By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,

                     kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and

                                                        self-control. There is no law against such things.

~Galatians 5:22-23



Bless the world: Be God’s Grace!


Sunday, October 30 10:30 a.m.

Reformation Sunday this year is on October 30. Watch the weekly announcements regarding information on a special service at 10:30 a.m. that day. Grace will welcome a special guest, German desserts will be served at Fellowship Hour, there will be a game with prizes at Fellowship Hour, photos will be taken, and a special message will be delivered!  Wear red!


Operation Christmas Child

October – Coloring books, small notebooks, pads of paper and small books.

You can drop off donations

in the Giving Grace room

or the church office.


Some thoughts to ponder!

I’ve learned that there are people who love you dearly but just don’t know how to show it. Age 41

I’ve learned that children and grandparents are natural allies. Age 47

I’ve learned that you can make someone’s day by simply sending them a little card.  Age 44

I’ve learned a smile goes a long way in extending kindness .Age 69

I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn. Age 92.


Fellowship Time

Thank you to all who help

October 2nd – Sue Wagner – Sue Melchert  

Oct. 9th – Cindy Wood – Mary Schneider 

October 16th – Contemporary Team 



Apparently there is a dress code here at Grace!!



Thank you to Mary and Donna who collect food every Monday.


A little about Mary

 Mary has been a member of Grace since 1978, and has been involved in the Food for Toledo program since August of 2020, shortly after retiring. It was a good way to interact during the pandemic. (This is just one of the many things Mary does around Grace!)

Mary and Donna met while working at Rocket Solution Central at the University of Toledo. Their friendship really developed when they would walk the University Bike Trail at lunch and after work.

Mary enjoys doing the food ministry as Grace is actually helping local people in need. She also enjoys it because they are doing it with a Methodist church. She hopes that Grace might be involved in other programs with other churches, not only Lutheran churches.

Mary was born in Mansfield, Ohio and received a degree in education at Bowling Green. She met her husband when she attended BG, and moved to Toledo after she graduated. She’s been married for 45 years and has a daughter and a grandchild, Sampson, 4 months old. She worked at the University of Toledo for 44 years in various positions and now works part time at the Toledo Museum of Art in Protective Services.

One of Mary’s favorite Bible verses is Joshua 1:9. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Mary says, “Not only do you feel good when you volunteer, but it is fun and you get to know so many people.”

Thank you, Mary for all you do.

A little about Mary’s friend, Donna. 

Donna is a member of St. John the Baptist church in Point Place. She has been helping Mary for a little over a year.

Donna met Mary working at the University of Toledo many years ago! Their friendship extends from their walks on the UT trail to wonderful time spent together shopping and enjoying lunches together.

She enjoys this ministry because she spent a few years at the Helping Hands of St. Louis, cooking, preparing, and serving food for their soup kitchen. She loves helping others and this ministry at Grace allows her to still feel she is helping others and Mary!

Donna is from Cleveland (Fairview Park), married, and lives in Point Place. She worked for the University of Toledo, has a B. A. Degree, no children, spent many years volunteering in our community for various organizations.

Donna’s favorite Bible verse is Matthew 28:20, “I am with you always till the end of time.”

Donna would like us to know that volunteering can be fun and makes you feel good – that you are helping people. She is so grateful for her life and all she has and feels the need to give back to less fortunate people.

A BIG thank you to Mary and Donna!


Pastor’s Thoughts:

      Since we began our ministry together here at Grace in May, a number of people have mentioned a desire to have a “refresher” about what it means to be a Lutheran Christian. Some recall parts of their confirmation classes, others come from different faith histories … and there seems to be a call to consider together what it is that makes Lutheranism a unique expression of the Christian faith.

October is the ideal month to do this, as we move toward Reformation Sunday on 30 October. On that day, we recall the occasion when Martin Lutheran nailed his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany, thus beginning the time that has become known as the Reformation.

Join us either on Sunday mornings at 8:15 a.m. or Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in Room 3 for some time together to hear about Luther’s life,  some of the foundational elements of Lutheran theology, and about the ministry and structure of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Sunday classes will be 2, 9, 16, and 23 October and the Wednesday classes will be 5, 12, 19, and 26 October. Join us as we learn about Luther’s early life and work, and as we consider central ideas such as “we are justified by grace through faith.”

Then, plan to join us as we commemorate the Reformation on Sunday, 30 October. On that day, we will have one worship service at 10:30 a.m. in the nave, followed by a fellowship time which will include treats and some fun activities. Don’t forget to wear red on 30 October!

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


Behind the scenes at Grace….by Gretchen

  1. Our huge and beautiful red tail hawk has been cruising over the parking lot eyeballing the ground for some of our 4-legged family. So far, we have not seen any successful capture.
  2. WOW! The choir was wonderful this Sunday! It is so great to hear them. Thanks to them, Nancy Stepleton for her directing and Debby Reeb for her    accompaniment.
  3. THE BOX IS BACK! So, what is in it? Per Pastor nothing that bites, hisses, moves under its own power, nothing that stinks, sprays bad smells or is your little sister or brother. Lucas brought a dinosaur in the box for Pastor’s Children Sermon, and it was quite the interesting discussion about what God has made and how the dinosaur fit in. Stay tuned to see what Collin brings in the box for the Children’s Sermon!
  4. The tiles in Brenner Hall are back where they are supposed to be. It is a sight to see with the lift in Brenner Hall moving around and replacing the broken ones and moving the ones back into place. If you do not like the high rides at Cedar Point don’t volunteer to fix the tiles – it is not for anyone that has a fear of heights or being on a machine that looks like it would tip over. Thanks to Ron Hiatt for being the top of the lift person and Connie Thomas for supervising!
  5. Turn on the faucets in the Brenner Hall Women’s bathroom and you can be in and out in less time. What used to be a trickle is now enough to wash your hands and sing the required rounds of Happy Birthday in less than 15 minutes – thanks to the plumber and Connie Thomas!
  6. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s Mission!



Need Some Help?

If you need help with picking up groceries or picking up other personnel items please let the church office, Gretchen or Pastor Brenda know. With Covid and the flu season fast approaching it may be difficult for members of our church family who are ill to pick up groceries or other personnel items. We will work on getting the items you need while ill and unable to get out.


Healthy People! Healthy Parish!



It is here! Officially this last Thursday at 9:04 pm! It is a wonderful season for appreciating what God has given us – wonderful vegetables and fruit to share from our   summer harvest, the stunning sunsets and sunrises, the gorgeous tree colors, and the cool temperatures making a warm quilt easier to snuggle and get a great night’s sleep to be ready to reach out to others.

Safe stuff to prepare for Fall!

  1. Have you had your furnace cleaned and checked? Dirty furnace filters can make allergies worse as well as interfere with the efficiency. It is also good to check if you have a gas furnace that there are no leaks that could lead to deadly carbon monoxide poisoning!
  2. If you have a fireplace, has it been cleaned and checked? A dirty fireplace could lead to chimney fires, a barbequed critter if one took up residence, as well as possible deadly carbon monoxide poisoning.
  3. Did you check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they are working properly?
  4. Do you have a working fire extinguisher? One next to your fireplace or wood burning stove? Check that it has not expired as they do lose their pressure – there should be a date on the tag! If your tag is gone, take to a Fire Extinguisher sales place and have them check it.
  5. It is getting dark earlier – are all your outside lights working? Do you need more lighting outside?
  6. Have a flashlight handy. Cell phones have great lights, but you may not have it with you when the power goes out! Have one in the bedroom, living area and in the basement.
  7. A night light in the hallway and bathroom that go on when it gets dark is a great idea.
  8. Have you been hanging your laundry outside this summer to dry and now using the dryer? Dryer lint is great to collect for bird’s nests in the spring but letting it collect in the dryer can lead to dryer fire! Clean out the lint trap after each load!

More next week!


Shoe the Flu!

Have you had your Flu shot yet? The CDC and numerous other important resources are strongly, and I emphasize strongly encouraging everyone from 6 months on up to get their shot before the end of October. It takes approximately 2 weeks after receiving the shot for you to have the full beneficial effects.

If you need a Covid booster the CDC is also saying you can get both at the same  visit/appointment time.

This is another way to play it safe this fall!



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24