Let the words of my mouth and the meditation

of my heart be acceptable in your sight,

O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.

~Psalm 19:14




The Congregational meeting scheduled for January 30 has been postponed.

It will be rescheduled at a later date.


COVID Update!

To keep the family of Grace and visitors safe with the increase in Covid cases we are temporarily suspending Fellowship Hour between services through the end of January. We will reevaluate at the end of January and hopefully will be able to resume in February.


It’s a 2022 and new year!

That means it’s time for you to schedule your group and committee meetings so we can properly reserve the rooms and get the meetings on the calendar.  You can get a form from Cathy in the office or email me a request and I’ll send the form back to you, Rick Sharp, Facilities Use Ministry, rfssylvan@gmail.com


One service only January 30, 2022 – 10:30 a.m. in the chapel

Combined traditional and contemporary


Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

Pentamerous Worship

Bob Haaf

Think about this: Grace is a congregation in the midst of pastoral transition—and is a congregation dealing with a pandemic. Nevertheless, Grace offers five opportunities for worship each week. Two opportunities for in-person worship on Sunday mornings; two opportunities for worship through Facebook on Sunday mornings; and  David O’Brien’s meditation on Grace’s website. That’s what I call “Grace being God’s grace.”

Yeah, every once in a while, some people (including me?) like to play with big words. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, pentamerous means “consisting of five parts.”


 You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

(C.S. Lewis)


You have heard about a gaggle of geese and an army of ants

but have your heard of “a convocation of eagles” and “a lounge of lizards” and “a kaleidoscope of butterflies”???


A few days ago, Sarah Abts went into Wersell’s Bike shop carrying a gift card, a gift to us from Grace Lutheran Church. When she walked out again, she didn’t have the gift card anymore. She had exchanged it for a spiffy new helmet. Thank you all so very much!


Let us be grateful for the people who make us happy.

They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

(Marcel Proust)


Behind the scenes at Grace …..by Gretchen

  1. Wednesday January 12th was our first Blood Drive of the year! 26 Units of blood were collected!!!! Multiply that times 3 and we have the potential to help 78 people!!!! We had 7 first time donors! The shortage is still severe and is being reported as a crisis. Thanks to 26 people including a bunch of our members who helped. The need for blood is never over as it has a limited shelf life so, PLEASE think about giving – if not at our next blood drive another one. Our next drive is believe or not Friday April 1 and yes, it is April Fool’s Day, but we are not fooling. It is from 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm and the appointment calendar is open now. If you donated on the 12th you will be able to donate on April 1. This is an easy way to give back to the community and others. Any questions see Gretchen. A big thanks to all the Grace Family who donated and to Mary Schneider for helping!
  2. February is our “Wrap A Heart in a Blanket” Campaign. Blankets are collected and donated to Tent City in the fall or given before hand as needed. If you have any clean used blankets or desire to purchase one at all the bedding sales, we will have the “blanket trunk” out by the office at the first of the month. February is Heart Month, and nothing is better than helping to keep another one’s heart warm.
  3. The fountain by the office is beautiful with the water under the ice and the sun shining on it – thanks to God for providing the water, electricity and sunshine!
  4. Our Red Tail Hawk has been cruising the parking lot – all 4-legged creatures are laying low when he is around. Although Pastor says the number of mole holes has increased on the expressway side of the church – perhaps the hawk has had a change in diet preference and moles are off his desired list?
  5. Not the sound of music but the sound of pots and pans in Brenner Hall will soon be heard! Don’t forget the Pasta Dinner Drive through on February 5th!
  6. If you missed last week’s Children’s Sermon – check it out on Facebook. The lesson was on Compassion, and it is even more important now! Thanks Sue Wagner!
  7. The Church Directory has been updated and copies are available outside the office. *** Don’t forget if you have a change in email, phone number or address to let the church office know ASAP.
  8. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s Mission .


Here I am, Lord

Is it I, Lord?

I have heard You calling in the night.

I will go, Lord,

if You lead me.

I will hold Your people in my heart.

Grace Anatomy – Program #8

The Nursery

This could be confusing right now as there is a sign on a room that is in the hallway outside of Fellowship that says “NURSERY”. However, the Nursery has moved and is in a room off the lobby by the office. It is always open. We ask that children not be left alone but that there is an adult in the room to supervise. Toys etc. need to be put back in their spots – just like home and putting away toys.

The Office

This is where the Church Office Manager and Assistant are located. Outside the office on the credenza (alias desk) are the directories, Christ in Our Home and all sorts of other important information. Inside the office is where many of the activities of the church are kept oiled and gassed up to ensure a smooth running. Our large copier and paper shredder are located here. The office staff, Parish Nurse and Pastor meet weekly in the office on Monday for a staff meeting The office is locked when the staff is out but there is a mailbox on the door to drop off  information for the office. The office is open from 9:00 am – noon Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted in the Newsletter or on the website.

Don’t forget at the end of Grace Anatomy Season there will be a quiz and of course a prize!


Healthy People! Healthy Parish!


Yes, we all love change (?) but when it comes to our health it is important. Changes – small and big can make a huge difference in how we feel, what we can do and what the future can bring.

Making some lifestyle changes can affect many health conditions One of which  is diabetes.

Research has shown that making certain lifestyle changes can lower the risk of developing diabetes as much as 58% in people under age 60 to as much as 70% in those over 60.

5 Important changes are.

  1. Eat healthier – make half of your plate fruits and vegetables;1/4 of your plate healthy protein like fish, poultry, beans and nuts; and ¼ of your plate whole grains, brown rice and whole grain pasta. If you drink milk choose fat-free (skim) milk.
  2. Move it – exercise 30 minutes daily. Strength training is important for muscle building and balance. If you are unable to participate in a formal program, get up and walk – around your house.
  3. Get your sleep – it restores the body. 7 – 8 hours of sleep a night is good.
  4. Avoid smoking – nicotine can lessen the effectiveness of insulin in the body. Smokers may need more insulin to regulate their blood sugar.
  5. Manage stress – this is hard for many of us as it is unavoidable. Finding ways that work for you to decrease stress are important. Turning off the TV, the computer and our phones for even a short time can help. Listen to music, take a walk in nature, pray, read the Bible, learn how to meditate, deep breathing, hobbies you enjoy can help with decreasing stress. Alcohol and drugs (unless prescribed by your MD) do not help and can cause problems with stress.



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24