God is our refuge and strength,

A very present help in trouble.

~Psalm 46:1

To watch our live streamed services at 9:30 am and 11:30 am on Sunday mornings, go to gracelutherantoledo.org and scroll to the bottom of the home page. There is a link to connect you to the live services and also all previous recorded services. Join us online!

The Reformation

On  October 31, 1517, there was a significant step in the Holy Spirit’s work of reforming the church.  An important and popular fund-raiser came under attack, even though:

  • A lot of churches were able to afford repairs they wouldn’t have been able to pay for without it.
  • A magnificent and beautiful building in Rome was being financed.
  • Printers trying to stay in business were getting valuable contracts.
  • Many sincere Christians, who were concerned about the suffering of departed relatives, were finding comfort in it.

Even though all these good things were happening through the sale of Indulgences, a young trouble-maker of a monk said, “I’m pretty sure this is wrong.  Let’s talk about it.”  (An Indulgence was a document certifying the church’s promise that the person for whom it was bought would be able to enter heaven much sooner than God had planned.)

So, Indulgences are now no longer for sale, and they haven’t been for a long time.  And ever since 1517, the Holy Spirit has been pleased that the church is now  flawless, right?


I’m not perfect.  Are you?  Are all of us together?  Hardly.  What we call “The Protestant Reformation” was one very significant step in a journey that began long before 1517, and has continued ever since: a journey of trying to move closer to what God has in mind for us to be.

I think it is not time to celebrate the completion of God’s perfecting us.  I think it is always time to celebrate God’s deciding not to give up on us, but to keep on  reforming us.

What do you think?


Skeletons and You!

Yes, it is Halloween, and we think of goblins and skeletons, but we should think of our skeletons all year around.

October is an important month to think of Osteoporosis – especially around Halloween!

Osteoporosis – What is it?

It is a disease that affects bones.

The body is always making and losing bone. This is called remodeling. Bone making cells form new bone using Calcium and other minerals. Changes in hormones, medications, activity or illness can affect the bone making system.

This can result in more bone being lost than made. As less bone is made, bones become weaker, and this is called osteopenia. If this becomes worse, it can lead to osteoporosis.

Bones become weak and can break from even a minor fall or even sneezing, twisting or bumping into furniture.

Osteoporosis is often called the “silent disease” because you do not know you have it until you break a bone!

Who gets osteoporosis?

  • Millions of people – 9 plus million in the United States
  • 43 million people in the US have low bone density or osteopenia that places them at risk for osteoporosis
  • 1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis
  • There are over 2 million fractures or broken bones every year!

So, what can we do?

  • Talk with your family MD about your risk factors for
  • Get a bone density test
  • Exercise – weight bearing exercises like walking help to keep bones strong. Exercises that help with balance and strength help prevent falls
  • Eat a nutritious diet which includes foods with calcium and Vitamin D (if you have a history of kidney stones talk with your MD about Calcium – some kidney stones are made up of Calcium so they may limit your intake)
  • Get enough Vitamin D
  • Avoid Smoking and drink alcoholic beverages only in moderation

Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis can be confusing!

Osteoarthritis – is a disease that affects the cartilage and the joints

Osteoporosis – is a disease that affects bone structure.

It is not uncommon that someone can have both

Next Newsletter – Reminder on Calcium and Vitamin D!

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing

(Phyllis Diller)

Kindness , honesty, good work and curiosity are important

to have and do

( Unknown )


Please join us for Fellowship Hour during the months of

October and November.

Thank you to the following people for signing up to hostess!

October 31 – Mary Schneider and Gretchen Hiatt

November 7 – Wendy McCall and Debbie Fallon

November 14 – Cindy Wood and Mary Schneider

Bake Sale and RADA cutlery sale

Election Day is November 2, 2021 and Ruth Circle will be having a bake sale,  also selling RADA cutlery along with craft items for Fellowship Fair. We need   donations of baked goods. They can be brought to church on Sunday Oct 31 and dropped off in the Brenner Hall kitchen marked for the bake sale. They can also be brought on  Monday Nov 1 until 4pm. Thank you in advance for your help. Money from our sales go to purchase items like the Christ in Our Homes magazines and various outreach programs.


Behind the scenes at Grace….by Gretchen
  1. Fall is here with acorns, but the leaves are still green and hanging on especially the oak trees by the office.
  2. Red Cross Blood Drive registration for our next drive is open. The drive will be January 12 from 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Please get registered – there are numerous spots open.
  3. Wow – the office was a little smokey and stinky this past week. No, Cathy was not smoking but the overhead light decided to add a little drama to her day. So, the lights in the office were subdued for a day but fixed late Monday and back to normal.
  4. Ketchup Group met Monday and had a wonderful update from Scott Carpenter from the Metroparks. Next Ketchup Group is November 8 and has to do with water, Lake Erie and ships.
  5. Monday it was raining so hard we actually saw the squirrels using leaves as boats to get to their brunch from Joe! Now when we see the rabbits using Connie’s planters as boats, we need to start worrying!
  6. Don’t forget the bins for Personal Needs, Christmas Child and the Food Pantry have moved back home to the Graceful Giving Room across from Classroom #3! We are still collecting!
  7. Remember: Grace is not the building but the people of Grace.



This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24