Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,

in everything give thanks;

for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

~1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Bless the world: Be God’s Grace!



Pastor’s Thoughts:

Over the past week or so, we have watched as Hurricane Ian has created widespread and tragic havoc. Florida, Cuba, and many other places have felt its devastating effects, and the trauma and hardship of clean-up and recovery are just beginning.

We often remark with wonder on the beauty of nature: when we see amazing sunrises or sunsets, when we stand at the foot of a mountain or next to a body of water, when we feel the breathtaking stillness of a walk in the woods. But sometimes the sheer power and yes, danger, of Creation also takes our breath away. We feel how massive and powerful the wind and the water can be, and are pulled up short by that power. It is disconcerting, and we often struggle to make sense of that power, as we see the pain and destruction it can cause. What can we do in the midst of such power? How can we help those who feel it most personally?

We cannot hold back the wind or the waves. But we can move the air with our prayers, and we can push back the pressure of the force of the water’s power with our actions. We can donate our funds to Lutheran Disaster Response (checks can be sent to Lutheran Disaster Response at PO Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009, or visit at the ELCA website at and search for Lutheran Disaster Response). We can sign up to give blood, so as to offset the need in places like Florida, where blood drives are not possible at this time.

As powerfully as we feel God’s presence in the midst of the beauty of nature, may we also feel it—may we also witness to it—in the midst of the effects of Nature’s power. The power of faith has the ability to comfort, to help, to bring hope in the midst of all of life’s circumstances. May we never underestimate the power of God to move through us!

In Christ,

Pastor Brenda


Join us either on Sunday mornings at 8:15 a.m. or Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in Room 3 for some time together to hear about Luther’s life, some of the foundational elements of Lutheran theology, and about the ministry and structure of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Sunday classes will be 9, 16, and 23 October and the Wednesday classes will be 12, 19, and 26 October. Join us as we learn about Luther’s early life and work, and as we consider central ideas such as “we are justified by grace through faith.”


Fellowship Time

Thank you to all who help

Oct. 9th - Cindy Wood - Mary Schneider

October 16th - Contemporary Team


Operation Christmas Child

October - Coloring books, small notebooks, pads of paper and small books.

You can drop off donations

in the Giving Grace room

or the church office.


On Sunday, October 23rd we would like to celebrate Fall and Halloween during Fellowship Hour. I would like to have a variety of Fall (think apples and pumpkins) and Halloween treats. They can be homemade or bought. Some examples are cakes, pies, cookies, breads, cupcakes, candy, fruit, etc. It should be something that can serve 8-12 people. If you would like to donate, please e-mail or call Sue Wagner at Suegrade@aol or 419 475-8972 . Thanks in advance! Please be sure to join us on the 23rd.


Thank you, Sue Wagner!

Sue has been a member of Grace since 2007. She has been married to her husband Denny for 46 years. They have three children Janet, Darren, and John.

Her daughter Janet and her husband Ryan Moore attend Grace along with her three beautiful grandchildren Callie, Mallory, and Collin.

Sue retired from Washington Local Schools in 2020 as a second-grade teacher.

At Grace Sue attends Women at the Well, leads children’s sermons, and organizes donations for Fellowship Hour. She has also taught in Vacation Bible School. Grace Lutheran Church is a place where she enjoys Christian Fellowship and the sharing of God’s Gifts.

Her favorite Bible verse is John 3:16.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

Thank you, Sue, for the many things you do for us here at Grace.


True Evangelism

Ten little Christians standing in line. One disliked the preacher, then there were nine. Nine little Christians stayed up very late. One overslept Sunday, then there were eight. Eight little Christians on their way to heaven. One took the low road, and then there were seven. Seven little Christians chirping like chicks. One disliked the music, then there were six. Six little Christians seemed very much alive, but one lost interest, then there were five. Five little Christians pulling for heaven’s shore, but one stopped to rest, then there were four. Four little Christians, each busy as a bee. One got his feelings hurt, then there were three. Three little Christians knew not what to do. One joined the sporty crowd, then there were two. Two little Christians, our rhyme is nearly done, differed with each other, then there was one. One little Christian can’t do much tis true, brought his friend to Bible study, then there were two. Two earnest Christians, each won one more. That doubled the number, then there were four. Four sincere Christians worked early and late. Each won another, then there were eight. Eight splendid Christians if they doubled as before, in just seven Sundays, we’d have 1024.

A Jingle

In this little jingle, there is a lesson true, you belong either to the building or to the wrecking crew.

Dear Sunday School Teacher… “Please say a prayer for our Little League team. We need God’s help or a new pitcher. Thank you.” Alexander, age 10.

I know God loves everybody but He never met my sister.”. Arnold, age 8


Sunday, October 30 10:30 a.m.

Reformation Sunday this year is on October 30. Watch the weekly announcements regarding information on a special service at 10:30 a.m. that day. Grace will welcome a special guest, German desserts will be served at Fellowship Hour, there will be a game with prizes at Fellowship Hour, photos will be taken, and a special message will be delivered! Wear red!

Bakers are needed for Fellowship Hour on Reformation Sunday. If you would like to make a German dessert, contact Mary Schneider who has recipes. Or you are more than welcome to make a family recipe or find a recipe on your own.


Food for Toledo Collection October 10

I will be unavailable on October 10 for the weekly food collection. However food can be dropped off in the Giving Room on Sundays or during the week when the church office is open. Thank you to everyone who donates to this program!

Mary Schneider


Behind the scenes at Grace……by Gretchen

  1. The maple trees are gradually changing in the parking lot and are gorgeous.
  2. We had 16 people at the Active Shooter Drill this last Thursday. The Toledo Police did a tremendous job. It was quite interesting and thought provoking. Even though we knew it was a drill it was still scary. It helped us all to realize the importance of being aware of our surroundings and how we could escape. We will be conducting drills in the future. Between times check out where you are and where you can go if you have to leave quickly.
  3. Have you noticed that the TV outside the office is up and running thanks to Bob Haaf! His video camera has been capturing all sorts of activities at Grace as well as some wonderful Bible verses. Check it out on Sunday.
  4. Oh, the chipmunks have been running around on high speed especially by Fellowship Hall and one evidently was stashing something in the planter down by Brenner. Beware chipmunk of Connie Thomas !
  5. Remember : Grace is not the building but the people of Grace carrying out God’s mission!


Healthy People ! Healthy Parish!


Imagine this downtown!

Tent City is fast approaching on October 21- 23. This is held on Jackson Street downtown. People sleep in tents experiencing how homeless individuals live on a day-to-day basis . Food, clothing and medical services are donated during this time. Grace has collected blankets and even coats the last 3 years in February. We have approximately 50 blankets, quilts, etc. so far and would love to have more. As it is getting colder, and a frost is predicted this week - if you are pulling out blankets and find you don’t need some please drop off at Grace and we will take them to Tent City .


Fall Continued!

  1. Don’t forget the sunscreen! Even though the days are shorter it is still important to protect yourself from the harmful UV rays. Don’t forget the hat and sunglasses.
  2. There are all sorts of tripping and sliding hazards now so beware of acorns, wet leaves, frost on wet leaves on the sidewalks.
  3. When driving wet leaves can be like ice if you need to come to a quick stop.
  4. Piles of leaves also make for a wonderful playing spot for kids so beware.
  5. Turn on headlights not just parking lights at dusk. Did you know that Ohio has a law that when it is raining your headlights not just parking lights need to be on!
  6. Dress for the weather - wear layers so you can peel if it gets too warm or add if cold. Don’t forget hands and head when going outside .
  7. Flying debris like rocks and sticks can cause eye damage so wear protective eyewear when leaf blowing .
  8. Raking leaves can also stir up mold and dirt so you may want to dig out those masks to wear.
  9. Raking - delegate it if you can. Otherwise: Stretch before you rake. Hold the rake close to your body, vary the direction you pull the rake. Position your legs in scissors stance, right foot forward and left foot back. Lift bagged leaves with your legs not your back. Use your legs to pull a tarp full of leaves to the curb. Do not lean out too far in front or you will feel it the next day in the low back. Wear good supportive walking shoes.
  10. Poison ivy is losing its leaves so is harder to identify so wear gloves when cleaning up outside to avoid the possible itch!
  11. Gutter cleaning – ugh and avoid and delegate especially if you have balance issues, problems walking. If you must do it always have a partner to steady the ladder and seek help if needed. Don’t use the ladder if the ground is wet either from rain or frost. Do you know the 4-foot rule? To prevent tipping backward or skidding the base of the ladder should be one foot away from the house for every 4 feet of ladder !

Stay Safe this Fall and enjoy the Season !


Speaking of Fall the Weird, Unusual and Creepy !

Think about these fears :

Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth!

Musophobia: Fear of rodents!

Nomophobia: Fear of being out of a phone’s range of service!


Thank you, Bob Haaf for all you do for us at Grace. Bob’s story.


I had been a member of Augsburg (Toledo) for a number of years when something happened that made me really angry with God—angry enough to decide that church stuff was not for me, so I quit. However, after several months of no-God-stuff I found myself watching TV worship on Sunday mornings—and then I found myself testing out a few in-person Sunday morning worship services (including Methodist, Episcopal and one Lutheran congregation in which I felt no warmth). Finally one Sunday morning I tried a congregation called Grace and, promising myself no involvement other than Sunday worship, I eventually decided to join. And now, 26 years later, Grace has become home.
I was born four-score and a few years ago in rural southern New Jersey: father, mother, brother, and four adult half-siblings. Dad had been a missionary in India (before my time) but had left the mission field because of health problems. Mom was principal of a small elementary school. Money was often in short supply, but there was always enough.
Then, after high school: lots of schooling, with breaks for a job in a lumber yard and one at the National Institute of Mental Health, marriage, adoption of two children, 35 years at the University of Toledo, divorce, colon cancer, etc—and now I’m happily retired (with four grandchildren, two of whom are rarely seen).
My favorite Bible verse? I’m not certain that one should pick favorites. But if I were to do so, it would be either Micah 6:8 (And what does the Lord require of you….?) or John 3:17 (…God sent his Son…not to condemn…but to save….).
I’ve always admired people who have plans for life and then work toward achieving their goals—but I’m not one of those people. Along the way I’ve been given certain gifts, and I try to use them as best I can. And life has led me on an interesting journey. Or was that God who was leading?


This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

~Psalm 118:24