“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God,

who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty

~Revelation 1:8




2 James 5:14

“If any among you is sick let him call upon the church elders and let them pray over him…”

Needing surgery can be very stressful to patients and their families. Preparing for it with the testing and post-op rules can be overwhelming. Prayer is also very important during this time.

Although we are not “elders” the Prayer Ministry is here to offer prayers for you and your family. Please let us know prior to your surgery and we will be glad to help. You can contact any member (we are listed on the weekly prayer request) or let Cathy in the office know and she will pass it on. Your request will be confidential.

Feel free to call on us and let us try to help you at this difficult time. We also would like to remind everyone that the ministry is here for anyone who needs prayer for whatever reason.



Sponsored by the Christian Education Committee

Proceeds to Vacation Bible School 2022

$10 per plant

Order forms can be found in the back of the sanctuary or outside the office.


Deadline for orders is December 12, 2021


Contact Connie Thomas with any questions 419.242.9340


Come, now is the time to worship
Come, now is the time to give your heart
Come, just as you are to worship
Come, just as you are before your God


Church Council Highlights – Meeting 11/9/21

  1. Representative from group interested in using Grace Facilities provided presentation and answered questions.
  2. Accepted removal of Phyllis Wendt from membership due to her passing.
  3. Monthly giving statement will be included in Newsletter starting within the next month .
  4. No policy review/approval and or large expenditures for review.
  5. Beth Charvat and Chris Csurgo appointed to Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Foundation Board of Trustees.
  6. Discussion regarding Grace’s current insurance policy/policies for specific coverage. To be reviewed and brought to December 2021 Council Meeting.
  7. Request that update on Call Committee be provided to monthly Council meetings.
  8. Work in progress to fill vacancies on Council to meet 12 members. Calls will be made with slate for December meeting.
  9. Orientation Program for New Council members distributed with request to review.

Next Council Meeting December 14 at 6:30 pm. Meeting is open to members of the congregation.

Minutes form Council Meetings are located in Library.


Please join us for Fellowship Hour during the months of

November, December.

Thank you to the following people for signing up to hostess!

November 21 – Sue Wagner and Sue Melchert

November 28 –  Brenda Holderman and Janet/ Callie Moore

December 5 – Debbie Downs and Grace Peterson


I saw the light, I saw the light
No more darkness, no more night
Now I’m so happy no sorrow in sight
Praise the Lord, I saw the light


To watch our live streamed services at 9:30 am and 11:30 am on Sunday mornings, go to gracelutherantoledo.org and scroll to the bottom of the home page. There is a link to connect you to the live services and also all previous recorded services. Join us online!


Greetings in Christ!

God is good! All the time!

And all the time, God is good!

The Bible tells us in

1 Thessalonians 5:18 to

“Give thanks in all circumstances;

for this is the will of God in

Christ Jesus for you.”

This is not always easy to do, but if

we took time to think about the

many blessings of God in our lives,

we would be much better off than if

we dwell on the things we see as

difficult and disappointing.

Think of when God brought

something good out of difficulty.

So, on this Thanksgiving Day, and

every day, give thanks to God no

matter what the circumstances.

Love one another.

Give thanks.

Bird in the grass – Photo by Cathy

Christian Education Ministry Team sends a big thank you to those from the congregation and to Debby Fallon and Wendy McCall and members of the Youth Group who spent a part of their Sunday afternoon packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. This program shares gift boxes with children in places around the world and then provides for a follow-up program to learn of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Thanks to all who have, in numerous ways, continued to support this special ministry to children around the world.


When someone says “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”, remember, they may not be doing it because of political correctness. They may be doing it out of respect, because from the 20th of November to January 24th, there are at least 14 different religious holidays. So, when someone says Happy Holidays to you, thank them, because they don’t know what you believe in. It may be called respect. Not a war on Christmas.

~Adapted from an article in the Toledo Lutheran Conference Call Newsletter


When you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.

(Mitzie Lange)

The dinner hour should be more than eating.

It should be about teaching, listening, and loving.

(William Bratton )


Behind the scenes at Grace ….by Gretchen

  1. The wind has done quite a number on the leaves this last week. The yard was raked and mowed and then the wind on Friday dumped more leaves. You can now see the squirrel nests high in the oak trees.
  2. Gretchen was unable to make the delivery to Tent City a weekend ago but found another organization recommended by Tent City Staff for our donation of coats and quilts/blankets. The Group is “Fellowship Matters” and they picked up everything this last Thursday and were extremely appreciative. This group provides a hot meal every Saturday on Adams and Michigan. They also distribute blankets and coats at this time. Thanks to all who donated this year!
  3. “Wrap Your Heart with A Blanket “collection will resume to coincide with Heart Health in February. If you have blankets or coats before then please let Gretchen know as she now has more room back in her office.
  4. Oink Oink -?????
  5. Have you checked out the information on the new bulletin board by the Sanctuary?? It is a Sibling and carbon copy of the information by the office. Please check it out as information on future programs and sign-up sheets will be posted.
  6. Oink Oink????
  7. Food insecurity is still a big concern in the city. If you are able, please remember Food Drop off on Mondays 9:00 am -12 noon.
  8. Personal Needs is also still in need of items.
  9. The collection bins for the Food Pantry and Personal Needs have returned to their homes in the Graceful Giving Room across from Room 3.
  10. WOW! Over 100 boxes were packed this last Sunday for Operation Christmas Child!! Thanks to the packing crew!
  11. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s Mission.



Grace Anatomy

(Not Grays Anatomy but Grace!)

Do you know where the Sacristy is? And why it is named the Sacristy?

Location: In main hallway between the Sanctuary and the Church Office, across from Classroom 3.

Definition: A room inside Christian churches for the keeping of vestments, church furnishings, and sacred vessels.

What can you find in our Sacristy: Communion linens and communion vessels; Pastor, Assistant Minister, and Acolyte Robes (Vestments); Baptismal candles; Kleenex for Funerals, Pastor and Assistant Minister Sunday Service Notebooks (Binders); Mailboxes for Church Council Members AND – mailboxes for Worship/Music, Prayer, Policy, Outreach, Connie Thomas (Christian Education, Property), Rick Sharp (Room Rental) , First Aid Kit, Candle Lighters.

Watch for next installment of Grace Anatomy in next Newsletter.


A Little Bit of What Got Left Out of the Sermon 

Last Sunday, lots and lots and lots got left out!

I am very thankful for the lectionary we use, and I thank God for the scholars who put it together, but sometimes it leaves me baffled.  Like, say, last Sunday, the 25th Sunday after Pentecost in Cycle B.  The Gospel appointed for the day is Mark 13.1-8.  Reading that much of Mark 13 is about as satisfying, to me, as watching the first play from scrimmage of a football game, seeing the quarterback take the snap, back up two steps, and then turning off the TV.  Or, planting beans in your garden, and, when the first blossoms appear, pulling out the bean plants.  It’s a good start, but it stops too soon.

The whole chapter is Jesus’ effort to help his people stay focused on following him through two events, one historical, one at the culmination of human history.  The historical one took place about 1,950 years ago, when the Roman General Titus led an army to Jerusalem and leveled the city, destroying the temple in the process.  “Not one stone will be left here upon another,” said Jesus, forty years before it happened.  “All will be thrown down.”  He was right.  We do not need to be ready for that event, any more than we need to be ready to respond when Paul Revere rides through town shouting,  “The British are coming!”  It has already happened.

The second event is Jesus’ return.  “He will come to judge the living and the dead,” we remind ourselves most Sundays, when we repeat the Apostles’ Creed.  When we use the Nicene Creed, we affirm that “He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.”

Jesus’ return has not happened yet.  We do need to be ready.  “Those in Judea must flee to the mountains; the one on the housetop must not go down or enter the house to take anything away; the one in the field must not turn back to get a coat,” right?  It’s going to be really frantic, and we’d better not delay trying to escape the danger, right?  Um, no.  That was how Jesus warned folks to respond when the Roman army showed up.

What must we be ready to do when Jesus returns?  “Then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth …”  We don’t need to be ready to do anything.  We won’t need to jump in the right direction at the right moment.  He will gather us, wherever we are, whatever we are doing.

So, what should we be doing?  How do we follow Jesus while we await his return?  Maybe we should be doing what he’s told us to be doing: rejoicing in God’s goodness, forgiving those who sin against us, caring for those who are suffering, working for justice in the world, encouraging one another, staying focused.  I’m pretty sure “Stay focused!” is what Jesus meant when he said, in the last verse of Mark 13, “And what I say to you I say to all: Keep awake!”

I think worrying about when Jesus is going to return is a distraction we don’t need.

What do you think?


Colds, Bugs and other Nasty Stuff!

The season of being in close contact with others has arrived along with the increased possibility of becoming sick ….

Have you had your flu shot? It is still not too late to get it. The CDC has concerns about the Flu being a problem this year as we are gathering again unlike last year when we were not together.

Washing your hands is still a great “bug “defense. Remember to wash with soap for at least 20 seconds or 2 rounds of “Happy Birthday”. If soap is not available use hand sanitizer that is at least 50% alcohol.

If you are placed on antibiotics remember to read the label as some need to be  taken with food and others on an empty stomach. Take as directed and try to keep at the same times to maintain a blood level of the antibiotic to fight the infection. TAKE ALL THAT is prescribed – just because you may feel better is not a reason to stop before you finish the prescription as you need entire dose to fight the infection completely.

Don’t save antibiotics and don’t share them.

Drink fluids! Eat properly with plenty of fruits and vegetables (In addition to pumpkin pie – pumpkin is a great vegetable on its own but most of us like it in a crust with whipped cream so it does not count as good).

Dress appropriately for the weather. We can lose significant heat from our head, hands, and feet.

Watch for wet slippery leaves and hidden acorns and sticks, as they can lead to a slide, tumble or even a  broken bone. Walking with your hands in your pockets keep hands warm but is not good for balance. Wear gloves or mittens and keep hands out of pockets.


Holidays and Furry Friends

1. Create a safe space for them to retreat from all the noise and people.

2. Limit table scraps. High fat scraps can cause stomach, pancreas and intestinal issues. Bones can splinter and can become stuck. Chocolate, raisins, nuts and alcohol can be toxic for your pet.

3. Stick to their schedule – same exercise program and feeding times and plenty of time for petting.

4. Decorate with care. Tinsel, ornaments, poisonous plants like a poinsettia are harmful. Christmas tree stand water can be harmful so cover the stand so no one can drink the water. Electrical cords can be viewed as chew toys so need to be covered.


Just a reminder!

If you are in the building for any reason

please remember to turn off

all lights when you leave!

Thank you!


If you have something you’d like to see in the newsletter, please send it to the office no later than Monday morning by 10:00 am. Thank you!


This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24

Photo by Cathy