Let your lovingkindness, O Lord, be upon us,
even as we place our hope in you.
~Psalm 33:22
Ragtime Rick
Outdoor service
August 7
10:30 am
Followed by breakfast
in Brenner Hall
Hope to see you there!
Operation Christmas Child
August - Scissors and/or markers
Starting Sunday August 14, one Sunday service only until September 11.
It will be at 9:30 am in the sanctuary.
We will continue to have Wednesday evening services
at 7:00 pm in the chapel
Monday August 8
Shhh ! - this is National sneak some zucchini on your neighbors porch at night (or you could put them in their car if an open window)!!!
No kidding this really is a holiday!
Zucchini are coming in like crazy and whether you put on the neighbors porch or in their car or are the recipient of the “drop off” they are really good for you!
Zucchini originated in the 1850’s in Italy and were first written about in Milan, Italy in the 1900’s. With everyone traveling they were taken all over the world.
Zucchinis are low in calories - only 17 calories per naked cup (without cheese, butter, spaghetti sauce).
They are high in Vitamin A which is good for vision and the immune system and are loaded with antioxidants.
New Pastor Warranty
It has come to our attention that the pastor you received was shipped with a slight defect - she is not psychic. Because of this, you must observe certain procedures to ensure optimum performance. It is necessary to inform her of any members who are hospitalized. If someone you know is in need of prayer, the pastor should be told, or she won’t know. If you are in need of a pastoral visit, you will get best results if you speak to her about that. We regret any inconvenience to you, this may cause.
Pastoral Perfection
Good News! After hundreds of years of ministers, a model pastor has been found-one who will please every church member. She is twenty - six years old and has been preaching for thirty years. She is tall, short, thin, heavyset, pretty, and has one brown eye and one blue eye. Her hair is parted in the middle (blonde), left side (dark and straight), and on the right side (brown and wavy). She has a burning desire to work with teenagers and spends all her time with older folks. She smiles all the time with a straight face because she has a sense of humor that keeps her seriously dedicated to her work. She makes fifteen calls a day on church members, spends all her time evangelizing the lost, and never leaves her office.
My Protestant clergy friend was speaking with a Catholic priest and wanted to establish a solid friendship. He spoke of many things and felt it was going well, but in an instant he undid all the good he’d done: He asked if Father Paddy’s father had been a priest, too.
Pastor’s Thoughts
I love summer. I love that the sun sets late in the evening …. I love the sounds of children outside … I love the heat … I love the sound of cicadas …I love the many opportunities to be outside.
I also love the growth that is all around. Plants and flowers are still flourishing, and we have been blessed in our home by the gifts of fresh produce grown in some of your gardens.
The current season of the Church year reflects the idea of growth. In the Sundays after Pentecost, the Gospel readings call us to grow in our faith. Through familiar stories such as the Good Samaritan, Mary and Martha, the teaching of the Lord’s Prayer, and the story of the person who wanted to build bigger barns to hold more and more possessions, Jesus encourages us to grow as disciples: in hospitality, generosity, and welcome; in listening; in prayer; in our understanding of what makes our lives truly full. Jesus calls us to grow toward God and to grow in faith and witness.
Growth can be beautiful. It can also be uncomfortable, as we stretch and pull toward new ways of being. It is a process — one that requires us to be steadfast in worship, in prayer, in scripture reading, in fellowship …. and even in rest and recreation. In those moments, Jesus nourishes our growth as his followers. As we grow, our faith deepens, and our witness shines brighter. As we grow in faith, we sow more seeds for God’s kingdom through our words and deeds.
Have you felt your faith grow? How is The Word nourishing you and helping you grow as a disciple of Jesus? How are you nourishing others to grow?
In Christ,
Pastor Brenda
Youth Mission Trip 2022
Our 2022 Youth Mission Trip was a success! We are so incredibly thankful for all of the support and prayers we had along the way. We went to Miss Linda’s again this year. Miss Linda and her husband, Marvin, opened their home to us six years ago. We keep in touch throughout the year. Marvin has passed and we go back to help Miss Linda around her yard every year. We painted, collected and burned sticks, trimmed trees, cut and trimmed the grass, pulled weeds, washed the house and spent quality time together.
Next, we went to the Fallon’s house and painted the shed, took out timbers, extended the rock bed, filled in holes, trimmed a fallen tree and put down mulch. We spent time together playing games and even did our Bible study at their house. It was another good day.
Then we went to the Second Harvest food pantry in Nashville. We packed 1,452 meals in 121 boxes for the Senior community. Our coordinator, Summer, was impressed with our dedication and efficiency.
Along the way we stayed at a hotel and then a cabin. We played games, went swimming, traveled on a riverboat cruise, saw a Nashville show, went to a Nashville Sounds baseball game, visited The Ark Encounter, ate delicious food and spent lots of time in the van. One God-sighting along the way was meeting someone new on the riverboat cruise, who decided to go to the baseball game after hearing that we were going. Then we saw him at the game and learned that he was a former youth leader and now is managing a new up and coming music artist. He bought us all ice cream!
We had morning devotions and evening Bible studies along with Christian music and thought-provoking questions. Our week focused on Noah and the trust, strength and faith he had to have to follow God’s plan and build the ark.
As I said in the beginning, the trip was a success: we helped people, met other Christians, spent time in fellowship and grew our faith.
Thanks be to God!!
Thank you, Wendy and Debbie for all you do with the youth! You are inspiring and we are very grateful for you.
Behind the scenes at Grace…… by Gretchen
- Our very tired youth group, and Wendy and Debbie returned at 11:30 Saturday night! From all accounts it was a great week with lots of hard work, great fellowship, and even with some drizzle rain had a good time. Watch for their writeup of the week!
- We were hosts Saturday night and Sunday morning to youth group and advisors on their way back home to Chicago from Philadelphia! It was a great group! Thanks to all who helped provide dinner and breakfast. They stayed for first service and Fellowship Hour and then headed out. The kids and advisors were very appreciative of our hospitality!!!
- The bag of wood is gone from the front yard but our trash bins are still there. Some time in the near future (we hope) they will be removed. Any trash is to go into the dumpster in the parking lot!
- There is a BIG box painted white with a red cross on it located in each basement. Within the next couple of weeks, they will be filled with a First Aid kit, radio, drinking water, etc. to be available in case of an Emergency and we are stuck in the basement for a period of time. More to come in future newsletters.
- Have you checked out the Community Bulletin Boards for new information and events?
- Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s mission.
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
~Philippians 4:6-7
Healthy People! Healthy Parish!
Eating Good Stuff!
This week is National Farmer’s Market Week! There are all sorts of great tasting and good for you fruit and vegetables coming into the markets. There are all sorts of markets in Toledo and the outlying towns. If you have an opportunity, check them out. Not only are you getting the freshest of the fresh you are also supporting our community farmers. A list of Farmer’s Markets in the area is posted on the Community Bulletin Boards.
Mood and Food!
Did you know that what we eat can affect our moods? Leaving that chocolate chip cookie or lovely bear claw donut alone and trying to practice great willpower works for a few but many “cave “after a few minutes. Research has shown that some of us may have a genetic inheritance to love foods made with half fat and half sugar. With that cookie or donut our brain releases chemicals (dopamine and serotonin) that make us feel good and calm (until we have had the 4th cookie and second donut, and our sugar levels (dopamine and serotonin) take a dive and we are exhausted).
There is actually a field of research called Nutritional Psychiatry that is looking at what we eat and our moods. We all know that we need food to fuel our bodies so skipping a meal, not eating a entire food group and eating too much sugar (refined carbohydrates) can affect our moods in a negative way. Healthy foods can help us feel and do our best.
When we stick to healthy choices, we don’t have has many highs and lows, so we are happier and better able to focus.
What if you kept a food diary for a week or even a couple of days and tracked how you felt - it could be very interesting especially if you are a sweets lover?
You do not have to completely stop eating sweets or salty foods but think smaller amounts and moderation.
This is the day the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
~Psalm 118:24
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