We believe in being

Beautiful & Simple

Finally, a clean & modern Divi Child Theme using great typography and imagery. Class all the way.


Clean Typography

Josefin features the Josefin & Merriweather Google Fonts. The styling has been meticulously set to fit the aesthetics of the theme, providing a relaxing reading experience.


Styled Counters

We’ve taken extra care in styling the number counter feature Divi offers. We’ve included dark & light background options. Showcase your stats in style with the Josefin Child Theme.

Twitter Widget

We’ve utilized and styled the Rotating Tweets Plugin by Martin Tod. Display your tweets elegantly using this plugin and the Josefin Child Theme. We’ve included an instructional video on how to set this up.

Stunning Imagery

A photo is worth a thousand words. Parallax backgrounds combined with great use of whitespace allow the focus to be on your beautiful images. We’ve also styled a masonry layout as an option for your images.


Styled Form

We’ve also taken extra care in styling the contact form in Divi. We’ve included dark & light background options. Make your contact form stand out with the Josefin Child Theme.

Instagram Widget

We’ve utilized and styled the WP Instagram Widget by Scott Evans. Display your Instagram photos elegantly using this plugin and the Josefin Child Theme. We’ve included an instructional video on how to set this up.


Extra Animations

Divi comes with some nice animation options. We’ve added additional animation classes you can apply to your sections and modules. We’ve included an instructional video on how to use these animations.

Features Grid

Easily build a features grid with Josefin. We’ve created an instructional video with links to the CSS and a Divi Layout files. Import the layout into your site with a single click.

Superior Support

Your purchase comes with our superior support. Email us and we’ll respond to you as soon as possible. We also have video tutorials showing how to implement different features of the theme.

We believe in being

Beautiful & Simple

#1 Hits

Million Downloads

Ready to Rock

Josefin is sure to impress

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tincidunt mollis ante non volutpat. Nam consequat diam nec leo rutrum tempus. Nulla accumsan eros nec sem tempus scelerisque. Morbi tincidunt risus magna, posuere lobortis felis. Donec at vehicula risus. Cras vel sollicitudin ipsum. Etiam tincidunt placerat enim, a rhoncus eros sodales ut.

Photography & Images provided by Unsplash.com and DeathToTheStockPhoto.com

Nam consequat diam nec leo rutrum tempus. Nulla accumsan eros nec sem tempus scelerisque. Morbi tincidunt risus magna, posuere lobortis felis. Donec at vehicula risus. Cras vel sollicitudin ipsum. Etiam tincidunt placerat enim, a rhoncus eros sodales ut.

We believe in being

Beautiful & Simple

Heading 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tincidunt mollis ante non volutpat. Nam consequat diam nec leo rutrum tempus. Nulla accumsan eros nec sem tempus scelerisque. Morbi tincidunt risus magna, posuere lobortis felis. Donec at vehicula risus. Cras vel sollicitudin ipsum. Etiam tincidunt placerat enim, a rhoncus eros sodales ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tincidunt mollis ante non volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tincidunt mollis ante non volutpat. Nam consequat diam nec leo rutrum tempus. Nulla accumsan eros nec sem tempus scelerisque. Morbi tincidunt risus magna, posuere lobortis felis. Donec at vehicula risus. Cras vel sollicitudin ipsum. Etiam tincidunt placerat enim, a rhoncus eros sodales ut.


Get Lost in Design

Carefully Crafted

Layouts & Modules

What Others Say

“I’ve spent hours searching for the right theme for my projects only to be disappointed with poor design and overcrowded features. With Divi and Josefin, my search is now over!”

– Jane Doe


April 21, 2024 Newsletter


The Lord is my shepherd;
                               I shall not be in want. 

~Psalm 23:1         


Pastor’s Thoughts:

      As I write this, it is early Sunday morning. I am the only one here in the church building, as we are still a little while away from the Adult Class and worship. The building is quiet, except for the wind causing the wooden roof in the nave to creak and the occasional mechanical noises of the heating system. I poured water into the font just a few moments ago, and the splash of it hitting the bowl was the noisiest sound in the building. A small sound, but one that called powerfully to mind for me the presence of God: in the water, in the Meal, in our prayers, in our music, in our service in Jesus’ name.

I treasure these times when I am alone here. Not to avoid people and activity, but rather to have a few moments alone with God in our sacred space and to pray for all of you in our family of faith as you begin your preparations for whatever your Sunday will look like. Some of you will gather here soon to learn together, to worship, to engage in fellowship, to have conversations, and to catch up on each other’s lives. Others will find rest in other ways on this day.

The door just opened, and people have started to arrive. Soon, we will gather as the Body of Christ in this place. I am grateful for that blessing and for the many ways we live, love, and serve together. I pray that you find hope, grace, mercy, peace, and love when you are here and that all the moments of your life are marked by a deep sense of how much God loves us, treasures us, and desires for us to be in mission together to make the risen Christ known.

And if I don’t see you today, I pray that the Spirit leads you here the next time we gather, so we can pray, sing, eat, and confess the love of God together in this holy place.

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


The Readings for Sunday April 21, 2024

Acts 4:5-12

Psalm 23

1 John 3:16-24

John 10:11-18


Please join us – Sunday Fellowship Time

In Fellowship Hall

April 21st – Wendy McCall and Debbie Fallon



by Vicar Dave

I’m told that Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said that if you board the wrong train, it’s no use running along the corridor in the other direction. I remember going for a walk with Joyce in Wildwood one time. We were in the west portion of the park, a part we weren’t terribly familiar with at that time. All of the twists and turns in the trail got us turned around so bad that we didn’t know where we were. On top of that, the skies became cloudy while we were lost, so I couldn’t use the position of the sun to help me find our way back to a familiar trail. Being someone who prides himself on not getting lost, I felt rather sheepish when we finally came across someone to ask for directions back to the Manor House, where we had parked.

Being the sheep of Christ’s flock can be like that sometimes too. We might think we know what direction we need to go in. We might even start off down the right path. But if we rely on our own resources, we can get very lost and may not be able to find our way back without help. But that’s what Jesus does for us when we get ourselves lost, or in a fix. He’ll lead us away from the wolves of sin and guide us back to the paths we need to be on.

Thanks be to God!


Adult Class—Death and Dying:

For our next Adult Class topic, we will discuss death and dying. Our society   teaches us not to avoid discussing this in-depth, but it is something that we should all confront and ponder in conjunction with our faith. Our faith gives us  a powerful perspective through which to view and discuss the reality of death.

We will begin our discussions and learning with an introductory session on Wednesday, 3 April (6:00 p.m.) and Sunday, 7 April (8:15 a.m.). Both class    options will use the same materials each week. The class is anticipated to run through 15/19 May.

We will discuss the concept of death (both from a physical perspective and a Christian perspective), the grieving process, how to plan our funerals (both at the church and the funeral home), and the importance of Advance Directives (Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare and Living Wills).


Council Highlights by Cindy Wood, Secretary

A Gardening Group has been formed. Please see Nancy Lockard or contact   office if you are interested in joining this group.

We are offering Kroger gift cards to Whitmer High School as an outreach    program.   Cards will be $10 with a restriction on them from purchasing alcohol or      tobacco products. There is a great need, and closer schools in Grace’s neighborhood could not use our help at this time.  More info to follow.

Nancy is making laminated cards for the pews listing ways to give at Grace.

As part of outreach, Council has approved the purchase of a new camera  system and a new sound board, pending approval of the congregation at our May 19 meeting.  This will include training and will greatly improve with viewing and hearing online services”.

Council received Sherry Hammond as a member of Grace. She will be welcomed “officially” during a worship service soon. 

Our first women’s breakfast potluck was a huge success.  Plans discussed for future gatherings.


Moving With Angela

(aka-Boom Muscle)


Grace Lutheran Church Gym (Entrance back of parking lot)

4441 Monroe St. (near Secor)

Cost: FREE


1st and 3rd Saturday each month

Class Includes:

Aerobics, hand weights, core, balance and stretching

Anyone 18 or older is welcome

This class is not associated with Silver Sneakers

This is a general exercise class and is neither a HITT or Chair Class

Some hand weights and small plastic balls are available

but you may wish to bring your own

Any questions, call Deb at 419.346.8995

Join us Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m.


For coffee and conversation.

Just a time to get together and enjoy each other’s company.

10:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall

Coffee provided

If you are interested in reading at either the 9:30 or 11:30 service or you are interested in presenting the children’s sermon at the 9:30 service, please let Pastor Brenda or Mary Schneider know.  We are always looking for additional people to help with these ministries. 


The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.

(Audrey Hepburn)

If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like

sunbeams and you will always look lovely

(Rolad Dahl)


We are also collecting treasures on Tuesday, April 23rd from 530p until 730p.


Behind the scenes at Grace ….by Gretchen

  1. WOW ! The empty spaces are filling up fast for the Youth Rummage Sale BUT we will always find room for more “Treasurers”!
  2. Have you seen the beautiful daffodils around the office and Brenner Hall – it is a sure sign of Spring!
  3. The stakes to mark off for snow removal are also gone which is a for sure sign Spring has Sprung!
  4. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s mission.





5:30 PM – 8:00 PM


Each fun night will begin with a light supper together.

The ADULTS will attend a fun Bible Study with Pastor Brenda.

The KIDS will dive into exploring BREAKER ROCK BEACH – and learn about God’s rock-solid truth in a world of shifting sands.

Everyone will meet up again later in the evening for crafts,

games, music, and worship!

Our final night of VBS will be an outdoor ‘bonfire” where we will roast hotdogs, have s’mores, play games, and “sing around the campfire”!

Make sure you mark your calendars!

Keep watching for more updates and ways to register!

All are welcome to join in the fun!

More Pastor’s Thoughts:

I continue to be grateful for the way we came together at the end of 2023 to eliminate our deficit. That was a wonderful testimony to the love, trust, and sense of mission we have here at Grace!

We have so many Gospel-centered and exciting things happening—from Burrito Blessings to Personal Needs, from Sunday School to VBS, from pickleball to exercise classes, from worship to fellowship. We also open our building to many community organizations, which is another way we witness to the world. Our community would be different without us, and the love and witness we show make a difference in the lives of many, both members of Grace and others.

As we enter the second quarter of 2024, I ask that we all continue to be mindful and prayerful about how we financially support Grace’s mission so that we can avoid the need for an end-of-year financial appeal.

We can achieve this by continuing a commitment to be robust and consistent in our financial support of Grace, even when we must miss a Sunday of worship. While the people of Grace make the mission visible, the financial support lays a solid foundation for our witness. These things together make it possible for us to Bless the World: Be God’s Grace!

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


Prayer Corner

By Grace Prayer Team

Grace Prayer List and Prayer Requests –

The Grace Prayer List is updated each Monday morning by 10:00 am.  It is published in the Newsletter that gets mailed out, put in the electronic version of the Newsletter on Fridays, and then hard copies are printed for the Sunday services.

All specific prayer requests stay on the Prayer List for 3 weeks.

The Prayer Team prays over each specific request.

When making a prayer request, the Prayer team has always followed basic HIPPA (privacy) requirements. What does that mean?  It means unless we (the Prayer Team) have permission from the person for whom the prayer request is being made, we are unable to publish last names. We will publish first names and sometimes first names with the initial of the last name.

So, how can a person make a Prayer Request?  There are a couple of ways to make a Prayer Request:

There are Prayer Request forms in the pockets of the pews in the Chapel and Nave that can be filled out and put in the offering plate or the Prayer Request Box on the table outside the Prayer Chapel by Fellowship Hall.

There are Prayer Request forms and a Prayer Request Box on the table outside the Prayer Chapel by Fellowship Hall.

A person can reach out to a member of The Grace Prayer Team, Ann Fleck, Ron Hiatt, Connie Thomas, Steve Rife, and Nancy Lockard.  Please note: Any personal Prayer Requests are held in strict confidence unless we have your permission to publish the request.

A person can email a request to the Grace Prayer email address – www.GRACEPRAYER3@gmail.com

Each Sunday, following the first service, a member of the Prayer Team, Ann Fleck, is in the Prayer Chapel for anyone desiring personal prayer.

The Prayer request box is emptied on Sunday and Monday mornings, Thursday, and Saturday.

We hope this gives a clearer overview of the Prayer List and making a Prayer Request and encourages you to reach out for prayer.


Do you laugh ?



Being miserable is a habit; being happy is a habit: and the choice is yours. (Tom Hopkins)

April is National Humor Month so up your Laughter!

So, really what can laughter do for us??

Physical Benefits  –

  • Boost immunity.
  • Lowers stress hormones.
  • Can decrease pain.
  • Relaxes muscles.
  • Can help prevent heart disease.

Mental Health Benefits –

  • Add joy and zest to life
  • Ease anxiety and tension
  • Relieves stress
  • Improves mood
  • Strengthens resilience

Social Benefits

  • Strengthens relationships
  • Attracts others to us
  • Better teamwork
  • Helps resolve conflicts
  • Promotes groups working well together

What do you do if your “Laughter Muscle” needs some work?  Maybe it has become lazy and needs some work. Research has shown that it is important to get all 4 types of exercise: Endurance, balance, strength and flexibility.

Endurance – how long can you laugh? The longer the better.

Balance – can you laugh really hard and not spill the bowl of popcorn!

Strength – Can you out laugh someone?

Flexibility – Are you able to laugh at yourself and with others and not at others?

Laughter Exercise Program

  1. Smile. Smiling is the beginning of laughter and like laughter it can be contagious. Take the opportunity to not look down but to look up and smile. Watch the effect on others!
  2. Count your blessings. Make a list. Looking at the positive things in your life can make the negative thoughts not look as great.
  3. When you hear someone laughing check it out – make a point of seeing “what is so funny”. Many people want to share funny or crazy things.
  4. Spend time with fun, playful people. These are the people who laugh easily – both at themselves and the crazy stuff that happens every day. You want to catch their laughter and playful point of view.
  5. Bring humor into your conversations. Ask people what is the funniest thing that happened to them today, this week?

What other kinds of things can you do to get a good laugh?

  1. Watch a funny movie, TV show.
  2. Host a game night and go for funny games and snacks!
  3. Read the comics.
  4. Look for the funny people. Kids are great to watch! Goof off with kids – think bubbles!
  5. Check out the bookstore or the library humor section – there really is such a thing!
  6. Play with a pet.
  7. Go to a “laughter yoga class.”
  8. DO something silly – wear the wildest clothing!
  9. Make time to do something fun every day! Even a walk can be fun or just sitting outside and watching the crazy squirrels!

Admit that you are human! People who master Living 101 – take their work seriously but not themselves.

Start laughing more! A study of Americans say they laugh15 times a day so why not increase that to 20-25!!

Good humor helps with understanding, communication and cooperation. See how many smiles you can get in a day !

Remember laughter and longevity go hand in hand. Grumps don’t live longer – it just seems like it



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24

April 14, 2024 Newsletter


In peace, I will lie down and sleep;
for you alone, O Lord, make me rest secure.

~Psalm 4:8



As I write this, it is the eve of the total solar eclipse. The last time there was an eclipse of this magnitude I was in elementary school. I remember making devices in school to be able to safely watch the event, but I don’t remember all the conversation about the eclipse being a sign of the apocalypse. Perhaps that was a function of my age, but I think there is more to it.

This time, that way of looking at things is rampant. Many folks see current events as a sure sign of the End Times. The power of the internet makes it so easy for this line of thought to be repeated and discussed. Add earthquakes and lightning strikes and political strife to the equation, and it adds up to a considerable amount of anxiety for some.

An eclipse is a natural phenomenon caused by the alignment of celestial bodies. Eclipses have been observed and understood by scientists for centuries, and they occur regularly.  I don’t believe this one is a direct sign from God with political, cultural, or social meaning. We have known about this eclipse for quite some time.  If we take the proper precautions, everything will be fine. By the time you read this, the fervor will have died down

… and the End Time likely has yet to come.

But such big events shake us in some foundational way.  Perhaps it is that we come close to the amazing power of the universe God has created. Perhaps we realize we are not in control of everything. Perhaps we sense both the finite and infinite in a different way.

Perhaps all of that is good. Perhaps this event is a time to think about what dark shadows lie over our hearts and minds and pray about how they might be removed. Perhaps we might consider how we can offer the light of the Good News of Jesus to those who dwell in darkness.

Jesus tells us not to worry about when the End will come.  Instead, he calls us to be about the Gospel NOW, through our deeds and our words.

The rest will come in God’s time.

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


The Readings for Sunday April 14, 2024

Acts 3:12-19

Psalm 4

1 John 3:1-7

Luke 24:36b-48


Thank you to all who faithfully contribute items for this most worthwhile, world-wide ministry to children providing a gift box of toys, school supplies, health care items and the opportunity to know of Christ and his free gift of salvation for all who believe.

This month we are asking for contributions especially of wash cloths.

I would like to add a personal note that some of you have already heard. I attended an event to kickoff Operation Christmas Child for a certain year.  One of the speakers had lived in an orphanage where boxes from Operation Christmas Child were received and told how she was excited to have a toothbrush among the contents of her gift box. Previously the children in her orphanage passed a toothbrush from person to person for use. Your gifts to this ministry can have a great impact on the lives of children around the world.

Thank you again for your support to this ministry.

Grace Lutheran Church Operation Christmas Child Ministry



Please join us – Sunday Fellowship Time

In Fellowship Hall

April14th – Lynda Currie and Deb Damschroder


It is the most counterintuitive aspect of Christianity

that we are declared right with God, not once we

begin to get our act together, but once we collapse

Into honest acknowledgement that we never will.

~Dave Ortlund

Truth suffers, but never dies.     

~St. Teresa of Avila

Contributed by Connie


Adult Class—Death and Dying:

For our next Adult Class topic, we will discuss death and dying. Our society   teaches us not to avoid discussing this in-depth, but it is something that we should all confront and ponder in conjunction with our faith. Our faith gives us  a powerful perspective through which to view and discuss the reality of death.

We will begin our discussions and learning with an introductory session on Wednesday, 3 April (6:00 p.m.) and Sunday, 7 April (8:15 a.m.). Both class    options will use the same materials each week. The class is anticipated to run through 15/19 May.

We will discuss the concept of death (both from a physical perspective and a Christian perspective), the grieving process, how to plan our funerals (both at the church and the funeral home), and the importance of Advance Directives (Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare and Living Wills).



By Vicar Dave

I wonder sometimes about where this world is going. I read about the various wars going on and all the accompanying human suffering and I feel for all the innocent victims caught in the middle. In particular right now, I’m distressed about the Gaza war. I remember when Hamas attacked civilians at a concert and the outrage that sparked. Israel’s reaction to it was to try to destroy Hamas. People asked why Israel hasn’t tried to negotiate with them long ago, but I’ve also read that Hamas has, as a part of their charter, a statement seeking the destruction of Israel. How do you negotiate with someone whose stated goal is your destruction? So, I thought that maybe Israel doesn’t have much of a choice if it wants to protect its citizens. But then the causalities start coming in. More than 30,000 civilians dead! Many more starving    because humanitarian aid is not able to reach them. And after the recent strike on a convoy of aid workers, many of those who were willing to help have decided to end their operations in Gaza because they can’t guarantee the safety of their volunteers.

I talk about Gaza because that’s one of the wars we hear a lot about, but there are many more, and many more atrocities that we never hear about. With all of these things happening, it can be difficult to be optimistic about the future. But that’s the message we Christians are called to spread. The good news of our salvation through Christ’s death and resurrection. We live in anticipation Jesus bringing the fullness of God’s kingdom, and with it, the peace that only He can bring.

Jesus tells us that until He comes again, we are to love each other. In a world so full of violence, that can be a difficult thing to do. Sometimes that can mean putting our lives on the line, like those aid workers in Gaza, but it’s important that we do what we can. For those of us here, maybe that means pushing our government to seek peaceful resolutions to conflicts, or perhaps donating to agencies that promote peace and try to aid those caught in the conflict. Or perhaps all we are able to do is talk about Jesus and try to express His love to those around us.

Whatever we do, it’s important that we don’t give up hope. Hope for a day when all of us will live in the light of God’s love and the peace of His kingdom. We know that day will come. When things are at their darkest, let’s try to focus on that.

Dona nobis pacem.


If you are interested in reading at either the 9:30 or 11:30 service or you are interested in presenting the children’s sermon at the 9:30 service, please let Pastor Brenda or Mary Schneider know.  We are always looking for additional people to help with these ministries.


Join us Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m.


For coffee and conversation.

Just a time to get together and enjoy each other’s company.

10:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall

Coffee provided



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24

April 7, 2024 Newsletter


How good and how pleasant it is,

when kindred live together in unity!

~Psalm 133:1


Pastor’s Thoughts:

In seminary, I learned that Martin Luther was not a fan of the Letter of James in the New Testament. Luther believed James placed too much emphasis on “doing.” I also learned that he was starting to change his understanding of this letter as he aged and that he had started to understand that James meant that our faith should be shown in both word and deed.

There is much to be learned from this letter, but two rather well-known verses have stuck with me: “But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. For if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves in a mirror, for they look at themselves and, on going away, immediately forget what they were like.”

These words came to mind as I reflected on Easter Sunday, now just two days ago. Be doers of the Word! Do not be people who simply come to worship, hear about God’s Good news, and never live out what you have heard in your daily life. Do not bask in God’s grace and forgiveness, but then go and be less than grace-full and forgiving to others. Do not come and be fed on the Word and the meal, but then go forth and not feed all those who hunger in so many ways in the world. Be doers of the word!

Do not come to worship on Easter to claim your identity as a redeemed and forgiven child of God and then go out and attack others for their sins. Do not come to share in the fellowship of a community of faith and then never ask anyone to join you to hear the Word. Be doers of the word!

We do deceive ourselves if we think hearing the Word is enough. Yes, the great stories of faith and love in the scripture do inspire us and instruct us. But they also call us to action, to be those who live and breathe the Word each and every day through everything we say and do. When the Word is that much a part of who we are, when the Gospel of our crucified and resurrected Lord is at the core of our being, we cannot help but be doers of that creative and sustaining Word.

This Easter season and always, hear the Word … savor its goodness … bask in the promises of forgiveness, grace, and salvation. But then do not forget what you have heard when the listening is over. Do not forget what has been said and what has been offered, despite our sin and our frequent apathy and lack of gratitude.  Be doers of that Word, showing it forth to all so that all may know that Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


The Readings for Sunday April 7, 2024

Acts 4:32-35

Psalm 133

1 John 1:1–2:2

John 20:19-31


Behind the scenes at Grace ……by Gretchen

  1. Did you see that Channel 11 Jeff Smith was reporting from Brenner Hall on Election Day!
  2. It is official that the voting machines are gone and the storage area in Brenner is officially open for Rummage Sale Treasures. Please stack things instead of spreading them all over. We also need open access to the freezer, refrigerators and tables.
  3. Watch for more information but we are planning a Silver Sneaker Exercise Program 2 x month on Saturday mornings. You do not have to have Silver Hair to attend!
  4. Personal Needs is an ongoing outreach that continues to need Personal Care items as well as toilet paper and tissues. Please don’t forget them when shopping.
  5. A recent report from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that 13 million kids in homes across the country are not getting enough food. During the week many of these kids get meals through programs like the National School Lunch Program but on the weekends and school breaks they need help. Our Burrito Blessing 419 helps some on Saturday. Please think about this when shopping. We collect non-perishable food on Monday mornings, but items can be brought in anytime and put in containers in the Graceful Giving Room across form room 3. We share this food with Aldersgate, and it is also used in the Blessing Box and at other times as needed.
  6. THE BUNN”S – no, not people buns but our coffee pots. We are in the process of getting the leaky one in Fellowship repaired so we may be switching out from Brenner to Fellowship. So, they may look different but take the same filters and the same amount of coffee.
  7. If you are helping with Fellowship Hour or an event that you need paper plates, plastic cutlery, foam cups and there is none in the cupboards check  the    master storage area in Brenner. (where the chairs and tables are kept). There are labeled bins for cutlery and plates. If it looks like the bin is getting low of a particular item look on shelf above bins as there may be more up there. If you don’t see any of the items you need, and the bins are low please let the office know ASAP  –  email or phone call.
  8. Be prepared we will have a Spring Severe Weather Drill for both services soon!
  9. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s Mission!


Healthy People! Healthy Parish!

You and your MD! (Or Nurse Practitioner – NP or Physician’s Assistant -PA)

Do you go prepared?

What should you take?

  1. Insurance cards and identification (Driver’s License) – yes, we know you did this the last time you were there, but they are going to ask and make sure everything is the same or if there are changes. Reason: so, your insurance company is appropriately billed.
  2. Wear your glasses and hearing aids! If you have a hearing or vision problem, let the doctor and staff know otherwise you may miss or not understand important information.
  3. Take a pad or paper so you can write down information. Better yet take another set of ears with you. This person can write information down, remind you what questions to ask and clarify issues. Make sure this person will not share your medical information unless you are OK with it and that you may ask them to leave the room if you want to talk alone with the doctor.
  4. A current list of your medications. Include vitamins and any herbal supplements. If you use CBD or other types of cannabis/hemp products it needs to be included. Reason: if your doctor changes your medications they need to be aware of what you are taking to help avoid the chance of an interaction. It also helps if you are not feeling well and there may be an interaction with the medications you are currently taking.
  5. Do you have a list of allergies and reactions?
  6. Have a list of your surgeries, times and place it was done at.
  7. Be honest about smoking, using any illicit drugs and drinking. These may also influence what the doctor may prescribe.
  8. Have the name of your pharmacy.
  9. A list of concerns. At each visit your doctor will likely ask you about your concerns or questions. It is a good idea to think about these before your visit and write them down. Write down in order of most important to least important. Reason: writing them down helps to remember and often the time you spend with the doctor is limited so get your concerns /questions written down to get the answers you need. Make a copy so you can give him/her one and you have one to write answers down.
  10. Write down any changes from your last appointment before your new appointment. Include not only physical things but also changes in mental health – do you feel down, having trouble sleeping. living arrangements – have you moved or downsized, are you no longer driving. Are you now a caregiver for a family member, even caring for grandkids full  time.  All of these are important as they can affect how you feel and can affect your treatment and the doctors’ orders.
  11. Do you always tell the truth when you see the doctor?? Many people tell the doctor what they think he wants to hear or are embarrassed to tell them. Or are you afraid of “The Look “ they give you? What is important is your health and the doctor may not be able to provide the correct treatment if you do not “tell the whole and only truth”.
  12. What if the doctor has prescribed something that you have found you are unable to do? Maybe it is the brace and you found out it makes you more    painful and you can’t get it on. Maybe it is a new medicine that you just can’t swallow. Make sure you let them know you are having difficulty because they think you are doing what they ordered but are wondering why you are still    having symptoms or not doing better.
  13. If you don’t understand – PLEASE ask questions! This is all about you! And you need to understand!!!

More to follow next week!

Do you know what  a File of Life is?


High Five!

The first High Five was given during the last regular season Dodger’s game when Dusty Baker hit the home run that made the team the first in history to have four players with at least 30 regular season home runs. As Baker rounded third and headed home, Glenn Burke was waiting at home plate and raised is hand and they slapped hands in victorious high five!  (Hopefully all you gurus of baseball know who these guys were?)

So, what is great about High Five and April 18!!!!

You are actually giving a high five to not one but 3 people that day by giving blood!

The Spring Blood Drive is fast approaching on April 18 from 1-6 and we do have open appointment times. You may schedule online with the Red Cross or call Gretchen Hiatt 419.944.5166 to schedule.

Let’s all give High Fives that day to others in need!


Birthdays and Blood!

You are unable to give blood …. However, you have a family member, grandchild or good friend who can, and your birthday is fast approaching. You have 10 gift cards to Bob Evens and 5 to Applebee’s so you really can’t use any more right now. So, ask this person to donate blood to help you and 3 other people celebrate life!!!!

We have a Birthday Card that you give to the person you are asking to donate blood for you! Located on the table across from the office. When the person donates ask them to bring the card with them and we will let you know that we received a donation to celebrate your birthday!!


Meditation for the Second Sunday of Easter

By Vicar Dave

I know a lot of people that are excited about the eclipse coming next week. It’s a once in a lifetime astronomical event andgor I’m hoping that skies will be clear enough that I will be able to see it. I’ve been looking at some pictures from previous eclipses and I noticed something. As the moon passes in front of the sun, it reminds me first of the stone being rolled in front of Jesus’ tomb, then covering it, and then being rolled away. I also noticed that even when the moon is covering the sun completely, some of the light escapes from around the edges. I thought this was an interesting metaphor for how even in our darkest hours, the love of God is still present in the world.

It’s odd how we can sometimes forget that. Sometimes, when bad things happen, like a divorce or the death of a loved one, we can feel trapped in our own misery, and it can be hard for us to see a way out of it. We might feel that it is up to us to figure thing out and to fix it by ourselves. I remember a time, when I felt as though I had to “fix” myself before I could come to God and ask for forgiveness. Of course, I was mistaken. Eventually, I saw that God loved me just as I was, despite my sins and my faults. I began to notice the light of Jesus in my life, and things began to improve. My mood got better, and I was able to make changes that had seemed impossible before.

Particularly in this country, we have this “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” kind of mentality. We want to be self-reliant, but that doesn’t always work and it’s never necessary. We always have God’s love with us, to encourage us and the Holy Spirit will always be there to guide us. If we look for it, we will always see the light of God’s love. Nothing can block it out.


Please join us – Sunday Fellowship Time

In Fellowship Hall

April 7 – Sue Wagner and Sue Melchert

April14th- Linda Currie and Deb Damschroder




5/4 of a Century of Grace; A century (and a quarter) of Grace; Grace@125?

In September of 2025 our congregation will celebrate its 125th birthday!   While that may seem to be a long time away, planning and preparation for a historic celebration takes time.

A group of members are in the initial planning process discussing ways in which the people called Grace may recognize our ministry together for all these years.

One thing that needs plenty of lead time is coming up with a slogan and/or logo we can use for promotional materials.  We are looking for something that can be used on clothing such as t-shirts/hats/golf-shirts. These will be things members of Grace could buy and wear to help build a sense of togetherness.   The idea is to have something we also can use on signs and window decals to advertise Grace in the community.

Do you have anything you would like to suggest?  A drawing, slogan etc. If so please contact me.

David Charvat


Man: I road an elephant to work today.

Lady: Surely you must be joking.

Man: I’m not joking and please don’t call me Shirley.

If a red house is made of red bricks and a blue house is made of blue bricks, what is a green house made of?


What happened to the little chick who kept misbehaving at school?

She was eggspelled.

What does a broom do at night?

It goes to sweep.

If you say my name, I’m already gone.  What am I?


What does ice cream wear to church?

Its sundae best!

from Funny, Funnier and Funniest Joke Book for Kids


Where flowers bloom, so does hope. 

~Lady Bird Johnson

Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. 

Life will get warmer. 

~Anita Krizzan

 A flower blossoms for its own joy.

 Oscar Wilde

The earth laughs in flowers. 

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

 Spring is the time of plans and projects.

 ~Leo Tolstoy

If you think my winter is too cold, you don’t deserve my spring.

  ~Erin Hanson

The deep roots never doubt, spring will come.

~Marty Rubin

 If we had no winter, spring would not be so pleasant. 

 ~Ann Bradstreet

Talent Show:

We regret that the Talent Show scheduled for 12 April has been canceled due to not having enough talented acts.


Easter Thanks

Many thanks to all those who made our Easter worship services Special! Our choir and musicians, the worship leaders, those who prepared and served food for the Easter breakfast, those who prepared the nave and the chapel, and the staff who had extra prep work! Thanks for all you do.


Adult Class—Death and Dying:

For our next Adult Class topic, we will discuss death and dying. Our society teaches us not to avoid discussing this in-depth, but it is something that we should all confront and ponder in conjunction with our faith. Our faith gives us a powerful perspective through which to view and discuss the reality of death.

We will begin our discussions and learning with an introductory session on Wednesday, 3 April (6:00 p.m.) and Sunday, 7 April (8:15 a.m.). Both class options will use the same materials each week. The class is anticipated to run through 15/19 May.

We will discuss the concept of death (both from a physical perspective and a Christian perspective), the grieving process, how to plan our funerals (both at the church and the funeral home), and the importance of Advance Directives (Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare and Living Wills).



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24

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