For the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
                                     but the way of the wicked shall be destroyed. 

      ~Psalm 1:6   

Pastor’s Thoughts:

For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.—Matthew 18:20

            As I write this, I am preparing to be away for a few days. Gail and I are taking a brief trip, and we have really been looking forward to it. Vacations offer a unique way to engage in something called social rest.

            Social rest is not just about taking a break from work or daily tasks. It is about reconnecting within our closest relationships. Imagine dinner out with friends, a Mud Hens game, a concert, a walk in the park, or a day trip. These moments allow us to focus on the people who bring unique meaning and joy to our lives. These occasions remind us that we are valued and enjoyed by others.

            Our relationships are one of the ways we push back against loneliness and isolation. In the world we live in, where more and more interactions are virtual, intentional times with people we love and enjoy can revitalize us and help us feel reconnected. Social rest is about making the time for the relationships that fill us up.

            These times are different from our work or volunteer times. Those times are good and can fill us in meaningful ways, but we also need time with people who value us for who we are—even when we aren’t at our best or even when we aren’t giving back something tangible in the moment. These are the relationships and moments where we can be our most vulnerable and open and feel our hearts fill and even heal.

            Make the effort for in-person time with those you love. Texts, calls, and emails have their place, but spending time in the presence of someone we care about and who cares about us can be balm for our spirits. What are the relationships in your life where you feel this? Who are the people who lift you up?

            Sometimes being in a relationship is more about listening than talking. Give the people you trust a chance to speak. You might learn something … about them, about yourself, about the world.

            Each of us has different needs regarding social rest; some need more time with others, and some need less. But we all need trusted people to connect with. Even if they don’t have a faith element, these relationships are God’s gift to us and add texture and meaning to our lives.

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


Please join us – Sunday Fellowship Time

In Fellowship Hall

May12th Mother’s Day – Muffins for Mom

If anyone is willing to donate a dozen muffins,

please let Sue Wagner know at

or 419.475.8972.


by Vicar Dave

The other day, Joyce & I were stuck in a traffic jam as we traveled north on US-23. We got really tired of going nowhere fast, so we got off the freeway and started taking some country roads. Of course, we got ourselves good and lost. But it was OK. As we went along the back roads, we came across some of the most beautiful scenery you could imagine. Rolling hills with horses or cows. Fields of new crops just starting to grow. Hillsides covered with flowers. And small lakes that just popped up out of nowhere. We even ran across a pretty little town that we’d never been to and stopped at a small diner and had a really good dinner. Getting lost turned out to be a fun little adventure.

In this hurry up and get things done world of ours, we often lose sight of the simple pleasures of just looking around at some of the small miracles around us. I’m as guilty of that as anyone. When traveling, I tend to focus on the   destination rather than the journey. When I’m writing things, like a report for school, or one of these meditations, I can get so focused on getting it done, that I miss out on the time spent in prayer and discernment with the Holy  Spirit.

God can’t be rushed. But we like things to get done on our own schedule. Household chores, family dinners, even mowing the lawn. Wouldn’t it be    better to take time to appreciate the fact that we have a home for ourselves and our families, or to enjoy having the family over instead of stressing over dinner preparations, or to be grateful that the grass grows and gives us a lush, green landscape.

There’s a line from a comedy movie that I really like. Even though the movie is rather silly, the line is pretty deep. “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller.

We try to make things fast and pack our days full of activities. Let’s not forget to slow down once in a while to just enjoy the simple gifts that God has given to us.


Grace’s graduates will be remembered at the 9:30 a.m. service on Sunday, June 9. Names of those graduating from high school or college can be emailed to the office at Grace ( or to Mary Schneider ( or written out and handed into the church office or placed in the offering plate. Please include the graduate’s future plans.


The Readings for Sunday May 12, 2024

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

Psalm 1

1 John 5:9-13

John 17:6-19

Congregational Meeting Sunday May 19

The May Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, May 19, 2024.

There will be one worship service that day at 10:30 a.m. in the nave.

The meeting will follow immediately after worship in the same space.

Following the meeting, there will be a potluck meal.

Please plan to attend this important meeting. We will hear congregational updates and elect Council members.

All of these things – together with your input – are crucial to the mission of Grace.

In Christ,

The Grace Lutheran Council


Our Stewardship Response

The Lord’s Challenge       $4,231

(Congregation’s approved Weekly Offerings Budget)

Our Response                    $3,797

(Average weekly offerings year to date)

Through April, Grace’s weekly offerings are $434 less than what is needed to support Grace’s Ministry and Mission plan for 2024 as approved by you the members of Grace. Compared to the first four months of 2023 our offering income has remained flat while we have seen an increase in expenses. In the immediate short-term, Grace is facing some unplanned expenses that while critical to our ongoing operations were not anticipated in formulating our annual expense budget. These unplanned expenses will require your financial support above the budgeted level. Please look into your heart and ask yourself, “Is what I am contributing to Grace all that God has asked of me?” If Grace is important to your life and faith, please provide regular meaningful financial support.

David Charvat Treasurer  



Some of the deepest insights and experiences of life come through prayer journaling. Journaling can bring shape and order to everything we do.

God wants to speak and give us insights into life.

If you don’t have a prayer journal now, you can start today by journaling on paper, then transfer to a journal once you get one.


Prayer journaling is just another way to talk with God daily so we can remember what and how God is speaking to us.

Here are a few Prayer Journaling ideas that may help you begin.

Begin to write. God will give you creativity. Some examples you can write are prayers, poems, dreams, goals, burdens, joys, scripture, songs, pictures, letters, or whatever you feel God has put on your heart. 

Journal regularly, but not out of duty. You may journal daily, weekly, or as often as you like.

Record prayer requests and date them. You can look back and see how God answered your prayers. This will help build your faith in prayer.

Record God’s answers to your prayers. This helps you see how faithfully God answers your prayer requests. It is also a testimony to God’s goodness.

Watch for the progress you are making in your spiritual life.  You can always look back in your prayer journal and see how you have developed spiritually from year to year. It helps you see how God is working in your life.

Write out what God is saying to you. This is important so that you can look at your journal during the quiet seasons of your life. Ask yourself, “How is God personally revealing himself to me?”

Write out key Bible verses that speak to you during your prayer time.  Many times God will guide and help you in times of decision-making by using Scripture.  Be still and listen.

Prayer journaling could help you see real growth in your prayer life because you are bringing to God the things that concern you through journaling.  It may help you see your life more clearly through God’s eyes. He has much to say when we give Him time and seek His face.

It’s important to write it down and not miss out on the wisdom He wants to share with us.


Behind the scenes at Grace!

  1. The Rummage Sale was a success! The Money raised will help to send the Youth to the Youth Meeting in New Orleans this July! Thanks to all who donated and to all who found the perfect “treasures” to take home!
  2. Thanks to Mike, our Custodian, all the leftover boxes from the Rummage sale were collapsed and taken to recycle!
  3. Flowers are starting to bloom – please remember the alter on Sunday looks beautiful with fresh flowers. Check the Flower Chart on the Community Board outside the big church to sign up!
  4. The squirrels have been enjoying the feast of maple propellers! We can hear them running races back and forth across the roof.
  5. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s Mission!


Healthy People! Healthy Parish! 


May is Mental Health Month!

So, what is Mental Health???

It is our emotional and psychosocial well-being. It affects how we think, feel and act. It can determine how we handle stress, relate to other people and make healthy choices.

Talk with your Health Care Provider about mental health issues and concerns.  Your appointment may just center around medical issues but don’t be afraid to bring up concerns you may have as health conditions like stress can also affect your heart. To make sure you discuss everything with your health care provider prepare a list of questions beforehand and bring with you. Bring a friend or relative as a second set of ears and most of all be honest about what you are feeling. Your health care provider cannot help you get better unless you have been open and honest.


Interfaith Blood Drive!



This will be the 35th Anniversary of the Blood Drive! It is scheduled for Saturday June 29 from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. Please donate and make this a “roaring success”!



Mother’s Day!

“When your mother asks, “Do you want a piece of advice?”  It is a mere formality.

It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway”.

 (Erma Bombeck)


Sunday, May 26th

Memorial Day Remembrance Service

We will remember and lift in prayer the men and women in our US Military who have died in service to our country.

Please fill out this form –

Or contact the church office (419-474-6403 – you may leave a message) with the name of the veteran, branch of service, and known date of death (just the year or conflict is ok).

All names must be sent in by 10:00 am Monday, May 20th, 2024.

Memorial Day began as a way to honor those who died in the Civil War and has become a day to honor all American Veterans who gave their lives in sacrifice to our nation.

MEMORIAL DAY – honors military personnel who died in service to our country.  Memorial Day is observed annually on the last Monday of May.

VETERANS DAY – honors all veterans living and dead.  Veterans Day is observed annually on November 11th.

Another Day to keep military members lifted in prayer is ARMED FORCES DAY which honors those currently serving in the US Military.  Armed Forces Day is observed annually on the third Saturday of May.





5:30 PM – 8:00 PM


Each fun night will begin with a light supper together.

The ADULTS will attend a fun Bible Study with Pastor Brenda.

The KIDS will dive into exploring BREAKER ROCK BEACH – and learn about God’s rock-solid truth in a world of shifting sands.

Everyone will meet up again later in the evening for crafts,

games, music, and worship!

Our final night of VBS will be an outdoor ‘bonfire” where we will roast hotdogs, have s’mores, play games, and “sing around the campfire”!

Make sure you mark your calendars!

Keep watching for more updates and ways to register!

All are welcome to join in the fun!

June Contribution for Operation Christmas Child

For the month of June, we are asking for donations of individual size (pocket size) packs of tissues to be included in shoe boxes sent to children all over the world to show the love of God to all.  Thank you for your support.                                       

 Operation Christmas Child Ministry at Grace  



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24