Be strong in the Lord

                                    and in the strength of his power. 


                                                                                    ~Ephesians 6:10



Pastor’s Thoughts:

      As election season heats up, it occurs to me that I cannot recall a time in my life as a registered voter when religion has been so front and center. “Conservatives” and “liberals” alike seem eager to jump into the fray and offer their thoughts on what being faithful means in the context of voting and leadership. Typically, these conversations and opinions seem to focus on social issues such as immigration, sexuality, healthcare, poverty, as well as the role of the Church in the world.

Our denomination, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (the ELCA), has received some coverage lately, as one of the vice presidential candidates is a member of one of our congregations in Minnesota. Fact and fiction have intertwined as our denomination’s roots and policies have been discussed (We do have many conversations in this Church about social issues. We are not a “super liberal” offshoot of the  Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.).

While I find the soundbites humorous at best and aggravating at worst, the conversations have some value for us as ELCA Lutherans. Too often, we shy away from difficult conversations because we are either uncertain about what the scripture and our tradition say or because we fear offending those around us. We also sometimes just don’t know how to have honest, tough conversations—even as people of faith. So how might we engage well and lovingly with each other in these tumultuous times? We don’t have to agree about everything, but I do think we need to create space to listen to one another… and perhaps to learn about each other and ourselves in the process.

Politics (the word comes from the Greek word polis, which means “city”) at its heart concerns the things that should matter to citizens. Jesus himself discussed many such issues (caring for those in need, etc.), and so should we. What we must be careful not to do is become so deeply entrenched in partisanship that we cannot listen to our   siblings in Christ as we discuss such matters.

Please consider joining me for the Sunday or Wednesday Adult Classes, where we will utilize the ELCA’s social statement, Civic Life and Faith to have conversations with one another about what it means to be faithful and discerning in the world we live in. Copies will be available in the back of the nave on 25 August if you would like to read in advance. The classes will begin on Sunday, 8 September at 8:15 a.m. and Wednesday, 11 September at 6:00 p.m. Each week, these two options for the class will study the same materials so that if you miss Sunday, you can join on Wednesday.

Let’s find ways to be loving and concerned Lutheran Americans together … so that we can be voices for such discernment in our world.

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


Fall Adult Class:

As we journey together as Christians and Americans toward the 5 November elections, let’s take this opportunity to talk about how we can best engage with each  other and the community around tough issues.

The Adult Class will begin a six-week study on the ELCA’s Civic Life and Faith   document on 8 September (Sunday) and 11 September (Wednesday). Each week, these two options for the class will study the same materials so that if you miss  Sunday, you can join on Wednesday.


8/11 September: Session 1

15/18: NO CLASS—Pastor on vacation

22/25 September: Session 2

29 Sept/2 Oct: Session3

6/9 October: Session 4

13/16 October: Session 5

20/23 October: Session 6

The Sunday class meets at 8:15 a.m., and the Wednesday class meets at 6:00 p.m. Both sessions meet in Room 3.

The Civic Life and Faith document will be available on 25 August so that you can read Session 1 in advance.


RALLY DAY…moving our way

…soon to be here at Grace Lutheran, Monroe Street, Toledo 

on September 8 for the kick – off of Sunday School

year 2024 – 2025. 

See you there!!


Operation Christmas Child shoebox Item for August Donation 

 During the month of August, we ask that you make donations of scissors and/or markers to be included in the shoeboxes sent with God’s love to children all over the world from Grace Lutheran Church. Place these items in the collection box in the Grace   Giving Room.

Thank all of you for your generosity to this ministry effort.

Operation Christmas Child Ministry 


T-Shirt Sunday, September 1

On Sunday, September 1, members are encouraged to wear their favorite t-shirts to the 9:30 a.m. service. T-shirts that people wear tell others something about them; their favorite team, a motto that they live by, an animal that they love, a hobby, or a favorite location to name a few. 

Think about this. What would Jesus’ t-shirt say?  Ideas can be given to Pastor Brenda, Mary Schneider, or the church office by August 29. Your ideas will be  displayed at the  service on September 1. 


Please join us – Sunday Fellowship Time

In Fellowship Hall

August 25th. Gretchen Hiatt and Nancy Lockard


The Building as Bread

Bob Haaf



Jesus described himself in many ways. One description was, “I am the Bread of Life.” If Jesus is the Bread of Life, is it not our responsibility to share the Bread with others—both neighbor (Matthew 22) and enemy alike (Matthew 5)?

One of the many ways Grace shares the Bread of Life is through its physical structure—through its building. So, think of the building as Bread.

Children’s Rights Collaborative Grace opens its building for use by the Children’s Rights Collaborative of Northwest Ohio. CRC provides safe, supervised visitation between children and their non-custodial parent, fostering healthy relationships with both of their parents after divorce. The Bread of Life.

Alcoholics Anonymous Grace opens its building for meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous. AA is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problems—built on the simple foundation of one alcoholic sharing with another. A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety. The Bread of Life.

Safe Haven Grace opens its building for monthly meetings of Safe Haven. Safe Haven is a peer-led support group—focused on helping people convicted of sexual offenses find the hope and help they need. Monthly meetings connect registered citizens, their family, and friends with people and resources they can use to help build a successful Life. The Bread of Life.

Through your financial support Grace shares the Bread of Life with others.


The Readings for Sunday August 25, 2024

Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18

Psalm 34:15-22

Ephesians 6:10-20

John 6:56-69



by Vicar Dave

Lighthouses are really great! If you’ve ever been to see one along Lake Erie, I’m sure you’ll agree. These tall structures decorate the shores of not just the Great Lakes, but of most other large bodies of water. They are usually kept very clean and freshly painted in various colors, but most often, white, or black, or red, or some combination of them. To a sailor coming into port, they are a welcome sight as part of their function is to guide the boats into the harbor.

Not so long ago, they had a lighthouse keeper, whose job it was to maintain the lighthouse and keep the beacon on at night so it could guide the sailors to safety. The keepers live at the lighthouse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It could be a very lonely job but it was essential for the maritime traffic. Now adays, the beautiful sentinels are largely run by a centralized computer, with maintenance crews making occasional visits. But the lighthouse remains and essential part of maritime navigation as a guiding light for those at sea.

As Christians, we have a guiding light in Jesus Christ. He is there for us in good times and bad, fair and foul weather, showing us the way to the safe harbor of God’s kingdom. Like the lighthouse, He warns us of dangerous rocks and shoals. Jesus illumines our ways, whether at sea or on dry land, in order to keep us from danger. Along with being the bread of life, Jesus tells us that He is the light of the world. (John 8:12) He promises that all who follow Him will not walk in darkness. Our world is filled with darkness and sin. The light that is Jesus cuts right through all of that and guides us to Him.

Unlike a lighthouse, Jesus doesn’t need a keeper or any maintenance crews to keep his light shinning for all to see. However, we can help others to find His light so that they can also be guided to a safe harbor. We can do this by practicing what Jesus told us to do before He ascended into heaven. He told us to love each other. In this way, we can be a pale reflection of Jesus’ light to help to point others towards Him.


Church Council Highlights: Meeting Tuesday August 13, 2024

  1. 125th Anniversary Planning update given by Pastor. Monthly Temple Talks on the history of Grace will begin 9/8/24. Anniversary will be celebrated on 9/7/25.
  2. Committee reports were reviewed highlighting Neighbor to Neighbor program – this is a program aimed at neighborhoods promoting kindness. A link has been posted on Grace Facebook page on how to obtain yard sign to support.
  3. Work being done on development of technology ministry to oversee cameras, Facebook, etc.
  4. Fall Blood Drive will be Tuesday November 12 from 12-6pm .
  5. Blessing of the Back Packs will be Sunday 8/18 .

Church Council meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month starting at 6:30 pm. Meetings are open for members to attend.

Copies on minutes and attachments are kept in a notebook in the library .


Neighbor to Neighbor

Love   Learn   Serve

a 2024 election year peace initiative

Have you heard about this initiative yet?  Maybe you have seen these signs…..


The Neighbor to Neighbor initiative is all about Love. Love your neighbor as yourself, even those who are different than you…. even those who vote differently than you!

This initiative was started by St. Michael’s in the Hills Episcopal Church and offers a series of four community events leading up to and beyond this year’s presidential election.

It is all about building relationships, lowering the temperature, and being good neighbors.

For more info, please follow this link:

Here is the first big event:

Neighbor to Neighbor party

Sunday, August 25  4pm – 7pm

Glass City Metropark, Downtown Toledo

Let’s get to know each other and have some fun!

A community party at beautiful Glass City Metropark kicks off our Neighbor to Neighbor events. 56DAZE, a party band playing songs from every decade, sets the mood music for celebration and dancing. You can learn more about them at Food trucks, and family-friendly activities in the Metropark combine to promote, well…. neighborly-ness!

Pick up a “❤”your neighbor” yard sign or bumper sticker while you’re at the park and spread the good word!

Instructions:Hey Neighbors!! We are excited to host you for a free concert at the Glass City     Metroparks Pavilion!! Here are some suggestions to get the most out of the event:

  • Please bring your own chairs, blankets and water bottles.
  • There will be food trucks available for you to purchase food, or bring a picnic!
  • There will be kids activities sponsored by Amazing Athletes and the Toledo Museum of Art!
  • Porta potties will be available, including ones that are handicapped accessible
  • In case of rain, we will be inside the Glass City Pavilion building.
  • Please remember there is no alcohol at the park.


Ready, Set, Go !!!!!!!

Yes, we are in a race! Not to see how many snacks we can eat on Sunday, or how far we can park out in the parking lot and walk in (although this would be good steps) or how many burritos we can build for Burrito Blessing 419 on the 31st (although this is also a good thing) but to fill all 35 spots at the Fall Blood Drive at Grace!! Tuesday November 12th from 12-6 pm.

We can do it! Recruit your family and friends if you are unable to donate. Our date is open on the Red Cross web site to sign up or contact Gretchen Hiatt 419-944-5166 to schedule.

Just think if we can have 35 people donate Grace can help as many as 105 people! THAT is huge!

The Birthday and Honoring Someone cards are on the table across from the office. These are great if you are unable to donate!



Healthy People! Healthy Parish!

Safety First!



Are you windows up and doors locked when you park your car?

Are you sure that there are no little people or pets in the car before you lock it up?

Lock your car even if it is parked in the garage!

Do you make sure that there are no valuables left in your car or that you have placed them in the trunk or a place where they are not visible?

Don’t forget to take the change out of the beverage holders as this can be attractive to people.

Go to the mailbox rather than leaving mail in your car. It might be Aunt Maggie’s  Birthday card, but it might look like a check!

Have your keys ready to get into the car and be able to open the car door easily. Try to avoid having your arms full of bags so that it is difficult to get to keys and to open door. Use a grocery cart if at the store! Put a purse first in the car before your groceries or bags.

Do you lock the car when getting into the car?

Before you get out of the car check your surroundings –  if it does not feel right call family/friends /neighbors to watch you get out and into your house. If you feel threatened call the police – 911 or if you are being followed.

Be safe this fall!


Bend and  Stretch Reach for the stars!!!!

So how is your bending?? And your stretching? Do you think a little exercise might help?

There is research out there that says exercise is not only good for the body but also the brain!

Did you know that there is a FREE Exercise Class at Grace -alias Moving With Angela

It is the first and third Saturdays each month from 9:30 am -10:15am in Brenner Hall.

They do aerobics, hand weights, core, balance and that infamous streeeeetching!

Oh, by the way it is for men and women!

Anyone18 or older is welcome. This is a general exercise class.

Some hand weights and small plastic balls are available, but you may want to bring your own if you have.

It is getting darker, and the weather is going to get yucky so come and get your exercise with Angela !!! 


Behind the scenes at Grace … Gretchen

  1. Did you see last weeks picture of the squirrel looking in the window! Everyday we see him/her peering in the window looking for brunch!
  2. Speaking of squirrels, we think they have finally realized it is time to put some extra insulation on as they sound like they weigh about 10 pounds as they run across the roof!!
  3. It is getting cooler and this week the weather people said even cold !! So as your drag out the blankets, quilts and comforters and if there are any you do not want, please donate to Grace Wrap Your Heart with a Blanket Collection. We aim to take them to Tent City in October, but  we often have needs before so it is great to have an available collection.
  4. School is back in session but the need for nonperishable food is still great. Please remember when shopping if you are able to purchase some items. Mary Schneider is here on Mondays and there is a collection box in the Graceful Giving Room.
  5. There is a year-round need for Personal Needs Items too! They also have a collection box in the Graceful Giving Room.
  6. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s Mission!



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24