Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

~Psalm 23:6



This Sunday, July 18, at Grace

An Outdoor Contemporary Service will be held at 10:30 a.m. this Sunday at Grace! Grace’s own Praise Team will play at the service. A small tent and chairs will be provided, but feel free to bring lawn chairs and umbrellas. For those that may not want to sit outside, the service will be live streamed in Brenner Hall. After the service a short meeting will take place and lunch will be served. Worship and fellowship – a wonderful time at Grace!


Behind the scenes at Grace…. By Gretchen

  1. Wow the parking lot is not so empty anymore - more activities continue to come back. The menagerie is now on constant look out for 4 wheeled vehicles as they cross the parking lot. Now, the moles are another thing – they have moved up into the grass by the office. They like grubs and with the rain and dampness we must have a bumper crop of them. Our red tail hawk has not been seen so it must be enjoying easier pickings somewhere else …
  2. Noise and commotion are what you hear with construction but at Grace we are also hearing kids singing, learning bible verses and other lessons about God. So, our Vacation Bible School this week is more than just noise.
  3. Don’t forget if you have a great recipe using fresh veggies and fresh fruit and you feel like sharing - please add to the Community Board by the office. There are also some good recipes posted to take. A recent research article from International Behavioral Nutrition found that good nutrition helps increase energy and decreases hospital visits for people over 65! So, get to the Farmer’s Markets if you can. If you cannot get to the markets concentrate on choosing as many fresh fruit and veggies as you can - 5 servings a day.
  4. With the recent rain and heat the flowers in our gardens around the church are beautiful. If you have flowers and would love to share their beauty, please bring on Sunday for the alter- both the Sanctuary and the Chapel.
  5. Some interesting programs are being planned for this fall so watch the Newsletter for information. OOPS- don’t forget the Ketchup group on Monday July 19 and Monday July 26 – short devotion, short program, treats and a chance to “ketchup” with others.
  6. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace doing God’s Mission.


Life is 10% what you make it and 90% of how you take it

~Author Unknown

Some of the most amazing moments in your life will take you by surprise

~Author Unknown

Another type of bug is coming!!

Have you guessed? Yes, the cicadas are around, and the crickets will soon be chirping and then of course there are always flies, mosquitos and the like but the one that can really get us into trouble and is preventable is on the way!


The vaccines will soon be available - some offices and pharmacies may have them in August. There is still the unknown if we are going to need some kind of booster for Covid, but it is definitely a good idea to get the flu vaccine. Flu vaccines will not prevent Covid but having the vaccine will reduce the burden of flu illnesses, hospitalizations and even deaths from the flu.

Some benefits of getting the flu vaccine:

  1. Help prevent from getting sick with the flu.
  2. Helps reduce the risk of flu -associated hospitalizations for children, adults and older adults.
  3. Important for prevention of the flu in people with chronic health conditions (heart, lung, diabetes).
  4. Helps protect women during and after pregnancy. Some research studies have shown that a flu vaccine during pregnancy helps protect a newborn baby.
  5. Can be lifesaving in children
  6. Several studies show that having the vaccine has helped to reduce the severity of illness in people who get vaccinated but still get sick.
  7. Getting the vaccine may also protect people around you.

So, check with your pharmacy and family physician to find out when they will have the vaccine and shoo this bug!


If you cannot make it to the Grace Zoom Bible Study on Saturday afternoon, let Bob know and he can invite you to the recorded session. It is well worth watching even if you cannot join in live!


How Do You Feel About Change…..

Nobody really likes change. How many wake up in the morning and say, “I think today I don’t want any change”? Well as luck would have it, there are those among us who do want change. In this world, it does take all kinds, doesn’t it?

Our general theme for VBS this year is Concrete and Cranes, where we build a strong foundation with Jesus. And what better organization to tie into this building theme, than this year’s VBS Mission Offering to help support Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity’s efforts to build affordable homes for families struggling with high rents or difficult living conditions. These homes are provided with a zero-interest mortgage, and payments tailored to fit their income budget. Habitat requires sweat equity from the prospective homeowner and provides educational support by way of money management, simple home repair and maintenance instruction, and the basic skills needed to keep home ownership affordable.

(Did you think I forgot about change?)

During our regular offering this morning, we will also be collecting a noisy offering to support Habitat for Humanity. Getting rid of all the heavy, dirty, noisy change in your pocket will go to a good cause! Go ahead, make some noise, get rid of your change, (or loose bills). So, for any of you who don’t want change, now you know, we do. Thank you for helping us, help Habitat for Humanity.

~The crew and forepersons of VBS 2021.



What is it?

It is a recognition that there is goodness in our lives, gifts or benefits that we have received (And maybe take for granted?)

The goodness often comes from the actions or contributions of another person. When we are grateful, we recognize the intention and effort that went into those actions on our behalf and the benefits they gave us (Emmons)

So why is having gratitude a big deal? Research has found that gratitude is good for our bodies, our minds and our relationships!

Grateful people:

-Report higher levels of happiness and satisfaction with their lives

-Are more resilient or tolerant to stress

-Get along better with others

-Are less depressed

-Achieve more

-Are more helpful and generous.

What can we do to experience more gratitude? Think about what you do now or could do this week and write it down. You may be incredibly surprised!

Check out next week’s Newsletter for ideas and see how many more you came up with!


Food for Toledo Update

Food is still being collected for the Food for Toledo program. Our donations are taken to Aldersgate United Methodist Church and are distributed bi-monthly at their Tuesday giveaways. Non-perishable, unexpired food is gratefully accepted. Items can include canned vegetables and fruit, cereal, bottled juice, sugar free powdered drink mix, powdered milk, canned meat, peanut butter, jelly, soups, Minute Rice, pasta, pasta sauce, canned beans, canned pasta meals (Chef Boyardee), boxed macaroni and cheese, condiments, etc. Currently cereal, powdered milk, peanut butter, jelly, canned pasta meals, and boxed macaroni and cheese are in great need. If you would have any questions, please contact Mary Schneider.


Grace Lutheran Church’s Outreach Committee is sponsoring a

Junior High/High School School Supply Drive for our

Personal Needs Clients from July 1 – August 1.

Donation suggestions:
Spiral Notebooks
Mechanical Pencils
Cash or Check (to purchase items above)

Donations can be placed in the tote in the hallway outside of the Church Office designated for School Supply Drive. Cash can be given to any member of the Outreach Committee: Jean Baranski, Jeanne Harmon, Ron Hiatt, Karlene Jaquillard, Sue Melchert, Nancy Omey, Mary Schneider, or Connie Thomas; or a check can be written to Grace Lutheran Church indicating the funds for the School Supply Drive.


I Wonder: Words of Institution

Bob Haaf

I wonder why, during Holy Communion, the worshiping congregation does not join together with the Presiding Minister in proclaiming the words of institution.

“In the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks….Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks and gave it for all to drink….For as often as we eat this bread and drink from this cup, we proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”

Lutheran tradition—at least the ELCA version—holds that, with few exceptions, only an ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament can consecrate the elements of bread and wine. Having the congregation join in proclaiming the words of institution does not violate this tradition. In fact, doing so might make the sacrament even more personal and more meaningful.




Save the Date: August 1 at 9:30 a.m. Ragtime Rick will be at Grace with a breakfast to follow!


Do you know? Have you not heard? Have you not seen?

Grace church took delivery last week of a state-of-the-art Audio/Video System with a 75-inch monitor.

It was set up on Friday, and by Monday it was being used for VBS.

And this week, for those who prefer to take part in the worship service inside, it will be set up in Brenner Hall receiving the live streaming from the outdoor worship service! How exciting is that?

Just another small step to bring Grace into the 21st Century. The system comes with its own onboard computer so that direct connections can be made to the internet using Grace’s expanded building wide Wi-Fi, plus the mouse and keyboard are wireless. It also came with a “Click Share” software and hardware that allows direct wireless connections from a PC, Tablet, Notebook, or Laptop directly to the unit, bypassing Bluetooth, and the internet completely. There are many other features available. The system is modular so can grow with our needs at Grace or with changes in technology.

Watch for training opportunities coming soon. The system will be locked up when not in use, and training will be offered to those who want to be able to use the equipment. The A/V system will use a sign out system like how rooms are reserved. Thanks to the Christian Ed Ministry for spearheading the effort to make this possible.


Meet the members of Basic Grace!


From left to right:

B. J. Miller (drums), Dale Walberg (guitar), Kathleen Hunter (keyboard), Cindy Redrup (slideshow), Cindy Matthews (singer), Jon Darnell (guitar), Janelle Rife (flute), Dave Petitjean (bass), Lori and Brett Miller (sound board).


Wendy McCall (singer) (not here on picture day!)


Fritz Gooch

Thank you to Fritz for always being there to do the live streaming for us!


Candidates for election to council - 2021

Gretchen S. Hiatt

I have been a member of Grace for 15 years. I retired from Promedica Toledo Hospital 4 years ago after 42.5 years. I held various positions from staff RN, administration role, educator, case manager, program developer and director, and research specialist all in Orthopedics. I was retired for one year when I volunteered for the position of Faith Community (Parish) Nurse at Grace. I feel very passionate about the path God has led me to in the 3 years I have been in this position. I am committed to seeing where God steers Grace and feel that being on church council with my background will be an asset down this path. Grace is an awesome place and has so many opportunities to grow in God’s mission.

Robert (Bob) Haaf

I have been a member of Grace for 25 years; have served on Council previously, at times as Secretary, Vice-President, President; have served at times on Christian Education, Worship & Music, Adult Education, and Social Concerns Committees; have taught Sunday School and Adult Bible Study, and have led worship services when the pastor was away; and have been involved with Gentle Worship and Grace Full Friends.
For 35 years I taught and conducted research in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toledo (including as Department Chair for several years); and I’ve been happily retired since 2004. My family includes two children and four grandchildren. And my age can be described as “four score and….”
“God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. John 3:17″

Greg Schafer

As a lifelong member of Grace Lutheran Church (GLC) that commenced with my Baptism at the original church on Pinewood and Confirmation under Karl Brenner at our present location GLC has been “my church” for the last 79 years. My mother, Wilma Schafer sang in the Senior choir and directed the Junior choir until her passing. I am a retired Pharmacist, owned my own business (Genoa Pharmacy) for 27 years after I left Lane Drug for 9 years, then found employment for another 11 years at Sylvania Pharmacy thru 2017. Being goal oriented, I hoped to practice my profession for 50 years. My bride of 58 years, Susan and I had 2 sons, Matthew and Andrew. In 2014 we lost Andrew who was the youngest. Being a liaison for the Property committee to Church Council I have strived to see proper management of our wonderful facility from all aspects including fiscal responsibility. I am a pragmatic traditionalist who believes in the sanctity of life (read pro-life) and the marriage of 1 man and 1 woman. My interests include woodworking, college and pro football, NHL hockey, motor racing (NHRA, NASCAR, F1), politics and current events. But most of all I am an unabashed dog lover and will be volunteering at the Ability Center under their Assistance Dog program. My fervent hope is for this place called GLC to come together to rejoice in what He has given us.




This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24