Protect me, O God, for I take refuge in you;
I have said to the Lord,
“You are my Lord, my good above all other.”
~Psalm 16:1
Pastor’s Thoughts:
The past week has been tumultuous, as we have come to the end of the 2024 election. Some folks are anxious. Some are excited. Some are angry. Some are happy. Some are fearful. Some are glad. The mood in the United States isn’t really any less stressful than it was before. But still things have changed.
Some feel less able to say what is on their minds and hearts. Others feel more free to do so. Some have taken the freedom to speak to new and frightening levels. I think of the emails and texts members of the black community received in these days, telling them they have been “selected to be cotton pickers” or “selected to be federal slaves.” Young women have been faced with young men telling them “your body .. my choice.”
No matter where we fall on the political spectrum, these things are wrong. They are not of God. They are not the way of the people who claim Jesus as Lord and Savior. These things are the work of evil among us, which is present any time an individual seeks to inflict harm on members of a vulnerable community.
It seems to me that there has been a mass amnesia about who the people of God are called to be, and what the foundations of our life together are. If we have any question about what these are, we have only to look to Jesus himself. In the scripture, Jesus tells us, “ You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37) If we still have questions about what this looks like, Jesus makes it very clear in Matthew 25, where he relates that judgment will come for those who do not care for the vulnerable.
Jesus makes no mention of his followers speaking hatred in his name at those who differ from them. Rather, he makes clear that those who speak up for justice, for mercy, and for peace are those who will be called the children of God (Matthew 5: 1-12).
We have a choice before us. Do we want to reflect the Gospel of Jesus in the world .. or do we want to inflict harm? Do we want to love our neighbors as ourselves or do we want to presume we can sit in judgment? Do we want to follow Jesus … or is some other way more attractive?
We will walk this path together. Let’s remember who we are and whose we are as we do.
In Christ,
Pastor Brenda
The Readings for Sunday November 17, 2024
Daniel 12:1-3
Psalm 16
Hebrews 10:11-25
Mark 13:1-8
Please join us for
Sunday Fellowship Time between services
In Fellowship Hall
November 17 – Cindy Wood and Sherry Hammond
Looking for volunteers to assist in the 9:30 a.m. services
Grace’s 9:30 a.m. services allows members to assist in the service in various roles. These opportunities include worship assistant (the role taken on by Bob Haaf and David O’Brien at this time), ushers, reader of scripture and prayers, and presenter of the Children’s Moment. If you would wish to take on any of these opportunities on a rotating basis, please contact Pastor Brenda or Mary Schneider.
A BIG THANK YOU from the ladies of Ruth Circle and all our Election Day Bake Sale customers to those bakers who generously contributed to the 2024 Bake Sale. It was a sweet, big success and the funds that were brought in will allow Ruth Circle to donate to various causes and needs as appropriate. You are appreciated!
Ladies of Ruth Circle
You are invited to join us on November 24, following service for the Operation Christmas Child Packing Party. We will be packing boxes with those items we have collected throughout the year. These boxes are then sent to children all over the world to share the love that Christ has for eachof them. We usually pack 150 boxes.
Pizza, salad, and beverages will be available for packers.
Operation Christmas Child Ministry Team
by Vicar Dave
Have you ever seen a glorious sunset after a rainy day? Watching one the other day, I was reminded of a poem by Katharine Tynan-Hickson titled Winter Evening. “But the rain is gone by, and the day’s dying out in a splendor; There is flight as of many gold wings in the heart of the sky: God’s birds, it may be, who return from their ministry tender, Flying home from the earth, like the earth-birds when darkness is nigh.”
Throughout our lives, there are storms, but literal and metaphorical. We can’t always see the light for the darkness of the clouds, but it’s still there. God’s love will always shine in our lives. And when things seem darkest, that’s when we should look to God for the blessings He sends us through the Holy Spirit. May we also be that blessing to others in time of dread, so that at the end of our time on this earth, we might shine like God’s birds, returning to Him from our tender ministry.
A cornucopia will be placed in the back of the nave for any food collected during the month of November. Grace has three programs where donated food is distributed.
Food for Toledo collects food for the Aldersgate United Methodist Church’s Food Pantry. Food is distributed to clients two times a month. Food given to clients are the staples: pasta and pasta sauce, cereal, soup, canned vegetables and fruit, peanut butter and jelly, and canned meat. Grace is the only church that partners with Aldersgate on this ministry.
Grace’s Blessing Box stocks food, snacks and water for people to take. Many people walk by Grace and stop at the box for a snack or drink on their journey. Some people drive up in cars to take some items. Food stocked in the box include packaged peanut butter and crackers, small bags of snacks (such as Goldfish, cookies, etc.), granola bars, small fruit cups, water, and beef sticks, and canned pasta that does not need a can opener. Of course the weather dictates what is put out and when.
Besides burritos being handed out during Burrito Blessings, we also offer a limited selection of food. These food items include pasta and sauce, peanut butter and jelly, canned fruit, canned pasta, canned meat, canned soup, and ramen. Pet food is also offered to people when it is available.
Any donations can be placed at the back of the nave in November or in the Giving Room (across from Room 3) the remainder of the year.
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Grace will be hosting a Thanksgiving Eve Service for our neighboring churches, Memorial Lutheran Church and Aldersgate United Methodist Church at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27. Please consider attending the service and starting your Thanksgiving with a service of thanksgiving.
After the service a Fellowship Hour will be held. If you would be able to donate a dessert for the Fellowship Hour, please contact Mary Schneider.
Behind the scenes at Grace … Gretchen
- Work continues on cleaning up the courtyard – what a difference! Thanks Tony Lockard!
- Lost and Found! We had everything out this last weekend for people to check. If you lose something or find something that no one is claiming, please put it in the box in the coatroom across from the office.
- Sue Wagner did an awesome “Children’s Moment” looking at what we should be thankful for in relation to donuts! “Don’t look inside the donut hole but look at the outside and be thankful for what you see and have” Thanks Sue!!!!
- Have you noticed that we have no “balloon bags” lying around or trash stuck on our side of the fence? Thanks to Mike for picking, it all up!
- Check out the history information of Grace in the hallway next to the Chapel and the hallway next to the Sanctuary!
- DO you have any objects related to the history of Grace that you would be willing to loan for a history display for the Anniversary Celebration? It is a ways off (September 7, 2025) but will come quickly. Please let Gretchen Hiatt know if you have some historical items for the display.
- Remember “Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s Mission!”
Healthy People! Healthy Parish!
Snow! Snow! Snow!
Yep, it really is coming sometime! Wouldn’t it be great to start the Snow Season and the New Year with a bang?
Any ideas! Ones that do not cost anything, are not calorie loaded, do not involve a whole lot of exercise (although this is a great New Year’s resolution) and involve lying down for maybe a half hour!
What would benefit at least 3 people?
It is the Grace Winter Blood Drive! Yes, we are getting people psyched to give blood and make appointments now! It is Thursday January 9 from 12-6.
The schedule is open on the Red Cross Website and Gretchen can help with scheduling.
Diabetes 2!
To be accurate it is not Diabetes 2 but Type 2 Diabetes!
Often Prediabetes can become Type 2 Diabetes if steps are not taken to reduce blood sugar.
You may also hear Type 2 Diabetes as being referred to as Adult -Onset Diabetes or disease of lifestyle.
The body is making some insulin but is not using it well. It may or may not require insulin injections to keep control of blood sugars. A medication in pill form may be prescribed to lower blood sugars – it is important to take as prescribed.
Risk factors for Type 2 obesity, sedentary lifestyle and a family history of the disease.
Research shows that over 90% of people with Type 2 Diabetes are obese.
Lifestyle changes can help tremendously with Type 2 Diabetes.
**** Start moving – exercise – walk, ride a bike, do an exercise class where you get your pulse up. A minimum of 3 x week is important.
**** Lose weight – eat healthy – fresh fruit and veggies, fish – drop the high carb foods and processed foods. Many resources support a Mediterranean based type of diet which is the fresh fruit and veggies and fish. Portion control is as important too.
The “feasting season” is also this month and next and it is so hard not to indulge! Before you “feast” try to think about what you are “feasting on” – is it truly your favorite or are you eating the loaded sweet potatoes to make someone happy or do you absolutely love Chex mix and want to eat the whole bowl? So here is the scoop on eating to help manage prediabetes which can be the precursor to Type 2.
- Use smaller plates – dinner plates are now huge and that includes paper plates. Use smaller plates including the smaller size paper. One trip only through the line with the smaller plates!
- Fill a quarter of your plate with lean poultry, fish or beans. Yes, the skin tastes so good but is not good for us so only take a little of it.
- Fill a quarter with whole grain such as brown rice or whole wheat pasta – try to avoid processed carbohydrates like regular noodles, or starchy vegetables – limit the mashed to a small scoop.
- Fill half with fruits and veggies – ok, noodles with cream of mushroom soup may be a tradition but decrease the amount (the crunchy onions on top are so good but oh so bad so no scraping more off the top for you!). Think vegetables with no toppings.
- No foods are really off limits but the word “moderation” is key. One smaller piece of pie with only one smaller scoop of ice cream …. One ok 2 cookies but no fudge.
Most of all don’t go hungry as then we stuff ourselves!!
Feast Trivia!
How many calories in typical Thanksgiving meal (this is for a single person eating) – 3000!!! Yikes!
More reason to take that after meal walk!
What are the 3 most disliked Thanksgiving Foods? Cranberry sauce, turkey, and believe it or not that green bean casserole with the mushroom soup!
What household hazard triples on Thanksgiving Day!! More than 3 x normal kitchen fires per the National Fire Protection Association. If you leave the kitchen briefly take the potholder with you as it will hopefully remind you that you have some stuff cooking! If you did not change your smoke alarm batteries on November 3 make sure you do now.
6 December Art Event at the Toledo Museum of Art
Pastor Brenda will once again join with Pastor Chris Hanley from Glenwood Lutheran to offer another “art and faith” event on Friday, 6 December at 6:30 p.m. at the Toledo Museum of Art.
Join the group as we consider together pieces of art which reflect the Annunciation to Mary, the Nativity of Jesus, and other Advent/Christmas/Epiphany themes. We will consider the colors and figures in the pieces, what feelings the works may evoke in us, and what the pieces may be calling us to be about as the people of God.
Parking for members is available for free in the museum lot. Others may wish to park at Glenwood Lutheran and walk to the museum. We will gather in the lobby by the museum café, and then make our way upstairs into the museum after some introductory remarks.
Christmas Gifts for Lucas County Children’s Services:
We will once again be collecting gifts for the children served by Lucas County Children’s Services this Christmas. Please see the list of suggested items in this newsletter. (There will also be copies in the back of the nave.)
We will collect items through Sunday, 24 November, so that they can be picked up and distributed the week of 1 December. Items can be placed in the back of the nave.
Thank you!
Grace Member’s Stewardship Response
The Lord’s Challenge $4,231 (Congregation’s approved Weekly Offerings Budget)
Our Response $3,922 (Average weekly offerings year to Date)
Through October, Grace’s weekly offerings in total are $22,533 under what is needed to support Grace’s Ministry and Mission.
The congregation set a goal of collecting total offerings of $220,000 for the 2024. To date we have collected $160,800. Thus during the last 2 months of the year we have to collect $59,200 in total offerings just to cover our normal expenses. (That means we need to receive the equivalent of 4 month’s offerings during November and December.)
On Sunday November 10, Pastor Brenda spoke elegantly about the story of the Widow’s “might.” As you may know the story, Jesus watched as many wealthy individuals made a show of making large contributions to God without sacrificing any of their worldly comforts. Whereas the mighty widow who in comparison to the others gave a small pittance, had in fact committed all she had to the Lord.
As we close out the year what has been a small shortfall each week has grown into a sizable difference between what we have received and we spend in paying our bills. There is a simple solution, yet it may require most of us to move from contributing from a position of comfort to making a financial commitment to Grace that is less comfortable. The question and the ask “Do I have the generosity in my heart, to double the amount of my weekly/monthly offerings through the end of the year?” If each of us double their weekly offering amount for the next few weeks of the year, Grace will be able to continue to be God’s Grace and bless the world.
David Charvat Treasurer
This is the day the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
~Psalm 118:24
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