My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,

My spirit rejoices in God my Savior

~Luke 1:46b – 47


Worship Opportunities at Grace

December 19  9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. – Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 20 11:00 a.m. – Monday Gathering/Lunch
December 21  6:30 p.m. – Blue Christmas Service

December 24 3:00 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. – Christmas Eve Services with a Christmas Carol sing along at 10:00 pm before the service.

December 26 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.  Sunday Services



Happy 99th Birthday, Lois!!!!!





Thank you to the following people for signing up to hostess!

December 19th – Christmas Cookie Fellowship

December 26th – No Fellowship Hour


Many of you have suffered the loss of loved ones due to Covid or illness, or other experiences that have caused you to feel pain, sorrow, loneliness, grief, or regrets. You are not alone. We encourage you to attend the Blue Christmas Worship Service on December 21 at 6:30 pm in the Chapel.

If you are not able to come, perhaps the knowledge that you will be prayed for  during the service so that you may experience the love and comfort of others, and the security that Christ is at your side to shower you with His love and comfort. We pray that will comfort you.

~The Worship Ministry


A message from our friends at Sunshine

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season filled with joy and peace.



Time to turn in your Piggy Banks!

This Sunday, December 19.

The total amount collected will be announced

at the Christmas Eve services.


Wanted Blood!

Gretchen was talking with Angie O’Brien our Red Cross person on Wednesday. Angie stated that we are in a severe shortage of blood in Toledo and across the US. The Red Cross in Toledo is having a difficult time keeping up with the need just here in town. Gretchen’s niece is a Physician Assistant at Grant Hospital in Columbus, and she says the blood shortage is just as severe there and they may be cancelling elective surgeries.

Just think if it was one of your family members or a close friend who needs blood and the supply is limited.

On the news after the tornado in Kentucky an emergency blood drive was shown! We hope that something like this never happens here but extending ourselves to help others is what God wants us to do so please consider donating.

 PLEASE think about donating on January 12th. This is a way to reach out to others that involves a relatively short time commitment, does not cost you any thing but is so rewarding to know that it will help someone and is also a way of carrying out God’s mission to care. First time as well as experienced donors are welcome. You can sign up on the Red Cross website or call Gretchen and she will work on scheduling you – 419-944-5166. The drive is running from 11:00 am – 6:00 pm. Donors do not need to be members of Grace – they can be neighbors, friends, your barber or hairdresser ,etc.


Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile,

a kind word, a listening ear (truly listening), an honest

compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which

have the potential to turn a life around.

(Leo Buscaglia)

To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is

necessary to stand out in the cold.


Hmm, this may be a point of disagreement as you can study that flake that is plastered against the window while staying snug as a bug in a rug inside, too.

Behind the scenes at Grace….by Gretchen

  1. Cookie Day is coming! Sunday December 19th is Cookie Day for Fellowship Hour! Sue Wagner our Hostess Ministry Leader is asking for people to bring cookies! Let her know if you are going to bring your favorites! Let’s check all the cookies out and have not only a wonderful fellowship but a super sugar high!!!  Are you a chocolate lover or sugar and spice – Come and enjoy!
  2. Thanks to all who purchased a poinsettia! The money goes to support VBS in 2022!  Did you know that our VBS is open to all and we do not charge for children to attend – it is free for them!
  3. Oink collection!! The Oinks are due back to the pen on Sunday the 19th! Please fill your piglet and bring to church.
  4. It looks like the oak leaves are finally all down and have been collected so now we are ready for the white stuff!
  5. On this last Wednesday the fountain next to the office was covered with ice and the water flowing under the ice with the sun shining on it was beautiful!
  6. The wind was wild this last weekend and so was the garbage. Plastic bags were like balloons flying around. Much of the garbage and plastic bags were picked up by Connie Thomas. Cathy kept an eye out that she did not get plastered against the fence like the  garbage and had to be rescued!!! Thank you, Connie, for keeping our campus beautiful!
  7. We are reaching out to have several people to learn how to work the camera for our live stream on Sunday (both services). It is not difficult, and Fritz is willing to give a lesson! This is an important part of our outreach into the   community.
  8. With the increase in food prices there is still a great need for food. Our food collection day is Monday from 9:00 am -11:00 am. If you are unable to bring food during these times – please bring in and put in the container in the Graceful Giving Room across from room 3.
  9. Our Advent group has been meeting weekly on Monday to study and discuss the Advent readings from Sunday. We have had some really interesting discussions. All are welcome even if you just want to come and listen and    enjoy the fellowship. We also have a light lunch!
  10. Remember: Grace is the people not the building!


Grace’s Anatomy – Episode #5   

The Contents of the chancel – Wow – there are all sorts of interesting items in the Chancels.

Linens and Paraments – altars have always been covered with fine cloths known as linens and paraments have covered chancel furnishings since back in the 5th century. Linens are always white. Paraments are various colors to reflect liturgical day or season. Linens are on the top of both altars. Paraments are the fabric pieces that hang from the pulpit and lectern as well as the front of the altars.

Cross – a single large cross or crucifix is placed near the altar for worship services. We have a fixed cross on the wall behind the altar in the large church and is on the altar in the Chapel. We also have the processional cross in the large church that is carried form the Narthex to the altar and placed in the stand on the upper right side of the chancel.

Candles – in the most basic sense, candles are a visual reminder of Christ as the light of the world. At least 2 white candles are place on the altar or floor next to the altar. In the large church there are 2 white candles on the altar that are lit when we are having communion. In the large church there is a candelabra located on either side of the altar that are lit for every service. Two white candles are on the altar in the Chapel. Did you know that candles used in worship need to be made of at least 51% beeswax for longer burning! We have beeswax candles in the chapel but use lamp oil in the large church candles.

Paschal Candle – is sometimes called the Easter Candle is a large, decorated candle that symbolizes our Lord’s glorious Easter triumph over the darkness and sin. It is the largest candle in the chancel, typically at least 30 inches tall and is placed in a floor stand that is at least 4 feet tall.  We have a Paschal Candle in the large church and is located next to the pulpit and the Baptismal Font. The Candle is lit for Easter services, baptisms and funerals. The candle is placed at the head of the casket during funeral services.

Pulpit – originally there were no pulpits – preaching was done in the midst of the people (does this not sound like what churches are returning to where the pastor is preaching from the middle of the Chancel or the Nave?). It was not until the Middle Ages when churches became larger that pulpits began to be used. They grew to be very large and often had very ornate carving. There was also the  development of having two places to speak the word – a higher pulpit or lectern for the reading of the gospel and less prominent lectern for the reading of the lessons. The large church has both and the Chapel has one.

Lectern – the lectern is present at Grace in the large church and is where announcements and readings take place (the exception of the gospel which is read at the pulpit). The lectern and pulpit are combined in the Chapel.

Lectionary – the readings are read from a lectionary or Bible. In the large church the lectionary /Bible are located on the lectern and can be on the altar. In the Chapel are on the pulpit/lectern.

Hanging Candle – the official name for this candle is Sanctuary Lamp. The candle burns continuously. It is suspended from the ceiling or mounted on the chancel wall. We have one in the big church located on the left side of the Chancel .

Baptismal Font. In the large church the font is in the chancel on the right side next to the pulpit. In the Chapel the font sits below the chancel and is also on the right side near the pulpit.

Offering Plates – located on shelf to the left of the altar in the large church and on the altar in the Chapel.

Organ – is in the chancel. The piano and all musical instruments are in the chancel in the Chapel.

Seating – in the large church the choir pews are in the chancel as well as seating area for pastor and assisting minister. There is seating for the musicians and   pastor in the chancel in the Chapel.

Episode #6 Next Newsletter – Graceful Giving Room




This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24