I will praise the Lord as long as I live;

I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

~Psalm 146:2





Early morning sunrise at Grace.

Thank you, God, for your gift of each day. There is so much beauty in the world if we just look. The rising sun, the orange streaked sky, the sun gradually lighting up the day – bringing with it hope and anticipation for all that God has in mind for us. We are grateful.



Operation Christmas Child

September – Erasers and/or colored pencils

You can drop off donations in the Giving Grace room

or the church office.


Fellowship Time

Thank you to all who help

September 25th – Brenda Holderman and Joyce O`Brien

October 2nd – Sue Wagner – Sue Melchert  

Oct. 9th – Cindy Wood – Mary Schneider 

October 16th – Contemporary Team 



Thank you, Barbara, for your help at Fellowship Hour last Sunday! And with such a great smile!


Sunday, October 30 10:30 a.m.

Reformation Sunday this year is on October 30. Watch the weekly announcements regarding information on a special service at 10:30 a.m. that day. Grace will welcome a special guest,  German desserts will be served at Fellowship Hour, there will be a game with prizes at Fellowship Hour, photos will be taken, and a special message will be delivered!


Women at the Well

Women at the Well is a group of women who meet monthly September – May.  Our September meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 27 at 7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Currently we are reading and discussing Max Lucado’s book, How Happiness Happens. We will continue with Chapter 5, The Fine Art of  Saying “Hello”. Even if you are joining us for the first time, you would find it easy to join in on the discussion. 

Besides discussing the book, we have a devotion, fellowship, and prayer.  Pre-Covid we planned events for women at Grace and we hope to continue with this.  If you would have any questions regarding Women at the Well please contact Mary Schneider at 419.262.0730 or at msschneider353@gmail.com


Pastor’s Thoughts:

      This September we have been focusing on several vital facets of Stewardship: our time, our bodies and health, and our gifts and talents. This coming Sunday, we conclude our focus with a video featuring Fritz Gooch and David O’Brien considering the stewardship of our material and financial resources.

Interestingly, the scripture readings appointed for this week point us toward such consideration. In the reading from 1 Timothy, we will be reminded that “the love of money is the roots of all kinds of evil.” In the Gospel, Jesus relates the story of a rich man named Lazarus, who ignored the obvious needs of a poor man who lay suffering on his doorstep. We see in this man the very embodiment of St. Paul’s warning in 1 Timothy, as he appears to be more concerned with holding tightly to all he has, even as he ignores the needs of one whom he could have helped.

I think that temptation to hold on to what we have may feel familiar to us. We work hard for what we have — our money and other resources — and we feel the need to ensure that we have enough. Of course, we do need to care for ourselves and our families—this is part of the reason we work in the first place, in addition to using the gifts and talents God has given us to be active in the world. I also believe God desires that we have the ability and resources to enjoy rest and leisure that refreshes and renews us and supports our health and well-being.

But somehow in that, it seems we sometimes forget that the gifts we have, both material and spiritual, are gifts from God in the first place. Everything we have comes from God’s generous hand, and we are called not only to trust that God will provide for our needs, but also that God calls us to share these gifts with others who have needs. When we hold tightly to our gifts to the exclusion of supporting the Church’s mission to serve all, we miss the call of the Gospel to be a generous witness in the world. When we hold tightly to what we have and look past the needs we see in the world, we deny the personal and spiritual growth that comes from deepening our witness in this way.

I remember a time in my life when it became clear to me that there is much joy in giving; not only in giving to my loved ones, but also in sharing my gifts and my resources in service to the world through the congregation and the Church. I always receive more back than I give, and the joy is deep and sustains me in my own life and vocation.

How do you understand all of your resources to be gifts? How and with whom do you share them? How could you stretch to help meet more needs: in your  personal life, in your life of faith, in our congregation? What small step can you take to increase your giving?

God has so richly blessed us! How can we be blessings far and wide?

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


Some thoughts on life:

I have learned that everyone could use a prayer. Age 72

I ‘ve learned that just when I get my room the way I like it my mom makes me clean it up. Age 13

I ‘ve learned that even when I have pains, I don’t have to be one. Age 82

I’ve learned that you cannot hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. Age 7


Food for Toledo Update

Grace members have donated over 2419 pounds of food in 2022 for our Food for Toledo program!  A food delivery was made to Aldersgate United Methodist Church last week. Pastor Melissa of Aldersgate mentioned that approximately 250 people are served two days a month when their food pantry is open. However if people stop by the church on days the food pantry is closed, they are happily served!

Items needed for the food pantry are pasta, pasta sauce, canned vegetables and fruit, canned meat, cereal, minute rice, canned beans, jelly, soup, etc. Food can be dropped off in the Giving Room on Sundays or anytime the church office is open or on Mondays from 9 – 12 at the Fellowship Hall doors.  And a great big thank you to everyone who donates to this program!


For the last few weeks, we have been praying for Mia.

Today we received a note from Mia.


Behind the scenes at Grace ….by Gretchen

  1. WOW! Another great Stewardship Video Sunday with Mary Schneider and Cindy Wood! The videos show that there are many aspects to stewardship!
  2. We had the rushing river in a number of our bathrooms this last week! The river has now stopped thanks to the plumber. 
  3. Don’t forget to fill out the “It’s a pickle, muddle or glitch” form located outside the office if you find a burned-out light bulb, slow sink, soap dispenser that is emptied. and give to office or place in slot on office door.
  4. The new Communion Table arrived this last week and is in the big church. Thank you to an anonymous donor.
  5. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace!


Healthy People! Healthy Parish!


We have the Active Shooter Drill scheduled with the Toledo Police Department for Thursday September 29th.  The plan is to start at 6:00 pm and go till 8:00 pm. We will be on the move for 2-3 scenarios and then time to sit and go over what we did well and what may need some work. This is open to anyone who is interested as well as those involved in leading groups or ministries within the church.


Red is valuable! 
Red is beautiful!

Yes, red is extremely valuable  and even beautiful when it comes to blood! One unit of blood can help as many as 3 people!

Grace has an upcoming Blood Drive scheduled for Wednesday October 5 from 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Please consider donating as a way to not only give back to the community but also to help 3 people! You may sign up on the Red Cross website under Grace or call Gretchen and she will work on getting you scheduled.


Is Your Age Unlisted??

The month celebrating Aging Well is almost over but celebrating healthy aging is really a lifetime celebration. Exercising, eating well, drinking water, following through with vaccines (i.e. Flu Shot and Covid Boosters) and making regular  dentist, eye and medical doctor appointments all contribute to living a great healthy life.

Another piece of the puzzle for healthy aging is our mental health:

  • Positive Attitude. Keeping a positive attitude and spin on things helps you to have a healthier and happier view of life. If you are having difficulty focusing on the positive talk and are depressed, talk with someone about it – your doctor, a counselor. If you are feeling like you are having a mental health crisis – call 988 which is the Suicide Hot Line and the people answering will be able to help you. Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help!
  • Don’t Act Your Age – really it is only a number. Look forward to activities and things that make you smile. Wear white after Labor Day or even fuchsia or watch the new movie Lyle, Lyle the Crocodile – there is no age limit on colors or Disney Movies.
  • Try something new. It can be a sport like pickle ball or even a new game – bridge, cribbage (not sure what it is but people say it is interesting?) or become the master Pictionary guru. Something new that has been on your bucket list – bungee jumping at the zoo – anything that is new and different.
  • Check out your creativity – try a hand at painting, cooking, sewing, building purple martin houses and checking with the metro parks to see if they can use them. Can you be creative in mentoring and teaching kids how to sew, cook and even change a tire?
  • Surround yourself with positive people – the ones who make you smile and laugh and may even play a few tricks on you! Remind them that paybacks can be rough!
  • Volunteer. There are countless places and things to volunteer for.
  • Do you complain about being lonely? Pick up the phone and call people – family friends – make a date for lunch.


Check out the information on the credenza outside the office on Jesus was a Role Model of Healthy Behaviors, and Balance and Health and the Old Testament!


September 25,2022 is “If you see something, say something” day!

We are all responsible for public safety. If you observe or see something that does not appear right, and you are concerned call 911 to report and to have law enforcement to check it out.

It could be anything from someone hanging around in a place that just seems inappropriate to someone trying to get in house without a key and who does not look familiar to you. Be aware!

When you do call try to remember.

  1. Who did you see – can you remember what the person(s) looked like – clothing, how tall, etc.
  2. What did you see – were they breaking into a car or house or just hanging out, driving back and forth down the street
  3. When you saw it – time of day
  4. Where it occurred place
  5. Why it’s suspicious – is it out of the ordinary??



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24