Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
~Psalm 150:6
Grace Lutheran’s Food for Toledo Program
by Mary Schneider
Though there is no update on the amount of food collected October 26 to present, a delivery was dropped off at Aldersgate United Methodist Church on November 3. Pastor Melissa informed me that a group of people that are benefiting from their food pantry (which is called Food for All) are grandparents that are raising their grandchildren. When a grandparent or grandparents are legally determined to be a guardian of a grandchild or grandchildren all aid provided to the grandparent or grandparents end. Can you imagine raising one or more grandchildren on either a single income or on a retiree’s income? That is why Food for All is so important. If you are able to donate a food item or items, please bring them to church and place in the designated bins in the Giving Room or drop off to me between 9am -12 on Mondays at the Brenner Hall entrance.
Suggestions for food items include jelly, pasta, pasta sauce, canned vegetables or fruit, cereal, canned tuna or chicken, canned pasta (Ravioli or Beefaroni), etc.
If you would have any questions, please contact me at 419.262.0730.
When I just can’t see past myself
Lord, help me be
A little more like mercy, a little more like grace
A little more like kindness, goodness, love, and faith
A little more like patience, a little more like peace
A little more like Jesus, a little less like me
A Note from Sunshine
In preparation for the holiday season, please consider a donation to support the individuals with developmental disabilities at Sunshine. You are helping to create a memorable holiday season by purchasing an item from the Holiday Wish List that is posted on the Community Bulletin Board, or by making a donation to:
Sunshine Communities – Holiday Gift Fund
7223 Maumee Western Rd.
Maumee, OH 43537
Or online at https://www.sunshine.org/donate-2/sunshine-holiday-wishlist/
Any questions call 419.794.1388.
Thank you
It’s Shoebox Time
The Christian Education Committee is again sponsoring Operation Christmas Child. We are holding a packing party following the 11:30 service this Sunday on November 14th in Brenner Hall and you are invited! Drinks and munchies will be provided. We will transport the packed and wrapped boxes to the area collection center on Sunday November 21. Volunteers are needed. For more information contact Linda Mason 419.472.3863 or Connie Thomas 419.242.9340.
God’s artwork painted in frost.
Photo by Cathy
Grace and Theological Silos
Bob Haaf
At a recent Executive Committee meeting Pastor Abts reminded those present about the many valuable, thriving ministries that are currently part of Grace (Ruth Circle, Youth Group, Finance Committee, Worship & Music Committee, to name a few).
He is absolutely correct; and Grace can be visualized using a concept that was popular in Lutheran theobabble a few years ago. The concept of silos (a familiar sight in rural northwest Ohio).
Thought #1
The theological question raised by the silo-concept is whether a congregation is a cohesive Christ-centered community; or is it a collection of separate, isolated ministries, as represented in the picture above—silos with nothing connecting them together.
For a Christian congregation, the connection among ministries should be Christ. With respect to Grace, it might be suggested that each “silo” at Grace is serving Christ in its own unique way—and that is true. However, I believe that Christ asks more of us as, for example, when He prayed in John 17:23 (NRSV): “I in them and you [God] in me, that they may become completely one….(italics added).”
Is Christ the unifying connection among silos at Grace? Is there a mutual, Christ-based feeling of unity among those in the Youth Group, in Ruth Circle, on Finance, on Worship & Music?
Thought #2
Has Grace’s past history led to the construction of silos? Probably—and healing those hurts from the past is important. However, congregational healing without a goal, healing for the sake of healing, is folly; healing is important only if it is sought for the sake of looking to the future with confidence that we will become, as Christ asks, “completely one.”
God said:
I am with you
and I will watch over you
wherever you go.
Nothing in all creation
can separate you
from my love.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
~Romans 8:38-39
Behind the scenes at Grace ….by Gretchen
- Did you hear? The Community Bulletin has a sibling! Yes, it’s sibling will be the bulletin board outside the Women’s Bathroom and next to the water fountain in the hallway next to the Sanctuary. The same information will be not only posted outside the office on The Community Bulletin Board but also in the Hallway! This will make sure everyone is up to date with what is going on at Grace as well as recognition of our members and other important information! The sibling is in its early stages of development but keep a lookout for more information posted within the next couple of weeks! Thanks to Chris Csurgo for Sibling Development!
- Have you seen the beautiful new cushions on the benches outside Brenner? They are awesome! Thanks to Connie Thomas for fabric shopping and taking care of having new cushions made by our neighbors across the street – Lucarelli’s!
- A reminder our next Blood Drive is January 12th from 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm. We already have some people signed up but there are still some choice spots. Every unit of Blood Donated can help as many as 3 people! Last time we had 3 first time donors including 2 from our congregation – way to go!!
- Our “Ketchup Group” met for the last time for this year on 11/8 . Due to the holidays and the Advent program, we are going to resume in January. We have some really awesome speakers and programs in the wings for next year.
- Our last “Ketchup Group “met Monday 11/8 and Dennis Kennedy President of the Marblehead Lighthouse Historical Society presented a wonderful program on the history of the Marblehead lighthouse. Did you know that Marblehead is the only lighthouse on Lake Erie that you can climb to the top! A grand total of 77 steps. The lighthouse is still a functioning lighthouse and will celebrate its 200th year next year in the summer. We will post information on the celebration as it sounds like it will be wonderful with all sorts of neat things going on. Dennis had several drone clips showing the lighthouse from the top which was really interesting and also a clip on a hugeamongous ice buildup!
- WOW! What a great Children’s Sermon on this last Sunday! Sue Wagner talked about how Kindness Is Important! Her research found a woman who for her birthday decided to do acts of kindness equivalent to her age! The kids had a challenge to do acts of kindness this week related to their age, so we went from 5 – 12 acts of kindness. What if we all did this based on our age? It does not need to be complicated – some acts as simple as opening a door for someone, to saying please, thank you, welcome and I am sorry, to smiling. Thinking of those less fortunate donating to the food pantry and personal needs. For a number of us doing one act of kindness per day will take us close to 3 months to complete but just think we then can start all over again! There is research that says that being kind does so much for not only our mental but our physical health.
- Connie Thomas presented Mallory Moore with her Bible this last Sunday, too!
- Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace doing God’s Mission.
Time Change!!
YEA! Everyone was on time this last Sunday – no early birds who forgot to set their clocks!
Now were you good about checking the other 2 things for the time change?
- Carbon Monoxide Alarms – did you put in new batteries and test that the alarm goes off? With furnaces being turned on and fireplaces and wood burners being lit – it is time to blow off the cobwebs and replace with new batteries. Carbon Monoxide alarms should be located in central areas on every level of your home.
- Smoke Alarms – same as above! Do you have a smoke alarm on every level of your home, inside the bedrooms and outside sleeping areas?
** Recommendations are that you check your fire alarm and carbon monoxide alarms every month and that at least once a year the batteries be replaced, and that Fire Detectors be replaced every 10 years
If a fire occurs in your home, you may only have 3 minutes to escape safely!!! Sunday November 14th is Home Fire Drill Day!
DO you have a plan to get out of your house, apartment, motor home (when traveling)?? If not work on a plan and have a drill. Do you know what to do if you can’t get out? Do you know how to use a fire extinguisher? If you have to leave your house, does your family know where you are going – to a neighbor, to the store next door …?
More information on Fire and Carbon Monoxide to come next week!
The Flu and You!
Have you had you Flu Shot Yet? There are still shots available and time to get them. The flu season typically peaks in February and can continue till May per the CDC. The CDC is also stating that you can get the flu shot and Covid vaccine at the same time! If you have questions about receiving please talk with your MD
Please join us for Fellowship Hour during the months of
October, November, December.
Thank you to the following people for signing up to hostess!
November 14 – Cindy Wood and Mary Schneider
November 21 – Sue Wagner and Sue Melchert
November 28 – Brenda Holderman and Janet/ Callie Moore
December 5 – Debbie Downs and Grace Peterson
Thank you, God, for the beauty
of the changing seasons.
Help us to find joy
in each day,
even in something
as small as a
bright red leaf
outlined in frost.
Show us the little things
we often overlook as
we travel through our days.
Help us to shine your light
so others can see
your love in us.
To watch our live streamed services at 9:30 am and 11:30 am on Sunday mornings, go to gracelutherantoledo.org and scroll to the bottom of the home page. There is a link to connect you to the live services and also all previous recorded services. Join us online!
This is the day the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
~Psalm 118:24
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