with my whole heart
~Psalm 138:1a
In Christ,
Pastor Brenda
Thank you to all who help!
July 24th – Mary Schneider, Cindy Wood
July 31th – Contemporary team
July – Bar Soap – Ivory preferred and/or pencil sharpeners
Thank you to the Toledo Hospital Panera Night Staffers for all they do to provide us with treats for our Church Community and our Church Community Outreach.
Do you always tell him or her the truth? Surveys have been done to see if everyone tells their doctor the truth and it was found that of some 2000 patients 28% don’t tell the truth or leave out certain facts.
When we are sick, we expect our doctor to make us well. We want the best care, the latest drugs and the most advanced testing available and want a return to perfect health.
Often, we sabotage our own medical care and outcomes by not telling our doctors all the needed information and occasionally lying for fear of being judged or getting the “lecture “or wanting to be seen as the perfect patient. Sometimes we think that we just should tell the doctor what they want to hear or that the doctor won’t like them if they don’t’ tell the truth.
Some people don’t tell the truth so that they do not have to be inconvenienced by testing or more copays or new medicines.
For some people they unfortunately use it to get something from their doctor like more pain medication or a diagnosis that lets them claim disability funds.
This is a problem as it causes the doctor to order unnecessary testing, or they might prescribe a medication that react in a negative way with a medication the patient is already (secretly) taking.
Another survey of 500 people found that 46% of people are not truthful about smoking, 43% not truthful about not exercising, 38% about drinking alcoholic beverages.
HMM – do you always tell your doctor the “whole truth and nothing but the truth??”
Please think about this – it is so very important that you are honest with your doctor so that you can receive the care you need!
If you or someone you are with is experiencing a mental health emergency including suicidal thoughts /actions this is the number to call for help. People who call or text this number will be connected to a trained counselor at a crisis center close to them.
This is brand new starting on Saturday July 16th .
You have heard it said:
To err is human;
To forgive is divine.
But don’t forget:
To err is easy;
To forgive—not so much.
Community Activities!
Project Noelle: Picnic – Linda Mason is involved in Project Noelle. Project Noelle is a non-profit organization that was started after a mother who passed away from an overdose leaving 3 sons. The organization is on a mission to help the innocent children who have suffered as a result of the opiate epidemic. A brochure explaining more about the project is located on both Community Bulletin Boards – check it out and please let Linda know if you have more questions or would like to volunteer.
The group helps with assistance with basic needs and “little extras” during the holidays. This year they are having a picnic for the children on August 4 with not only the goal of having fun but also to help supply some back packs with school supplies. If you would like to help, please check out the flier on the boards or with Linda.
Thank you to the choir for leading us in song!
Thanks also goes to anyone who helped in any way to make this service and the meal after the service a big success. It took a lot of people to put on this service and everyone’s efforts is certainly noticed and very much appreciated.
Please email comments to worshipandmusicgracelutheranch@gmail.com. Your comments will be read to members of the Worship and Music committee at our meetings. Verbal comments and ideas are always welcome as well and can be given to members Pastor Brenda, Bob Haaf, Fritz Gooch, Cindy Wood, Connie Thomas, Linda Mason, David Pettijean, Cindy Matthews, or Mary Schneider.
- The choir is back! Their voices are wonderful to hear being led and accompanied by Nancy Stepelton! The choir sang the closing hymn of “Go Now in Peace” and it was wonderful.
- We had the baptism of Vivian Elaine Melchert this last Sunday! This is Sue Melchert’s son Sean and Valerie’s daughter. She slept through the whole thing! Welcome Vivian!
- Thanks to Nancy Stepleton for playing while Debby is on vacation.
- You have heard about the footprints not in the sand but the carpet. We heard a splash and now we can audition for the Gain commercial as we smell wonderfully fragrant next to classroom 3. Unfortunately, a lid on a laundry detergent was not quite on so we had a spill. Soon to be cleaned up but boy does it smell good.
- VBS was a blast this last week! Lots of laughter, singing, a super program with even a real Ice Cream Truck pulled up to Brenner Hall. And what a selection of Ice Cream treats! The program was wonderful thanks to JoAnne Vernon and “Herman” and the Loving Monster! We had great food at the Ice Cream Social! Thanks to all the awesome teachers, volunteers, photographers, kids and behind the scenes people for making it another successful VBS!!
- Plans on underway for next year VBS – hold the date (week) of July 10-14!!! More info to follow!
- The Edu-Board is back! Check out interesting “stuff” on the board – fun and good to know stuff!
- Remember: Grace is not the building but the people carrying out God’s mission.
Healthy People! Healthy Parish!
Wonderful Sun!
Did you know there are some sneaky ways we are exposed to the Sun’s Ultraviolet Rays?
There are 2 kinds of ultraviolet rays. One is UVB and is the main one that causes sunburn. Two is UVA which cause premature aging of the skin. Both contribute to skin cancer.
- At work or home sitting next to a window. Window glass blocks UVB but not UVA so try not to sit within several feet of a window.
- Traveling. By law, front windshields are treated to filter out most UV rays, but side and rear windows usually aren’t. When in an airplane sunlight also comes through the windows which can expose you to UV rays. Wear sunscreen and sun protective clothing just like you would outside.
- Rainy days. Just because you can’t see the sun doesn’t mean you are not at risk for exposure. UV rays can go through clouds, rain and even fog. Storms can move very fast, and you could end up in the sun very quickly.
- The nail salon. Some nail lamps are called “UV” lamps and some are called “LED” lamps, but both give off UV radiation. Although they only provide a moderate risk, it’s best to avoid them if you can. For gel manicures apply a sunscreen 20 minutes before putting your hands under the dryer. If you are getting a regular manicure, the safest bet is to allow your nails to air dry naturally or use a small fan.
- On top of old smokey. If you are on vacation and plan to be on top of a mountain you need to pack and apply a sunscreen and wear sun -protective clothing. The sun’s rays are stronger at higher elevations. UV radiation increases 4-5% with every 1,000 feet above sea level (SKIN CANCER FOUNDATION). It can increase even more in winter with the sun reflecting off the ice and snow.
It was July 17th!!! So, we missed it by a week but does not mean you cannot celebrate it again this week!
Do you have a device that uses a flat battery that looks like a coin? Most of us have something that has a coin shaped battery. These are lithium coin batteries and are so small a child or pet can swallow.
There are more and more gizmos that we buy and use that contain these batteries. Coin batteries are very small and similar in size to a size of a small child’s esophagus and that of a pet. If swallowed and get lodged in the throat they can burn the surrounding tissue in as little as 2 hours causing severe damage.
One battery company (Duracell) has coated the batteries with a non-toxic bitter coating so to hopefully discourage children and pets from swallowing.
Kids are curious and we all know that pets will eat most anything. So store gizmos with batteries as much as possible out of the reach of kids. Lock up and put out of reach any unused or loose batteries and dispose of them appropriately. Businesses that sell batteries will take used batteries and correctly dispose of for a small charge based on weight.
Severe Weather -Thunderstorm and Tornado
Check out the Community Boards for information on what to do and where to go if we have a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning!
While Ron Hiatt and I were in Serbia, we were able to join a group of intellectually and developmentally challenged adults and their leaders as they came together for a daily program at Stara Pazova Lutheran Parish.
Each day, these folks gather to learn to cook and bake, to make items to sell, to learn a bit about faith, and to be in fellowship with others. We were served an amazing breakfast—with fresh pastries made by the group—and spent some time learning about the days they spend together. The smiles were contagious, and the energy full and vibrant. I brought back with me an amazing piece of embroidery made by Katarina, one of the participants. The piece is lovely, but her joy in being there and meeting us was even more beautiful. Katarina signed her work for me, and I will treasure it always.
While I think the skills that these people are learning are important, I was struck even more by how at ease they seemed. They were comfortable with the surroundings and with each other, and it was delightful to be in a place that has been intentionally created for them. We experienced so much hospitality in Serbia, and on that Monday morning I felt it extended to me so powerfully, and I saw how important it was to this group to be welcomed and embraced.
The experience made me even more excited to begin Grace Full Friends here at Grace Lutheran Church again. We begin this Tuesday (19 July), and I look forward to creating a space in our church home where people feel welcomed and valued, where they can learn about Jesus … and where their bodies and spirits are nourished by our Christian love and hospitality.
The added blessing is that those of who will be here for Grace Full Friends will be fed and nourished, as well. Join us some third Tuesday from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. if you like! All—all—are welcome.
In Christ,
Pastor Brenda
Active Shooter Program!
Any one is invited but especially those who are the leaders or chairpersons of groups that meet at Grace. Thursday, August 4th at 5:00 pm, Fellowship Hall. Please sign up on sheets located on the Community Boards. Any questions please see Gretchen 419-944-5166 or gretchensue1205@gmail.com
There will be food.
This is the day the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
~Psalm 118:24
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