
- Get active and move – walk (good for bones), ride a bike, come to the first and third Saturday exercise class at Grace, swim, go check out the rest of the leaves. Chronic stress – it seems to be worse lately… Turn off all the techy stuff for even 15 minutes and take deep breaths and focus on a place you have enjoyed -the beach, sitting on the back porch and listening to the squirrels crack the acorns, reading a good book – novel not educational or even a kids book -who does not enjoy a grinch book.
Education I what you get when you read the fine print.
Experience is what you get when you don’t.
(Joe Santoro)
This is the day the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
~Psalm 118:24
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