Cast all your anxiety on him,

because he cares for you.

~1 Peter 5:7


It’s a 2022 and new year!

That means it’s time for you to schedule your group and committee meetings so we can properly reserve the rooms and get the meetings on the calendar.  You can get a form from Cathy in the office or email me a request and I’ll send the form back to you, Rick Sharp, Facilities Use Ministry,


The Congregational meeting scheduled for January 30 has been postponed.

It will be rescheduled at a later date.


Spotted at the 11:30 service at Grace Sunday morning, January 9


COVID Update!

To keep the family of Grace and visitors safe with the increase in Covid cases we are temporarily suspending Fellowship Hour between services through the end of January. We will reevaluate at the end of January and hopefully will be able to resume in February.


Behind the scenes at Grace….. By Gretchen

  1. Epiphany is over and the Chrismon tree was taken down and packed away till next year. Thanks to Brenda, Mary and Cathy.
  2. We have had a beautiful winter wonderland with the snow and the cold.
  3. The menagerie is diving into the food that Joe puts out each morning – it looks as though they hear a dinner bell and come running and if it is later than normal, they are out waiting.
  4. Don’t forget the Food Pantry on Mondays – the need continues to be great as food costs are going up and some kids are back at home with school.
  5. Personnel Needs are also in need!
  6. Have you heard the door knocking? The automatic door outside the office is slightly “ill” and if you stand around long enough you will hear what sound like someone knocking to get in! It is due for repair this week.
  7. Remember Grace is not the building but the people carrying out God’s Mission!


Grace Anatomy!



Did you know that all the classrooms are numbered and that they are down the hall towards the expressway with the exception of number 3? It is located across from the Graceful Giving Room. This is where the Personnel Needs  ministry meets on Tuesday, where AA meets and other meetings. It also has a bathroom designed for little children. It is also one of the only rooms that is not air conditioned so can be toasty in the summer.

Basements and Garage!

We have 2 basements.

One is under the chapel and can be accessed by the door in the hallway at the back of the chapel. Once you open the door there are steps to the balcony and steps down to the basement. The basement is a typical basement with storage stuff. However, it is one of our severe weather tornado shelters and has a door that accesses the outside in the need to escape. It is always a little musty smelling so do not become alarmed – it is “basement cologne”.

The other basement is across the hall from Classroom 3. This is the boiler room area, workbench, winter salt supply, ladders, Easter Egg Hunt and some Christmas decorations are stored there. This is also a severe weather tornado shelter area.

Up the steps form this basement is the “Garage”. There is a garage door that opens towards Best Buy / Kroger. The snowblowers, garden rakes/equipment, Christmas Tree and Interfaith Blood Drive Supplies are stored here. This is not a good place to be in severe weather as it is not underground.


No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple!

(Regina Brett)




So far, we have had only the cold and a little bit of ice – no big snow yet.

Is your car prepared for a winter emergency? What you carry in your car could make a difference!

Winter carries the risk of frostbite, hypothermia, carbon monoxide poisoning and heart attacks.

We have all heard about the giant winter car pileup and delay this last week! Most of us think that will never happen to us, never in Toledo, Ohio but it can. What if you are traveling out of Toledo?

First if there is a winter weather event forecasted if you can stay home, it would be a great idea. If not, think about having your car prepared.

If traveling let someone know where you are going and the route you are taking.

Have a full tank of gas before you start and keep it as filled up as possible.

Then have:

  • First Aid Kit
  • Jumper Cables and tire pressure gauge
  • Portable phone charger
  • Flashlight with extra batteries.
  • Heavy gloves, hats, more warm coats and Thermal or Safety Blankets(Sleeping bags?)
  • Boots, waterproof footwear
  • Disposable hand and or foot warming packs
  • Drinking water and preserved food (think granola or protein bars, raisins, beef jerky)
  • Red signal flag that you can tie on antenna
  • Flares or warning triangle
  • Whistle
  • Ice scraper
  • Something for traction like sand, salt, non-clump kitty litter
  • Shovel

If your car becomes stuck

  • Make sure it is visible. Put the red flag on the antenna, use emergency lights, flares, warning triangle, turn the dome light on
  • Notify roadside assistance/help – ie. AAA
  • Make sure snow is not blocking the exhaust pipe to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Take it easy moving the snow and avoid overdoing it especially if you are not in the greatest shape.
  • Conserve the heat in the car by building a small area with blankets around you like a fort. Turn the heart on for 10 minutes every hour and crack window slightly.
  • Do not leave the car as you could be easily disoriented especially if snowing and/or area you are not familiar with.


Jesus, name above all names
Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord
Emmanuel, God is with us
Blessed Redeemer, Living Word
Jesus, name above all names
Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord
Emmanuel, God is with us
Blessed Redeemer, Living Word


~Photo by Cathy


This is the day the Lord has made

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24