The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

Generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things.

~Galatians 5:22-23



Grace Full Friends is a ministry designed to share the love of Christ with adults who are developmentally disabled—a 90-minute event, open to all.

Included are the following: Welcome, Lesson, Prayer, Singing, Crafts, and Snacks. Grace Full Friends began in 2016 and continued successfully until Covid caused a temporary suspension in 2020.

Grace Full Friends will be offered on the third Tuesday of each month, beginning on July 19, 2022. The facility is handicapped accessible.

For information, contact Bob Haaf (


Fellowship Time

Thank you to all who help!

June 26 – Barbara, Beth and David Charvat

July 3 – no fellowship hour


A couple of Dads enjoying donuts on Father’s Day.

Thank you to all who brought donuts for Dads!


Operation Christmas Child

As many of you know, the members of Grace have been in partnership with Operation Christmas Child for many years. This last November we sent 100 shoeboxes to Emmanuel Baptist Church which serves as a drop-off for local donations. Since 1993, OCC has delivered over 124 million shoeboxes in 150 countries. Last year 1 million children accepted Jesus Christ through the OCC program. Every box that we pack is an opportunity for church partners to tell a boy or girl about Jesus.

So again this year we are getting started on filling those boxes. Our packing party will be November 13. Please save this date. We look forward to seeing many of you volunteer your time to help us pack these boxes. This year again we are going to ask for specific donations each month, beginning in June. Here is the list of items we are asking for by month. Remember, the items must fit into a shoebox.

June Individual pack of tissues, pocket or purse size and/or toothbrush

July Bar Soap – Ivory preferred and/or pencil sharpeners

August Scissors and/or markers

Sept. Erasers and/or crayons

Oct. Small Notebooks, coloring books, pads of paper, small books

Nov. Monetary donations and/or small toy

We will have a collection box near the office where you can place your donations. Thank you to everyone who has supported this opportunity over the years and we hope you will continue to support it this year. If you have questions, please see  Linda Mason.

Christian Education Committee

Connie Thomas, Chairperson



Peanut Butter!!!!

Augsburg Lutheran Church has an immediate need for peanut butter for their food pantry.  If you are able, please consider bringing a jar of peanut butter to church and all donated peanut butter will be taken to Augsburg for their clients.  Peanut butter should be placed in the Feed Your Neighbor bins in the Giving Room and it will be separated from other donated food and delivered.  Thank you!!!



Pastor’s Thoughts:

Over the past few weeks, we have been thinking about the ways worship, Bible study, and prayer can shape and guide our life of faith. These are foundational, and are perhaps the best places to begin. But there are other important ways we live out our call to be disciples of Jesus, as well.

Giving is also fundamental; the giving of time, talent, and treasure as a response to the love of God. When we give—our time in service to the Church and to our neighbors, our talents for the ministry of the Church, our money so that the Church’s mission may continue and grow—we are demonstrating that we trust that God will always provide us with enough: enough energy, enough hope, enough compassion, enough daily bread  … so that we can be vital witnesses to the Gospel.

This is tough. We know that there are many things in life which require our  money, our time, and our talents. Certainly we must see that our basic needs and those of the people in our care our met. But how do we prioritize our treasures? Do we see them as only our own, or do we understand that everything we have—everything—comes to us as a gift from our generous God? If we can begin to see that, it might re-shape how we view not only what we have been entrusted with, but also how we might consider using it for the building up of the kingdom of God and for the care of God’s people. Even a slight shift in our thinking, a thinking that begins with thanksgiving rather than fear of lacking anything, can change our hearts and inspire us to be those who share out of the blessings we have been given.

The offerings need not be big. Perhaps an extra moment in prayer for someone in need … or volunteering for one of our congregation’s many ministry and service activities .. or a small increase in our monetary offering … or a few extra moments spent in conversation with someone in need of a listening ear … All of these are ways of giving, and all of them build up the Body of Christ.

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


July 10 Outdoor Contemporary Service

On Sunday, July 10, an outdoor Contemporary Service will be held at 10:30 a.m. outside of Fellowship Hall.  After the service lunch will be served. Though food will be provided, we are giving members the opportunity to bring salads or desserts to help supplement the offerings. If you are able to bring a salad or a dessert, please let Mary Schneider know or use the sign-up sheet on either of the Community Bulletin Boards. You do not have to bring anything to attend the lunch. The Worship and Music Committee is looking forward to this special   summer service.


Many thanks to all who helped plan and  participate in the installation service on June 15. It was a joyous evening and I look forward to our ministry journey together.

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


Opportunities to meet with Pastor Brenda

These times are a good opportunity to visit with Pastor, ask questions,

and share your dreams for grace!

Sunday July 10 after worship

Tuesday July 19 at 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday July 20 at 6:15 p.m.

Sunday July 24 after 9:30 a.m. worship


Ten Commandments

Merrie’s Bible school teacher asked her to list the Ten Commandments in any order. Her answer?   “Six, three, five, four, eight, seven, ten, one, nine, two.”

Which Version?

Jesus said to his disciples, “Whom do men say that I am?”  And his disciples answered unto Him, “Master, Thou art the supreme eschatological manifestation of omnipotent ecclesiastical authority, the absolute, divine, sacerdotal monarch.”

And Jesus said, “What!?”

Drawing God

A children’s Sunday school teacher encouraged her five year olds to create an art work that related to the Bible.  As she wandered around the room looking at the pictures, she came to little Alice. “Alice, what are you drawing?” ” I am drawing God.” “But no one knows what God looks like, Alice.”  Without missing a beat, Alice replied, “They will when I’ m finished.”


Minister: “Do you know what’s in the Bible?”

Little Girl: “Yes, I think I know everything that is in it.”.

Minister: “You do? Tell me.”.

Little Girl: “Okay. There’s a picture of my brother’s girlfriend, a ticket stub, a picture of my schnauzer, and a secret note from Terry.”


Habitat for Humanity

Here is a link to the Blessing of the Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity Faith Build that took place on June 14 in preparation of the volunteer activity on the work site for the home for Brian Lowe.  Members from Glenwood, Faith United, Olivet and Grace Lutheran Churches in Toledo have joined forces to provide volunteers to help build and provide meals for the volunteers on the work site.  Habitat is calling this joint effort the “Lutheran Response”.

The next joint work day for our “Lutheran Response” group is Saturday July 9 at 8:30 am.  We are still in need of volunteers to help on this date.  Since the heavy rains last week put the project behind, we don’t know for sure exactly what the build activities will be on Saturday, but whatever the tasks, the team will have plenty to do, and a have a good time doing it.  You really get a feel for the term “many hands make light work” when you are working with volunteers on a project like this.  Anyone of any skill level can help.  All training is provided on site for the tasks you feel comfortable with performing. There are plenty of “light work” opportunities such as being a “go-fer” that really help to keep the others working efficiently.  Please consider offering your time and talent to this extremely good cause.

God Bless,



Behind the scenes at Grace….

  1. What a wonderful celebration of Pastor Brenda’s installation this last Wednesday. Bishop Boudoin gave the sermon with members of Grace participating, and Debby and Ann Augustin providing the music. Thanks to all! WELCOME     PASTOR BRENDA!!
  2. It has been a real stinker as far as the heat and looks that is what we will have though the month of June, yet our grass is green thanks to Ron Schneider monitoring our sprinkler system.
  3. A Need! We need empty medium and small plastic peanut butter jars. We would like them clean but if the peanut butter is past its “best use by date”, we are sure the chips and squirrels might like a special treat. Please leave containers in the office or hang on Gretchen’s door.
  4. Don’t forget to put bags of trash in our dumpster out in the parking lot instead of the basement.
  5. As we are all feeling the “ouch” in our grocery bills there are many people in our community who are feeling more of an “ouch”. So, if you are able, please remember our Food Pantry and Personal Needs when shopping – every little bit helps!
  6. We have a new person help to keep Grace sparkling! Her name is Kim – please welcome her!
  7. Don’t forget to check the Community Bulletin Boards outside the big church and the office for upcoming events and highlights of members!
  8. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s mission!


Healthy People! Healthy Parish!

Perfect Portions!

We all know that the size of the plate we use affects how big a portion we grab. In the 1960’s a plate was 8 and1/2 inches in diameter and roughly 800 calories. In 2020 the plates grew to 12 inches in diameter and roughly 1900 calories – WOW!

Another increase is in restaurant and fast food.

20 years ago:

Pizza was 500 calories for 2 slices and in 2020 it is 850 calories for 2 pieces!

Movie Popcorn was 270 calories for 5 cups and in 2020 is 630 for a tub!

The key to a good /great diet is portion control!

So, what is the difference between what we read on a label as a serving and what a portion is?

A serving is the recommended amount of food to eat, and a portion is how much we actually eat.

Most of the time they don’t’ match! We eat a bigger portion than the recommended serving.

The result is that for many of us our waistlines have also grown since the 1960’s!

So, how can you work on helping to make better portion decisions?

The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (Phew!) came up with

something called

“My Plate “.

This is what your plate should look like:

½ of your plate should be fruit and vegetables

¼ of your plate should be proteins – meat, fish, poultry, beans, etc.

¼ of your plate should be carbohydrates – bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.

To keep from cramming too much food on your plate – be like a little kid and don’t let any foods touch each other!!

Summer is here and fresh fruit and vegetables are starting to be available. The cost has also increased so buy what you need and use so it does not spoil. A good deal is great but if you do not use it and it spoils it is not such a great deal – share it with family or a neighbor.   Don’t forget the Farmer’s Markets that are now open for great fresh vegetables and fruit. If you signed up for the Senior Food Program don’t forget to use your coupons.



Active Shooter Program Reminder!

The Active Shooter Program is scheduled for Thursday August 4th at 5:00pm in Fellowship Hall.

We don’t want to think anything would ever happen at Grace, but we need to be prepared and aware of what we need to do should it happen.

This is open to all members of Grace and is strongly encouraged for all those who lead groups, usher, Sunday School and VBS, etc.

To plan on space, food and any handouts please sign up on the sheets located on the Community Bulletin Boards. Any questions see /call Gretchen Hiatt




This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24