Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!

~Luke 19:38


This Sunday April 10, Pastor Brenda Peconge will be here to be introduced to the congregation as part of our Call Process. The Call Committee is recommending her as being well qualified and a good fit to serve as our  next pastor.  Between services there will be opportunity for us to sit down with Pastor Brenda and ask her any questions you may have about her ministry and her excitement about the opportunities for her and the people of Grace.

Then on  Sunday April 24 Grace will thus hold a special congregational meeting at 10:45 AM for the purpose of discussing and then voting on the recommendation for call.


April Fools Red Cross Blood Donor Day!  

No fooling we collected 20 Units! What a great day for as many as 60 people! Thanks to all that took the time and kindness to help others. It is so appreciated! Thanks to Nancy Omey for helping out with our snacks and greeting people!!

Save the date for the end of June for our next Red Cross Donor Day – this will be the Interfaith Blood Drive.

The exact date to be announced within the next month.




Thank you!!

Thank you Nancy,  Karlene, Sherry, Susan and Ann for coming in week after week to help others through our Personal Needs Ministry.

You are very appreciated!


Fellowship Time

Hope to see you between services on Sunday in

Fellowship Hall!

April 10 – Cindy Wood, Mary Schneider

April 17 – Easter – no fellowship time


Rummage Sale

Time for spring cleaning!

The youth will be having a rummage sale on April 30. They are collecting things now – so if you have anything to donate – feel free to bring it any  morning Monday through Friday from 9:00 until noon or bring it with you on Sundays when you come to church.


Worship at Oakleaf Village

Beginning on April 21 Grace will offer a Christian Worship  service at Oakleaf Village Living Community on Holland-Sylvania Road. The service will be offered on the third Thursday of each month at 1:30 pm. All are welcome.

If you know anyone living at Oakleaf please pass the word about Grace’s new ministry.


National Walking Day!

Although it is actually celebrated on April 6, we can celebrate it any time. Walking is such a great exercise to maintain good health.

A daily walk for 30 minutes:

  1. Helps to decrease stress and improve sleep.
  2. Increases bone strength.
  3. Helps with weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.
  4. Is great for our cardiovascular system.

Some other great ways to get some steps in:

  1. Park farther away when shopping.
  2. Walk to the store instead of driving.
  3. The elevator looks great but taking the steps are better.


All glory to our Lord and God

for love so deep, so high, so broad:

the Trinity whom we adore

forever and forevermore.

ELW 322


Behind the scenes at Grace …. By Gretchen

  1. Have you heard? Grace is conducting a once-a-month worship service at Oak Leaf (On Holland-Sylvania Rd). Thank you to Bob Haaf for spearheading and Pastor Abts for conducting the service.
  2. The winds this last week have sent a shower of balloons (plastic grocery bags) over the roof and onto the parking lot. It would be nice if we had more colors!
  3. Signs of spring – daylilies coming up by Brenner, daffodils coming up in the garden by the office, a hugeamongous increase in the number of mole hills and robins checking out the dirt for worms! Please be careful if you walk on the grass in the parking lot so you do not step in a mole tunnel.
  4. Don’t forget there are not one but 2 Community Bulletin Boards – check them out for church and community events!
  5. We have heard good things about our cleaning crew! Thanks to Gaston we have heard that the church smells good and is nice to have supplies restocked.
  6. We still are in the need someone who likes the challenge of putting the keys with the doors. Let the office know if you are interested. We are down to one ring and a few loose ones thanks to Cathy.
  7. Thanks to Betsy Nonnenmacher for being our organist while Debby is away.
  8. Places to drop off old or unused medications have been posted on the Community Bulletin Boards.
  9. Gretchen was available this last Sunday for Blood Pressure checks and will be available again on Sunday April 24 in between services.
  10. Our Grace menagerie grew a little this last Friday – two HUGE buzzards landed on the chapel roof and Fellowship Hall roof. They are God’s Creatures but they leave a little bit to the imagination to see their beauty – maybe just their red beak.
  11. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people carrying out God’s Mission!


Healthy Quotes

The Human Body is 90% water, so we are basically a cucumber with anxiety!

(Author Unknown)

Exercise not only changes your body. It changes your mind,

your attitudes and your mood.

(Author Unknown)

If a cookie falls on the floor and you pick it up.

That is called doing a squat, right?

( Author Unknown )

Say What?

Bob Haaf


Something in the First Reading during worship on April 3rd really rattled my hearing aids. From the book of Isaiah (43:20) this was read, “The wild animals will honor me, the jackals and the ostriches.”


Say what? Why was the Lord talking to Isaiah about ostriches—how would Isaiah know what ostriches are? They’re not native to Isaiah’s home country.1 Could the Bible translation of this reading have been incorrect?

With these questions harassing me, I rushed home to consult the website Bible Gateway which contains over 50 translations of the Bible (well, I rushed home after stopping in Fellowship Hall for a cookie).


Puzzlement upon puzzlement. In 35 different translations of the Bible, the word “ostriches” was used. However, over a dozen versions referred to “owls”—and even “birds”, “surly birds”, and “buzzards” made one appearance each. Say what?


OK, translators don’t agree about ostriches, but what about jackals—the other   critter referred to in the Reading? Turns out there are differences of opinion here too. Although “jackals” was the winner, appearing in 38 versions, such things as “dragons”, “large animals”, “wild dogs”, and “coyotes” also appeared. Say what?

Alright, take a step further back, to another source—an Interlinear Bible 2 (in fact, two different Interlinear Bibles). Both claimed that “ostriches” is the proper translation of the “original” Hebrew word—BUT they disagreed on what the actual Hebrew word was! Oh, bother!



Hmmm! Maybe I should have taken time to eat more than one cookie   before being so literal-minded about the Bible. Although the words in different Biblical translations don’t agree with one another, the underlying WORD (the meaning of the words) is remarkably consistent—that is, words proclaim the WORD. In this reading from Isaiah, the WORD given by the literal words proclaims the glory of the Lord. In this, all translations agree.



1 According to Wikipedia, Ostriches are only native to parts of Africa.

2 An Interlinear Bibles contains, not only an English-language translation, but also a Hebrew Old Testament.



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24