And hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.
~Romans 5:5
Pastor Brenda’s Installation Service
This Wednesday - June 15, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Followed by a reception in Brenner Hall
Please join us in this celebration
Food for Toledo Update
by Mary Schneider
As of May 23, 1703 pounds of food has been collected for Grace’s Food for Toledo program. This food serves people coming to the Aldersgate United Methodist’s Church Food Pantry which is held two times a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays from 12 – 4 p.m. Anyone can receive food from the food pantry and no pre-screening is required. If you know of someone who could make use of this food pantry, please pass on this information to them.
Food bags that Aldersgate distributes include canned vegetables and fruit, canned meat, jelly, cereal, pasta, pasta sauce, and soup. Food such as peanut butter, eggs, macaroni and cheese, juice, frozen meat and bread are included in these bags but are purchased by Aldersgate at a reduced fee or provided to the food pantry free of charge.
If you are interested in donating food to the Food for Toledo program, donations can be left in the Giving Room across from Room 3 or brought to church on Mondays between 9 – 12 when I am available to unload your car. I will not be available on Monday, June 13 as I have to attend mandatory CPR training for my part-time job. If you have any questions regarding this outreach program please contact me at 419.262.0730.
Behind the scenes at Grace……by Gretchen
- We have an addition to our ever-expanding Grace menagerie! A Killdeer was flying around the parking lot. If there is a nest you will see these very small birds with toothpick like legs running and just stopping. The parents also make all sorts of noise and head away from the chicks and play dead to deter you from the chicks.
- The church was beautiful on Sunday with the red geraniums for Pentecost. Thank you, Connie Thomas!
- Don’t forget if we are out of soap or hand sanitizer or there is a burned-out light bulb, or slow moving sink, or any other problem, to fill out one of the lime green sheets by the office and give to office or put in mailbox on door. We can’t get things refilled or fixed unless we know.
- A BIG thank you to Nancy Lockard for the 21 chairs in the front of the church -19 small for the children and 2 large for the teachers. What a thought provoking way to remember the importance of prayer!
- Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s mission.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Last week, I offered some questions for us to consider as we seek to live as followers of Jesus in the world. This is vital, as Christians must begin their witness by being grounded in the faith. It is difficult to respond to the world if we have no foundation upon which to stand. How will we answer questions about our faith if we have not first looked to the source of our belief for a foundation? Where do we start?
I asked us to consider the importance of regular worship as we lay this foundation for our life of faith. Bible study is also key. It is in the regular, intentional study of the Word of God that we see how God’s promises and grace infuse every part of our lives. It is here that we learn how to live as the people of God. Whether alone or in groups that allow for wrestling with issues and discussion, the study of the Word of God is integral to being a witness to God in the world.
I begin my days with a time of devotion centered on the Word. I use a resource called Daily Texts, which offers a piece of scripture and thought about it for consideration. It is often not a piece of scripture I might have chosen for myself to read … but is often one that I will reflect on throughout the day, sometimes when I least expect it. I love the experience of pondering the Word and its connections to my daily life and daily journey of faith.
Do you have a daily routine for reading God’s Word? If you need resources to get you started, please let me know!
We have opportunities for group Bible study at Grace. Bob Haaf offers a Zoom Bible Study on Saturdays from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Every Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m. a group of us meet at church to consider some ideas which are grounded in scripture and Lutheran theology. I also am considering offering a weekly study on the scripture readings appointed for the next Sunday’s worship, most likely on Tuesday or Wednesday mornings at church. Stay tuned for details, but please tell me if you are interested.
Steeping ourselves in God’s Word has many benefits. We learn more about our God and the ways God works among us and in us, and how we are to be about God’s work in the world. We hear God’s promises, and find hope and comfort in them. And we are reminded that God loved us so much, that Jesus came for our sake and for the sake of the whole world.
How will you engage with the Word this week … and beyond?
In Christ,
Pastor Brenda
Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans.
It is lovely to be serious at the right moment.
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.
(Phyllis Diller)
Fellowship Time
Thank you to all who help!
June 12 - Debbie Downs and Grace Peterson
June 19 - Donuts for Dads
Please join us for donuts honoring and remembering all the wonderful Father figures in our lives. If you would be willing to bring in a dozen assorted donuts on this day, please call or e-mail Sue Wagner at (419) 475-8972 or
Thank you!
Council Highlights from meeting Tuesday May 26, 2022
- The Treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved. As of April 2022, we show a deficit of $6,481.22.
- The removal of Ray Flood from the church rooster due to his passing was approved. Approved transfer of membership of Pastor Brenda Peconge, Gail Livingood, Cam Marsengill, and Madalyn Marsengill to Grace Lutheran Church.
- The resignation of Greg Schaffer from Congregation Council was accepted.
- The election of Congregation Council Officers for 2022 - 2023 was conducted and are as follows:
President - Bob Haaf
Vice President of Administration - Fritz Gooch
Vice President of Ministries - Kathleen Hunter
Secretary - Kim Kondalski
Treasurer – David Charvat
- The Celebration of Pastor Brenda’s Installation will be Wednesday June 15 at 6:30.
- Motion made and approved to secure service for trash dumpster.
Congregation Council meetings are open to all members of Grace. Minutes of meetings are kept in the library. The next meeting will be Tuesday June 14 at 6:30 in Classroom 3.
Healthy People! Healthy Parish!
Red is in!
Did you read in the latest magazines that RED is a hot color for summer!! Red is hot in more ways than one – forget to put sunscreen and sit out too long, eat a hot pepper and wipe your eyes, forget that the grill is really on!
But RED is a very awesome and in color for people who need blood!
Giving Blood is a wonderful way to give to others and the community. Counting the time, you get to eat snacks it probably takes 2 -2 ½ hours and it can benefit as many as 3 people.
There is still a major shortage, and the supply is often stressed with the 4th of July holiday so please consider giving at the Interfaith Blood Drive.
If you have grandkids, nieces, nephews or neighbors who are at least age 16 and weigh at least 110 pounds - have them consider donating. It does not involve a lot of time yet is a great way to give back to the community and a way to start a lifetime of donating!
Interfaith Blood Drive is Saturday June 25th. Appointment times are 830-230.
How to schedule an appointment:
- Go to Red Cross Blood Donation web site.
- Call the Red Cross and ask to be scheduled at Grace
- Contact Gretchen and she can schedule you 419-944-5166.
Habitat for Humanity Faith Build
Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity is conducting a Faith Build for this summer!
Members from many religious organizations have been invited and have accepted the opportunity to help with this worthy cause.
Grace Church (via Outreach Ministry) will be part of a Lutheran Response which includes Faith United, Glenwood, and Olivet whereby we will all be working together on various dates to complete the build and turn over the new home to Mr. Brian Lowe. We decided to work together as a group for several reasons, but mostly to open the opportunity to be able to take part in the project even if a church couldn’t get enough volunteers on their own to sponsor a day, and also to open several different work days to allow individuals a choice of times to work as they are able. It also allows volunteers who want to help even more, to sign up for more than one day. It will be a good way to get to know others from our family of Lutheran Churches in the area.
For our part, we have offered to supply labor for selected build days and host a lunch break for the working crew on one or more of the days we are on site. All are invited to join us in whatever role you choose. As part of the funding for this project, member organizations are being asked to offer a monetary donation to support the build. It is suggested that if each organization could raise just $1,500, the overall goal of $35,000 could be reached. In order to help meet this goal, Outreach is working with Christian Ed to designate this year’s VBS Mission Offering to Habitat toward that goal. Start saving your loose change (and your $1’s $5’s and $10’s) for the noisy offerings in July.
The project kick-off of the build is scheduled for Tuesday June 14, at 8:30 am. All are invited to the 30 minute gathering to meet the Brian, hear about Habitat and the build, and offer prayers for the project. Meet at the home site
641 Favony
Holland, Ohio 43528
(South of South Ave just east of McCord Rd)
We have not yet been assigned our on site work dates yet, but if you would like to offer your services, please contact Ron Hiatt or Mary Schneider, at church or by phone. Hope to see you on the build!
Active Shooter Program
We would like to think that Grace is not a vulnerable site for an active shooter but unfortunately with the current everyday events that may not be true. We all need to be prepared in case a situation occurs.
The Toledo Police will be presenting the program On Thursday August 4, 2022 starting at 5:00 pm in Fellowship Hall.
We are strongly encouraging anyone involved with groups – Personal Needs, Sunday School, ushers, office staff, council members, second service leaders, Wednesday service leaders, VBS staff, and anyone who is interested.
As was stated by an individual at one of the past Active Shooter situations “if we had not had the training, we would not have known what to do and more people could have been hurt”
A sign-up sheet will be located on the Community Bulletin Boards. This will ensure we have enough room and that there are enough handouts and of course enough snacks!
Any questions see Gretchen - email or 419-944-5166.
Are you getting out and walking - we hope so, especially with it being cooler?
DO you remember:
- If you are stopping to smell the roses or taking a leisurely walk stay to the right side of the path or sidewalk so faster walkers and /or bikes can go on the left.
- Yes, it is great to listen to music via earbuds, but you cannot hear the person on the bike yelling at you that they are right behind you.
- Do you pay attention to who is around you - it is best to do as Noah and the Ark did - walk 2 by 2 so you have a buddy? The Buddy might also be a 4×4 (dog).
- Take water especially if warm to stay hydrated. Remember to discard plastic bottles with tops on in the recycling bins.
- Please carry a cellphone in case of an emergency - yours or someone you encounter.
- Walk in daylight and if close to dusk carry a flashlight and/or use cellphone.
- Wear good walking shoes do not wear flip flops. Stubbed toes or a broken toe is not a great way to enjoy the summer.
- Wear bright colors remember RED is in as well as Grinch green /yellow. Reflective vests make an important fashion as well as safety statement!
- Cross the street in designated spots.
- Don’t assume that drivers see you - with darkened windows it is even more important to make sure they see you.
- Avoid walking in the road but if you have to - walk facing traffic as far over as you can.
- Wear a hat and sunscreen!
Operation Christmas Child
As many of you know, the members of Grace have been in partnership with Operation Christmas Child for many years. This last November we sent 100 shoeboxes to Emmanuel Baptist Church which serves as a drop-off for local donations. Since 1993, OCC has delivered over 124 million shoeboxes in 150 countries. Last year 1 million children accepted Jesus Christ through the OCC program. Every box that we pack is an opportunity for church partners to tell a boy or girl about Jesus.
So again this year we are getting started on filling those boxes. Our packing party will be November 13. Please save this date. We look forward to seeing many of you volunteer your time to help us pack these boxes. This year again we are going to ask for specific donations each month, beginning in June. Here is the list of items we are asking for by month. Remember, the items must fit into a shoebox.
June Individual pack of tissues, pocket or purse size and/or toothbrush
July Bar Soap - Ivory preferred and/or pencil sharpeners
August Scissors and/or markers
Sept. Erasers and/or crayons
Oct. Small Notebooks, coloring books, pads of paper, small books
Nov. Monetary donations and/or small toy
We will have a collection box near the office where you can place your donations. Thank you to everyone who has supported this opportunity over the years and we hope you will continue to support it this year. If you have questions, please see Linda Mason.
Christian Education Committee
Connie Thomas, Chairperson
This is the day the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
~Psalm 118:24
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