Hallelujah! Happy are they who fear the Lord

                                   And have great delight in God’s commandments!

                                                                                           ~Psalm 112:1



Pastor’s Thoughts:

“Child of God, you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit, and marked with the cross of Christ forever.”—from the Rite of Holy Baptism, Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal.

The cross is a powerful symbol. In fact, it is the ultimate symbol for us as Christians, as it reminds of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on his cross, and calls us to repentance, forgiveness, discipleship, and love in his name. The cross has a prominent place in our worship spaces, as we gather under both its shadow and its hope. The shape of the cross is placed on our foreheads at our baptism, and its shape is traced over the community as a whole when we hear the words of absolution in worship. Many of us trace the form of the cross over ourselves when we hear the words “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” reminding ourselves of our baptism.

This powerful reminder of who we are and whose we are also finds its way into other parts of our lives. Some of us wear crosses around  our necks. Some of us hang crosses on the walls of our homes. Each time we see these crosses, we have the chance to reflect on what it means for us and for the world.

What crosses do you have that are meaningful to you? A necklace someone gave you? A cross on your wall that holds a certain memory? Another piece of art featuring a cross?

On 11 September, we will mark Holy Cross Sunday. We would like to see your special crosses, and have them here at church for others to see and reflect upon. If you would be willing to share one (or two) of yours, please bring them to church by Friday, 9 September. You can bring them on Sunday or drop them off at the   office during the week (8:00 a.m. to noon, M-F). We will ask you to fill out a slip of paper with your name and why the cross is meaningful for you. We will create a display for all to see.

Thank you for your willingness to be a part of this!

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda



Operation Christmas Child

August – Scissors and/or markers



Fellowship Time 

Thank you to all who help

Sunday August 28 – Jan Dustman and Karlene Jaquillard




Rick resting after spending hours getting rid of weeds in our parking lot here at Grace.

Thank you, Rick, for all you do!


Please! If you are the last one to leave the building,

make sure ALL lights are off!!

Thank you.


Holy Cross Sunday, September 11

The Feast of the Holy Cross Day celebrated on September 14th will be celebrated at Grace on September 11th at both the 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. services. Celebrated on September 14th, Holy Cross Day is a day which honors and commemorates the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross for our  salvation. Grace members are asked to bring to church on Sunday, September 5 or the following week (Monday – Friday) between 9 a.m. – noon, a special cross that is displayed in their home.  Members will be asked to complete a card that will include their name and the reason why the cross is so special to them. These will be displayed at both services on September 11. The crosses then can be picked up the following week or on Sunday, September 18.


Sunday, October 30 10:30 a.m.

Reformation Sunday this year is on October 30. Watch the weekly announcements regarding information on a special  service at 10:30 a.m. that day. Grace will welcome a special guest!


Sign-up sheets for readers, ushers, and acolytes are posted on the Community Bulletin Board near the sanctuary. Please consider signing up to help at worship.  And if you are interested in becoming an assisting minister or would like more information on being an assisting minister, please contact Pastor Brenda, David O’Brien, Fritz Gooch, or Bob Haaf. 


Food for Toledo Update

For the period of August 1 – August 15 145 pounds of food was donated to the Food for Toledo program for a total of 2333 pounds for the year!  Keep up the great job, Grace!


Children’s Sermon at Grace

Thank you to everyone who participates in this important ministry at Grace. Personally I look forward to the children’s sermon every week (as well as the sermon) to see the variety of topics and delivery style of our presenters. If you are not currently on the children’s sermon rotation and wish to be, please   contact me at 419.262.0730 or msschneider353@gmail.com

                             Mary Schneider


Healthy People! Healthy Parish!

ULF Season??? 

ULF is something none of us want. It can ruin your day, a week and even  longer if you have a medical condition like diabetes or a heart condition. It can make you tired, have stomach and related issues, and just make you feel lousy. Now there is something to help lessen and even prevent feeling lousy with ULF.

It involves some work and time but in the long run you will be better.

It may help you avoid a trip to the hospital.

It is what everyone should do before the end of October.

Give up?  THE FLU SHOT!! GET IT!


SHHH -are we sleeping? 

The days are getting shorter, and the early darkness and cooler weather makes many of  us think of a good sleep!

Sleep has some magical powers!

  1. It affects our moods – not enough or poor-quality sleep and we can become pretty cranky and negative thinking. It also increases risk for mental health problems like depression. When we get enough sleep, we are more positive and better able to cope with stress.
  2. It can affect our eyes. Some issues with dry eyes, eyestrain or eye fatigue can be linked to poor sleep.
  3. The heart is affected by continually little sleep and can even contribute to high blood pressure.
  4. Poor sleep affects productivity and your ability to get that to-do list done. Adequate sleep correlates with increasing the ability to concentrate.
  5. Sleep is very important for the immune system. While sleeping the body produces specific hormones that ultimately help the immune system fight off infections. Think about when you have been “burning the candle at both ends” and how easy you catch a cold or the ULF.

    Next week – what can you do to sleep better???

    Hint: Did you know that a recent study found that people who make their beds actually sleep better!



October 5th is a Special Day at Grace!

It is our Blood Drive Day! We have had the privilege of hosting Blood Drives for not only Interfaith for many years but also separate drives the last 4 years. We are blessed to have a site that is great to provide this opportunity to give back to others.

Please hold the date and sign up to give on the Red Cross website or call   Gretchen and she will work with you to schedule an appointment.

The drive is from 1-6 PM in Brenner Hall.

Remember:  Your one unit of blood can go to save 3 people!

Blood Pressure Checks this Sunday in Room 3!


Behind the scenes at Grace ……by Gretchen

  1. Check out Jean Baranski’s photo in the Sylvania Advantage!! It is posted on the Community Bulletin Boards.
  2. The Hampton Park Blockwatch meets at Grace on the third Wednesday of each month. It is interesting to hear what is going on in the neighborhood. A Toledo Policeman attends the meetings to provide an update on crime in the Blockwatch area as well as discussing what can be done to prevent crime. Overall, there was quite a drop in police reports for the last 2 months which is great. The officer also brought information on how we can prevent crime as well as a service for logging your important items. This information is on both Community bulletin Boards.
  3. Rally day is just around the corner (September 11). Don’t forget to put on your calendar to bring flowers for the Flower Cross!  We are going to move the cross into the chapel for second service. If we don’t have enough flowers Gretchen will bring Golden Rod! There are a number of people in our church family that you say the word “Golden Rod” and they start sneezing. So, save the sneezers and bring some flowers for the cross! Hatchu!
  4. We have a small pile of cardboard boxes in the Copy Room. We would appreciate someone picking them up and taking to the recycler.
  5. Still in need of empty plastic butter jars! Can be dropped off in the office or outside Gretchen’s door.
  6. Are you having a meeting??? Did you remember to send a message to the office so it can be added to the calendar. If your meeting is cancelled or changed, please call or email the office, too.
  7. Are you the chairperson of a ministry or the secretary of a ministry??? Don’t forget to send the office a copy of your meeting minutes so that they can be logged into the computer.
  8. Ok, only one more reminder – if you have a mailbox, please check it as there are some things that do not go out by email and are actually on paper or have traveled by snail mail.
  9. Oops one more reminder. At the completion of a program, Worship service or meeting PLEASE HELP US SAVE ON ELECTRICITY BY TURNING OFF THE LIGHTS. Please check the restrooms, too.
  10. Thanks to John Orozco for greeting people with an umbrella and ushering them into church as the sky let loose this last Sunday! It was so appreciated!
  11. WOW! Have you seen the TV outside the office has come alive again!! It has had a long Covid nap vs a long winters nap! Check it out for all sorts of information!   
  12. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s mission!



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24