May God give us blessing,

and may all the ends of the earth stand in awe.

~Psalm 67:7



Welcome Pastor Brenda!

Pastor Brenda’s contact information

Grace: 419.474.6403 ext. 2



Behind the scenes at Grace…… by Gretchen

  1. Wow! What a few warm days can do for the church campus. The leaves on the maple trees in the parking lot are almost completely out and the oak trees by the office are shedding their tassels all over the place.
  2. Unfortunately, two members of the Grace menagerie have passed. Two of our beautiful rabbits are gone …. We are not sure if it was our huge red tail hawk or something else was after them. Yet we seem to be able to support a lively congregation of moles!! Please watch your step when walking across the grass areas around the church as they have pretty much invaded all grass areas.
  3. The Children’s Rights Collaborative has officially moved into to room 6 so please welcome them.
  4. Don’t forget the Food Pantry as there is even more of a need with prices going up. The same with Personal Needs .
  5. Remember: Grace is the people not the building!


June 25???

What is special about this day other then in 6 months we will be celebrating Christmas?

If you guessed Red Cross Blood Drive - you are correct!

It is the Annual Interfaith Blood Drive!

This is a Saturday and appointments are available from 8:30am - 2:30pm. You may go online and schedule on the Red Cross site, call the Red Cross and state specifically Grace Lutheran Church, or call Gretchen and she will work with you to schedule.

If you donated in April, you may donate again.

This is the weekend before the 4th of July when there is an even greater need for blood.

Remember that a single unit of blood can help as many as 3 people!


Fellowship Time

Hope to see you between services on Sunday in

Fellowship Hall!

Thank you to all who help!

May 22 - Contemporary Team



One service only

Combined traditional and contemporary

May 29, 2022

10:30 a.m.

The Chapel


Graduate Sunday is June 5

All December 2021 and Spring or Summer 2022 graduates, whether it is from high school or college, are invited to be recognized at the 9:30 a.m. service on Sunday, June 5. Graduation is no small event. It is a significant milestone marking both endings and beginnings, and your Grace family wishes to recognize this milestone. If you wish to be recognized on this special day or you know someone who should be recognized, please contact the Church Office with the name of the school graduating or graduated from, the degree earned or will be earned if graduating from college, and the graduate’s plans for the future. We look forward to recognizing our graduates on this day.


Blood Pressure Checks!!

Gretchen will be in Classroom 3 on Sunday May 22 and Sunday May 29 for anyone who would like their Blood Pressure checked.


I came to Grace planning to weed the area at the Outdoor Prayer Chapel to find that it had already been weed wacked. I did stay to pull weeds and further tidy up the area. A big thank you to the weed wacker for the help to maintain the grounds at Grace. ~Connie


Spread love everywhere you go.

Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.

(Mother Teresa)

Nothing is impossible. The word says I’m possible.

(Audrey Hepburn)


Healthy People! Healthy Parish!

SPF -so what is the scoop on SPF and why is it important?


SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor!

If you go to the store and check out the Sunscreen display, there will be all sorts of numbers on the bottles.

The SPF value indicates the level of sunburn protection provided by that specific bottle. Sunscreens are tested to measure the amount of UV radiation exposure it takes to cause a sunburn with sunscreen on and how much exposure it takes to cause a sunburn without sunscreen.

The bottle says something about UVA and UVB and broad spectrum - what does that mean?

It has to do with the sun and ultraviolet rays. UVB are ultraviolet B rays, and it was thought we only needed to worry about these, but UVA is ultraviolet A also ages the skin and was also found to lead to skin cancer.

So, when shopping look for a bottle that says “Broad Spectrum or Full Spectrum” to cover both UVA and UVB.

Now the numbers!

SPF with high numbers does not mean superior sun protection - it indicates that you will remain protected for a longer amount of time. So, with that in mind the least SPF is 15 but the best is 30 especially if you are fair skinned.

The effects of the SPF are also affected by the amount of sun you receive. The sun is stronger in the middle of the day (between 10-4) than in the early morning or early evening.

For sunscreen to be the most effective:

  1. Apply 15 minutes before you go out in the sun.
  2. Use enough to cover your entire face (don’t forget ears and back of neck, hands, tops of feet, areas of head that are bald or thinning hair) and body. Aim average size adult and child need at least one ounce of sunscreen (which is about the amount in a shot glass) to cover the entire body.
  3. Reapply every 2 hours and more frequently of you are sweating or swimming.
  4. Store your sunscreen out of direct sun and excessive heat (put in the cooler).
  5. Check expiration dates on bottle. Sunscreen is considered stable for 3 years from purchase date if there is no expiration date on label. Expired sunscreen will not protect you.


Bless the Lord oh my soul, oh my soul
Worship His Holy name
Sing like never before, oh my soul
I’ll worship Your Holy name



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24